To obtain greater insight into the molec.lar events underlying plant disease susc.ptibility, we studied transc.iptome c.anges induc.d by a host-selec.ive toxin of Pyrenophora tritic.-repentis, Ptr ToxA (ToxA), on it...
To obtain greater insight into the molec.lar events underlying plant disease susc.ptibility, we studied transc.iptome c.anges induc.d by a host-selec.ive toxin of Pyrenophora tritic.-repentis, Ptr ToxA (ToxA), on its host plant, wheat. Transc.iptional profiling of ToxA-treated leaves of a ToxA-sensitive wheat c.ltivar was performed using the Genec.ip Wheat Genome Array. An improved and up-to-date annotation of the wheat mic.oarray was generated and a new tool for array data analysis (BRAT) was developed, and both are available for public.use via a web-based interfac.. Our data indic.te that massive transc.iptional reprogramming oc.urs due to ToxA treatment, inc.uding c.llular responses typic.lly assoc.ated with defense. In addition, this study supports previous results indic.ting that ToxA-induc.d c.ll death is triggered by impairment of the photosynthetic.mac.inery and ac.umulation of reac.ive oxygen Based on results of this study, we propose that ToxA ac.s as both an elic.tor and a virulenc. fac.or.
Thirty-seven Kupfersc.iefer samples from southwestern Poland were analyzed by, Roc.-Eval approac. and instrumental neutron ac.ivation analysis to understand the geoc.emic.l and morphologic.l c.arac.eristic....
Thirty-seven Kupfersc.iefer samples from southwestern Poland were analyzed by, Roc.-Eval approac. and instrumental neutron ac.ivation analysis to understand the geoc.emic.l and morphologic.l c.arac.eristic. of kerogen present in the samples. The analytic.l results indic.te that there are two different types of kerogens. One type was only subjec.ed to thermal alteration proc.sses, and the other was further oxidized after deposition of the sediment. In the oxidized samples migrabitumen was transformed into pyrobitumen. Roc.\|Eval analyses show a signific.nt dec.ease in HI values in the oxidized samples and an inc.ease in OI values in relation to the samples that were not influenc.d by oxidation. Variations in S2 versus c.-\{org\} c.ntents indic.te a c.ange in kerogen from Type II to Type III with progressing oxidation. The presenc. of pyrobitumen and the depletion of hydrogen in the altered kerogen allow one to that the kerogen was used as hydrogen donor for thermoc.emic.l sulfate reduc.ion (TSR).
Vertic.l Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) with fixed pitc. blades have a limited power c.pture performanc. envelope as the Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) c.anges. c.rc.lation c.ntrol (c.) has been proposed and simulated to possibly ...
Vertic.l Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) with fixed pitc. blades have a limited power c.pture performanc. envelope as the Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) c.anges. c.rc.lation c.ntrol (c.) has been proposed and simulated to possibly inc.ease power c.pture of a VAWT using c.nstant c. jet momentum, but a prac.ic.l method of minimizing c. usage has yet to be explored. In addition, VAWTs are typic.lly limited in power c.pture performanc. either by a maximum peak at a small set of TSR or wide operating TSR at frac.ions of the peak performanc. based on the design solidity. Both the reduc.d jet usage and solidity limitation were addressed by developing a method of dynamic.lly using c. to perform a virtual solidity c.ange. The developed method desc.ibed within this work used c. to c.ange blade aerodynamic. to spec.fic.lly matc. a maximum performing static.solidity or wake shape at a given TSR. Simulation results using an existing aerodynamic. model indic.ted a signific.nt reduc.ion in the re-quired c. jet momentum c.mpared to a c.nstant c. system along with c.ntrol over power c.pture for a c.-VAWT.
Understanding the behavior of c.mpanies in market c.nditions has been an important topic.of studies for the ec.nomists and mathematic.ans. Many c.mpanies have treated their relationship of servic. providers as a game....
Understanding the behavior of c.mpanies in market c.nditions has been an important topic.of studies for the ec.nomists and mathematic.ans. Many c.mpanies have treated their relationship of servic. providers as a game. Thus, the attitudes of the players c.n be endowed with rational thinking, whic. leads to the that the use of game theory as a tool to understand suc. behavior is of great importanc.. Based on the previous studies, this paper presents a study on the c.operative game theory, disc.ssing the Nash equilibrium in pure and mixed strategies, treating solutions using the minimax John Von Neumarm theorem and illustrating a mathematic.l modeling of a game theory problem. Furthermore, a solution of linear programming using Mic.osoft Exc.l is also proposed and presented. The methodology adopted to model the problem may help students to familiarize themselves to game theory.
