


  • 29 篇 期刊文献


  • 29 篇 电子文献
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  • 20 篇 医学
    • 19 篇 临床医学
    • 1 篇 公共卫生与预防医...
    • 1 篇 医学技术(可授医学...
  • 3 篇 理学
    • 2 篇 数学
    • 1 篇 生物学
  • 3 篇 工学
    • 1 篇 仪器科学与技术
    • 1 篇 材料科学与工程(可...
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    • 1 篇 农业工程
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    • 2 篇 应用经济学
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    • 1 篇 园艺学
  • 1 篇 管理学
    • 1 篇 公共管理


  • 5 篇 prognosis
  • 4 篇 mali
  • 3 篇 cancer
  • 3 篇 segou
  • 3 篇 diagnosis
  • 3 篇 child
  • 2 篇 sub-saharan afri...
  • 2 篇 guinea
  • 2 篇 surgery
  • 1 篇 receptors
  • 1 篇 anthropogenic
  • 1 篇 young athlete
  • 1 篇 abdominoperineal
  • 1 篇 rectum
  • 1 篇 rheumatology
  • 1 篇 hospital of sika...
  • 1 篇 biochemical and ...
  • 1 篇 histology
  • 1 篇 open
  • 1 篇 ileosigmoid node


  • 3 篇 reference center...
  • 3 篇 department of pe...
  • 2 篇 bla reference he...
  • 2 篇 koutiala referen...
  • 2 篇 general surgery ...
  • 2 篇 general surgery ...
  • 2 篇 pathological ana...
  • 2 篇 nianankoro fomba...
  • 2 篇 gabriel toure un...
  • 2 篇 pediatric surger...
  • 2 篇 pital nord franc...
  • 2 篇 dga-research/isa...
  • 2 篇 common reference...
  • 1 篇 reference health...
  • 1 篇 teaching and res...
  • 1 篇 service de mdeci...
  • 1 篇 department of ge...
  • 1 篇 cardiology depar...
  • 1 篇 department of ge...
  • 1 篇 rheumatology dep...


  • 13 篇 adama bah
  • 6 篇 bah amadou
  • 5 篇 adama moussa sak...
  • 5 篇 togo adégné
  • 5 篇 alpha sanogo
  • 5 篇 saye zakari
  • 4 篇 traoré bathio
  • 4 篇 diallo aly bouba...
  • 4 篇 diakité ibrahima
  • 4 篇 samaké moussa
  • 4 篇 kanté lassana
  • 4 篇 moustapha niasse
  • 4 篇 dembélé bakary t...
  • 4 篇 traoré amadou
  • 4 篇 koné tani
  • 4 篇 sidibé boubacar ...
  • 4 篇 diallo mamadou
  • 4 篇 traoré alhassane
  • 4 篇 aboubacar diallo
  • 4 篇 tidiani traoré


