It is rare in the annals of sc.enc. for a single public.tion to provide a definitive introduc.ion to a previously unknown group of animals. Yet this was the with the monograph that inc.uded the initial desc.iptio...
It is rare in the annals of sc.enc. for a single public.tion to provide a definitive introduc.ion to a previously unknown group of animals. Yet this was the with the monograph that inc.uded the initial desc.iptions of an important, extinc. group of fossil animals: the c.nodonts. The public.tion, by c.ristian Heinric. Pander, appeared in St Petersburg in 1856. The volume of ninety-one pages, written in German and ac.ompanied by seven beautifully exec.ted plates, was issued by the Imperial Ac.demy of Sc.enc.s as part of a series entitled Geognostisc.e Besc.reibung der Russisc.-Baltisc.en Gouvernements.
Some years ago, we published a new of Pelvetia, namely, P. siliquosa and briefly disc.ssed its distribution. This was reported from the eastern c.ast of the Shantung Peninsula, from Dairen on the Liaot...
Some years ago, we published a new of Pelvetia, namely, P. siliquosa and briefly disc.ssed its distribution. This was reported from the eastern c.ast of the Shantung Peninsula, from Dairen on the Liaotung Peninsula and from South Huangc.eng Island of the Miaotao Islands at the Strait of Pohai. Sinc. 1953, more data on the distribution of this plant have been ac.umulated, showing its muc. wider distribution than we first thought. Ac.ording to the new data, at the Shantung