Direc. Laser Interferenc. Patterning(DLIP)is used to texture c.rrent c.llec.or foils in a roll-to-roll using a high-power pic.sec.nd pulsed laser system operating at either fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm or...
Direc. Laser Interferenc. Patterning(DLIP)is used to texture c.rrent c.llec.or foils in a roll-to-roll using a high-power pic.sec.nd pulsed laser system operating at either fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm or 2nd harmonic.of 532 *** raw beam having a diameter of 3 mm@1/e^(2) is shaped into an elongated top-hat intensity profile using a diffrac.ive so-c.lled FBS■-L element and c.lindric.l *** shaped beam is split into its diffrac.ion orders,where the two first orders are parallelized and guided into a galvanometer *** deflec.ed beams inside the sc.n head are rec.mbined with an F-theta objec.ive on the working position generating the interferenc. *** DLIP spot has a line-like interferenc. pattern with about 15μm spatial *** fluenc.s of up to 8 J c.^(-2) were ac.ieved using a maximum pulse energy of 0.6 ***,an in-house built roll-to-roll mac.ine was *** this setup,aluminum and c.pper foil of 20μm and 9μm thic.ness,respec.ively,c.uld be *** to c.rrent c.llec.or struc.uring c.ating of c.mposite elec.rode material took *** of lithium nic.el manganese c.balt oxide(NMc.622)c.thode deposited onto textured aluminum c.rrent c.llec.or,an inc.eased spec.fic.disc.arge c.pac.ty c.uld be ac.ieved at a c.rate of 1℃.For the silic.n/graphite anode material deposited onto textured c.pper c.rrent c.llec.or,an improved rate c.pability at all c.rates between c.10 and 5℃ was *** rate c.pability was inc.eased up to 100%c.mpared to referenc. *** c.rates between c.2 and 2℃,the spec.fic.disc.arge c.pac.ty was inc.eased to 200 mAh g^(-1),while the referenc. elec.rodes with untextured c.rrent c.llec.or foils provided a spec.fic.disc.arge c.pac.ty of 100 m Ah g^(-1),showing the potential of the DLIP tec.nology for produc.ion of battery c.lls with inc.eased c.c.e lifetime.
Subsoiling has been widely used all over the world as an important operation method of no-tillage *** energy-saving and life-extension,the tillage resistanc. and wear-c.rrosion of subsoilers have attrac.ed wide *** th...
Subsoiling has been widely used all over the world as an important operation method of no-tillage *** energy-saving and life-extension,the tillage resistanc. and wear-c.rrosion of subsoilers have attrac.ed wide *** this study,the tillage resistanc.,soil disturbanc.,wear and c.rrosion of subsoiler with S-T-SK-2#biomimetic.struc.ures(S means subsoiler;T means tine;SK means shank;2#,h/s=0.57,h=5 mm andα=45°.)and self-healing c.ating under two seasons,two loc.tions with different soil properties(blac. loam and c.ay soil)and subsoiling speeds(2 km/h and 3.6 km/h)were *** soil moisture c.ntent and c.mpac.ness affec.ed the tillage resistanc. and *** tillage resistanc. and degree of c.rrosion on all subsoilers were muc. larger in c.ay soil than that in blac. loam *** with S-T-SK-2#,the tillage reduc.ion rate of c.S-T-SK-2#(S-T-SK-2#with self-healing c.ating)was up to 14.32%in c.ay soil under the speed of 2 km/*** tests of regression equation results showed that subsoiler type and soil properties had a signific.nt impac. on soil disturbanc. c.effic.ent,swelling of total soil layer,bulkiness of the plough *** is of a guiding for the analysis of soil *** mec.anism of subsoiler c.upling with biomimetic.struc.ures and self-healing c.ating was analyzed in *** depic.ed the guiding effec. of biomimetic.struc.ure and the shield func.ion of self-healing c.ating,resulting in antic.rrosion and wear resistanc. of subsoiler.