  • 29 篇 英文
检索条件"作者=adama Bah"
29 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Ankylosing Spondylitis in a West African Hospital
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Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases 2023年 第1期13卷 8-16页
作者: Abdoulaye Barry Oumar Diouhé bah adama bah Mamadou Lamine Diallo Kaba Condé Samba Frein Condé Aly Badra Kamissoko Rheumatology Department of the National Ignace Deen Hospital in Conakry Conakry Guinea Biomar 24 Medical Laboratory Conakry Guinea
Introduction: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an inflammatory rheumatic disease characterized by predominant axial and peripheral (enthesitis, sacroiliitis) involvement affecting young subjects aged 30 to 40 years, 80%... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Osgood Schlatter Disease: Study of 2 Observations in Conakry, Guinea
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Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases 2024年 第2期14卷 77-83页
作者: adama bah Laetitia Cynthia Abandazegoue Andjembe Abdoulaye Barry Mamadou Lamine Diallo Moustapha Niasse Aly Badra Kamissoko Rheumatology Department Ignace Deen Hospital Conakry Conakry Guin&#233e Rheumatology Department CHU Aristide Le Dantec of Dakar Dakar S&#233n&#233gal Department of Rhumatology Sylvanus Olypio University Hospital Lom&#233 Lom&#233 Togo
Introduction: OSD is a growth osteochondrosis affecting the apophyseal cartilage of the anterior tibial tuberosity of the knee, 20 to 30% of young growing athletes suffer from this pathology, described by Osgood and S... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Osteoarticular Manifestations of Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Study of an Observation and Review of the Literature
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Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2024年 第11期13卷 490-501页
作者: Fatou Sow Diouck adama bah Harouna Ousmane Sow Moustapha Niasse Amy Thiam Birahim Lo Matar Ndiaye Saidou Diallo Department of Rheumatology Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital Dakar Senegal Department of Rheumatology Ignace Deen National Hospital Conakry Guinea Departement of Hematology Biology and Oncology Hematology National Blood Transfusion Center Dakar Senegal Department of Clinical Hematology Dalal Diam Hospital Dakar Senegal Department of Medical Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital Dakar Senegal
Introduction: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a monoclonal hematological malignancy characterized by infiltration of the bone marrow by more than 20% of hematopoietic cells with blocked differentiation, called b... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Bilateral Cervical Ribs Fusing or Naffziger Syndrome: About an Observation in Guinea and Literature Review
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Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases 2024年 第4期14卷 157-164页
作者: adama bah Fatou Sow Diouck Laetitia Cynthia Abandazegoue Andjembe Moustapha Niasse Birahim Lo Seydina Omar Cissé Mohamed Lamine Keïta Aly Badra Kamissoko Rheumatology Department Ignace Deen National Hospital Conakry Guinea Rheumatology Department Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital Dakar Senegal Medical Department Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital Dakar Senegal Orthopaedic Traumatology Department Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital Dakar Senegal
Thoraco-brachial outlet syndrome (TDSD) or cervical rib brings together all the clinical symptoms (arterial, neurological and/or venous) due to extrinsic, intermittent or permanent compression of the vascular-nervous ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Management of Trauma to the External Genitalia at the Nianankoro-Fomba Hospital in Segou Mali
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Open Journal of Urology 2022年 第6期12卷 376-382页
作者: Sory Ibrahim Koné Abdoulaye Kassogué Brehima Samaké Mahamoudou Keita Tidiani Traore Abdoulaye Nouhoum Coulibaly Mamadou adama Togo Thierno Boubacar Bagayoko adama bah Aminata Fofana Alpha Sanogo Damissa Coulibaly Sidi Modibo Doucouré Honoré Jean Gabriell Berthé Urology Department The Nianankoro Fomba Hospital Ségou Mali Paediatric Ward The Nianankoro Fomba Hospital Ségou Mali General Surgery Department The Nianankoro Fomba Hospital Ségou Mali Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department The Nianankoro Fomba Hospital Ségou Mali Ophthalmology Department The Nianankoro Fomba Hospital Ségou Mali Forensic Medicine Department The Nianankoro Fomba Hospital Ségou Mali ENT Department The Nianankoro Fomba Hospital Ségou Mali Cardiology Department The Nianankoro Fomba Hospital Ségou Mali Department of General Medicine The Nianankoro Fomba Hospital Ségou Mali Social Security Fund Ségou Mali Department of Urology CHU du Point G Bamako Mali
Trauma to the male genitalia is not very common and mainly affects a young population. There is probably a particular instinct in men to defend their external genitalia;indeed, in the flaccid state, the penis is littl... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Familial Forms of Spondyloarthritis Study of 100 Senegalese Multiplex Families
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Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases 2024年 第3期14卷 132-143页
作者: adama bah Chiekh Ahamadou Bamba Diaw Dieynaba Sala Tamara Kane adama Doucouré Siddiki Charifah Ramadhane Bouchrane Harine Abdel Aziz Garba Aissatou N’diaye Mondukpe Joane Immanuelle Houansou Laurine Marlyse Adogle Yaye Aminata Gueye Moustapha Niasse Saidou Diallo Service de Rhumatologie CHU Aristide Le Dantec Dakar Sngal Service de Rhumatologie Hpital National Ignace Deen Conakry Conakry Guine Service de Mdecine Interne Hpital Dalal Jamm de Dakar Dakar Sngal
