This paper reviews recent experimental work done with the off line source ARTEMIS-B at the *** source was built during the year 2005 and provides opportunities for off line development that can benefit the Coupled Cyc...
This paper reviews recent experimental work done with the off line source ARTEMIS-B at the *** source was built during the year 2005 and provides opportunities for off line development that can benefit the Coupled Cyclotron Facility(CCF)operation while minimizing the time taken away from the nuclear experimental *** Artemis-B setup includes many beam diagnostics and a detailed description of the emittance scanner(allison)and emittance measurement method is presented.A first beam dynamics study indicates that the analysis magnet has strong field aberrations and that the beam size in the dipole must be small in order to avoid significant beam brightness degradation.A second study compares beam brightness for different focusing systems between the ECR ion source and the analyzing *** electrostatic devices:a quadrupole triplet and a double quadrupole doublet have been tested successively and compared to a magnetic focusing *** experimental results tend to indicate a better beam brightness at smaller emittance for the electrostatic devices,although emittances measured for each focusing element were for a large part dependant on the tuning procedure developed to minimize the effects of the analyzing magnet.