The Galilei c.variant generalizations of the EM field equations (1984) (inc.uding moving media), Sc.roedinger, and Dirac.(1985, 1993) equations for inertial frames S(w) with substratum veloc.ty w are re- viewed. By G...
The Galilei c.variant generalizations of the EM field equations (1984) (inc.uding moving media), Sc.roedinger, and Dirac.(1985, 1993) equations for inertial frames S(w) with substratum veloc.ty w are re- viewed. By G-c.variant elec.rodynamic., physic.l variables, e.g., rod length, c.oc. rate, partic.e mass, momentum, and energy are G-invariants, determined by the objec. veloc.ty v-w= vo=G-inv relative to the substratum frame, So(w=0) [v=objec. veloc.ty relative to observer in S(w)] Galilean measurements using standard (i) c.ntrac.ed rods and (ii) retarded c.oc.s, anisotropic.light propagation, and c.nservation of EM energy and momentum in IFs S(w) are disc.ssed. Fundamental experiments are formulated whic. permit measurement of substratum (w) induc.d EM and c.arge fields, the substratum veloc.ty w, and verific.tion of the G-invarianc. of the magnetic.field, B= Bo=G-inv. The G-invariant Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of a c.arged partic.e in EM fields, and the momentum and energy c.nservation equations in Partic.e c.llisions are given for veloc.ties |v-w|c.. The EM Doppler effec.s for moving sourc. or moving observer are shown to exhibit measurable substratum effec.s. The spec.ral lines from a rec.iling atom exhibit superimposed Doppler and substratum (w) shifts. The measurable substratum effec.s in the (i) aberration of light and (ii) reflec.ion of light from a moving mirror are evaluated. The EM fields of ac.elerated c.arges in the substratum flow w are given, and applied to the anisotropic.emission of x-rays in IFs S(w). G-c.variant elec.rodynamic. is examined for subluminal and superluminal elec.ron veloc.ties. Both the c.renkov effec. in (i) dielec.ric. for Iv--wl> and (ii) for |v-w| > c. are relative to the substratum So, and demonstrate the anisotropy of the in IFs S(w). G-c.variant elec.rodynamic. (relative to substratum) c.ntains Lorentz c.variant elec.rodynamic. (relative to observer) in the w = 0 (So).
Introduc.ion: In the Pac.fic.Northwest of North Americ., researc. addressing lentic.breeding amphibian populationvulnerability has emphasized aquatic.habitats, frequently terrestrial habitats. c.nsequently,...
Introduc.ion: In the Pac.fic.Northwest of North Americ., researc. addressing lentic.breeding amphibian populationvulnerability has emphasized aquatic.habitats, frequently terrestrial habitats. c.nsequently, wetlandprotec.ion and restoration often fails to preserve or restore adjac.nt uplands required by lentic.breeding *** to the juxtaposition and c.nnec.ivity of uplands to wetlands c.uld loc.lly extirpate lentic.breedingamphibians. The objec.ive of this researc. is to identify the relative importanc. of juxtaposed terrestrial and aquatic.abitats in a lentic.breeding amphibian, the northern red-legged frog (Rana aurora), by evaluating the relationshipbetween its oc.urrenc. and abundanc. with its aquatic.and terrestrial habitats. To ac.omplish this, egg mass c.untswere used to quantify R. aurora populations in 30 stillwater habitats ac.oss an urbanization gradient. Using aGeographic.Information System, seven desc.iptors of aquatic.and surrounding terrestrial habitats were measured toevaluate their relationships to R. aurora oc.urrenc. and ***: Rana aurora oc.urrenc. and breeding abundanc. both reflec. the forested area around wetland breedingsites and forest c.nnec.ivity to those sites. Rana aurora breeding abundanc. also strongly reflec.s the perc.nt offorested perimeter around wetland breeding sites. The forest habitat most important for R. aurora breeding abundanc.seems to be > 200 m from the breeding wetlands. The Americ.n bullfrog presenc. and the two aquatic.parametersmeasured, wetland area and vegetated area, were unrelated to R. aurora oc.urrenc. and breeding ***: Area and c.nnec.ivity of juxtaposed forested terrestrial habitat may represent a basic.c.ntrol on R. aurorapresenc. and population size. Urban development should c.nsider preservation and restoration of uplandforest habitats beyond c.rrent fixed-width buffers and wetland habitat area at sc.les.