Introduction: Spondyloarthritis (SpA) comprises a group of chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases characterized by predominant axial involvement. These include ankylosing spondylitis (AS), reactive arthritis (ReA), p... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Para Testicular Pseudotumeurs of Calcified Gait: A Case Report from the Nianankoro Fomba Segou Hospital (Mali)
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Open Journal of Urology 2022年 第12期12卷 602-606页
作者: Ibrahim Kone Sory Brehima Samaké Abdoulaye Kassogué Mahamoudou Keita Tidiani Traoré Thierno Boubacar Bagayogo adama bah Alpha Sanogo Damissa Coulibaly Abdoulaye Nouhoum Coulibaly Mamadou Togo Aminata Fofana Urology Department of the Nianankoro Fomba Segou Mali Hospital Ségou Mali General Surgery Department of the Nianankoro Fomba Segou Mali Hospital Ségou Mali Pediatrics Department of Nianankoro Fomba Segou Mali Hospital Ségou Mali Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of the Nianankoro Fomba Segou Mali Hospital Ségou Mali Forensic Medicine Department of the Nianankoro Fomba Segou Mali Hospital Ségou Mali Cardiology Department of the Nianankoro Fomba Segou Mali Hospital Ségou Mali General Medicine Department of the Nianankoro Fomba Segou Mali Hospital Ségou Mali Ophthalmology Department of Nianankoro Fomba Segou Mali Hospital Ségou Mali ENT Department of the Nianankoro Fomba Segou Mali Hospital Ségou Mali
Fibrous tumors of para testicular location are extremely rare benign tumors. The diagnosis of benignity, which allows a conservative treatment, will be made intraoperatively in front of the macroscopic aspect with wel... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Emergency C-Section on Multi-Scar Uterus: Maternal and Fetal Prognosis at the Nianankoro Fomba Hospital in Segou, Mali
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Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2023年 第5期13卷 997-1005页
作者: Tidiani Traoré Seydou Traoré Seydou Z. Dao Abdoul K. Ballo Kassoum Sidibé Brahima Donigolo Babou Traoré Famakan Kané adama Coulibaly Abdrahamane Diarisso Alima Sidibé adama Camara Yacouba Dembélé Thierno Boubacar Bagayoko Alpha Sanogo adama bah Abdoulaye Kassogue Hamidou Toungara Seydina Alioun Beye Agoustin Thera Youssou Traoré Ibrahima Teguété Niani Mounkoro Amadou Dolo Gynecology Department of Hospital Nianankoro Fomba Segou Mali Gynecology Department of Reference Health Center of Koutiala Koutiala Mali Gynecology Department of Reference Health Center of Commune II of Bamako Bamako Mali Gynecology Department of Reference Health Center of Bla Bla Mali Gynecology Department of Reference Health Center of Kayes Kayes Mali Gynecology Department of Reference Health Center of Commune V of Bamako Bamako Mali Gynecology Department of Reference Health Center of Sikasso Sikasso Mali Gynecology Department of Mohamed VI Polyclinic of Bamako Bamako Mali Gynecology Department of Point G Teaching Hospital Bamako Mali Gynecology Department of Gabriel Touré Teaching Hospital Bamako Mali Gynecology Department of Pasteur Clinic of Bamako Bamako Mali
Background: Multi-scar uterus is a uterus with two or more scars due to surgery or trauma. Objective: The aim was to compare the maternal and fetal prognosis of emergency C-sections of bi-scar uteruses to those of ute... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Maternal and Perinatal Prognosis of Artificial Induction of Labor with Misoprostol at the Reference Health Center of Commune 2 in Mali
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Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2022年 第4期12卷 267-275页
作者: Tidiani Traoré Seydou Z. Dao Seydou Traoré Adoul Azize Togo Bakary Abou Traoré Ahmadou Coulibaly Ibrahim Ousmane Kanté Kassoum Sidibé Thierno Boubacar Bagayoko Alpha Sanogo Famakan Kané adama bah Ibrahima Donigolo Babou Traoré adama Coulibaly Abdrahamane Diarisso Youssouf Traoré Ibrahima Teguété Augustin Tiongani Théra Nianankoro Fomba Hospital Ségou Mali Common Reference Health Center II Bamako Mali Koutiala Reference Health Center Koutiala Mali Point G University Hospital Center Bamako Mali Bla Reference Health Center Bla Mali Center Hospitalier Universitaire Gabriel Touré Bamako Mali
Introduction: The artificial induction of labor is increasingly common. Objective: Evaluate the maternal-fetal prognosis of artificial induction with misoprostol at the referral health center of the commune II. Method... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Seizures in Children under Five in a Pediatric Ward: Prevalence, Associated Factors and Outcomes
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Open Journal of Pediatrics 2021年 第4期11卷 627-635页
作者: Abdoul Karim Doumbia Oumou Koné Guédiouma Dembélé adama Dembelé Oumar Coulibaly Hawa Gouro Diall Karamoko Sacko Amadou Touré Pierre Togo Abdoul Aziz Diakité Mohamed Elmouloud Cissé Belco Maiga Djeneba Konaté Fatoumata Léonie Diakité Lala N’drainy Sidibe Fousseyni Traoré adama bah Djibril Kassogue Boubacar Togo Madou Traoré Department of Pediatrics at CHU Gabriel Touré Bamako Mali National Institute of Public Health Bamako Mali Mohammed VI Perinatal Clinic Bamako Mali
Introduction: convulsion is a frequent cause of neurological and cognitive sequelae and then of epilepsy. The objective of this work was to describe the socio-demographic, clinical, therapeutic, and evolutionary aspec... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论