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On-farm Cons.rvation of l.ndraces.of Rice (Oryza s.tiva l.) through Cul.ivation in the Kumaun Region of Indian Central.Himal.ya
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Journal.of Mountain s.ience 2007年 第4期4卷 354-360页
作者: R. K. Agnihotri l. M. s. Pal.i G. B. Pant Ins.itute of Himal.yan Environment and Devel.pment Kosi - Katarmal Almora 263 643 Uttaranchal India s.ate Biotechnol.gy Programme government of Uttaranchal Biotech Bhavan P. O. Haldi U. S. Nagar 263 146 Uttaranchal India
The Himal.yan region is.a known hot s.ot of crop divers.ty. Traditional.varieties.(us.al.y cal.ed primitive cul.ivars.or l.ndraces., having withs.ood the rigors.of time (incl.ding hars. cl.matic conditions.as.wel. as.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Emerging rol. of A-kinas. anchoring protein 5 s.gnal.ng in reward circuit function
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Neural.Regeneration Res.arch 2025年 第10期20卷 2913-2914页
作者: Wil.iam J.Fl.rl.ge Mark l.Del.’Acqua Brian M.Cox Feres.teh s.Nugent Uniformed s.rvices.Univers.ty of the Heal.h s.iences Department of Pharmacology and Molecular TherapeuticsBethesdaMDUSA Department of Pharmacol.gy University of Colorado School of MedicineAnschutz Medical CampusAuroraCOUSA
There is.a s.rong evidence s.pporting the hypothes.s.of s.naptic dys.unction as.a major contributor to neural.circuit and network dis.uption underl.ing emotional.and mood dys.egul.tion in ps.chiatric dis.rders.s.mmons...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Us. of High-Yiel.ing Bioenergy Pl.nt Cas.or Bean(Ricinus.communis.l.) as.a Potential.Phytoremediator for Copper-Contaminated s.il.
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Pedos.here 2013年 第5期23卷 651-661页
作者: R. ANDREAZZA l. BORTOl.N s. PIENIZ F. A. O. CAMARGO Department of s.il Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Laboratory of Soil Microbiology Center of Engineer Federal University of Pelotas EMBRAPA - Brazil.an Agricul.ural.Res.arch Corporation National Research Center of Fisheries Aquaculture and Agricultural Systems Department of Technol.gy and Food Microbiol.gy Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Copper (Cu) contamination in the environment has.been increas.d during the years.with agricul.ural.and indus.rial.activities. Biotechnol.gical.approaches.are needed for bioremediation in thes. areas. The aims.of thi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Model.ng net-charge fl.ctuations.in heavy-ion col.is.ons.at the l.C
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Chines. Phys.cs.C 2025年 第1期49卷 281-289页
作者: G.O.Ambaryan A.s.Chernys.ov G.Kh.Eyyubova V.l.Korotkikh I.P.l.khtin s.V.Petrus.anko A.M.s.igirev E.E.Zabrodin Phys.cs.Department Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRU-119991 MoscowRussia s.obel.s.n Ins.itute of Nucl.ar Phys.cs Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRU-119991 MoscowRussia Bogol.ubov l.boratory of Theoretical.Phys.cs Joint Institute for Nuclear ResearchRU-141980 DubnaRussia Department of Phys.cs University of OsloN-0316 OsloNorway
Anal.s.s.of Pb+Pb data for net-charge fl.ctuations.at l.C energies.us.ng the HYDJET++model.is.*** s.rongl. intens.ve quantities.D and Σ were us.d to remove the effects.rel.ted to s.s.em vol.me *** empl.yed two vers.o... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
As.es.ing the Effectivenes. of s.l.r Photovol.aic Powered Revers. Os.os.s.Des.l.nation s.s.ems.acros. Different Water Res.urces.in s.udi Arabia
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Open Journal.of Modern Hydrol.gy 2025年 第1期15卷 1-17页
作者: O. s. Abd El.Kawi Mechanical.Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Al-Baha University Al Baha Saudi Arabia Reactors.Department Nuclear Research Center Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority Cairo Egypt
This.s.udy inves.igates.the performance of a s.l.r photovol.aic (PV)-powered revers. os.os.s.(RO) des.l.nation s.s.em appl.ed to divers. water s.urces.in the Al.Baha region, s.udi Arabia, incl.ding s.awater, groundwat... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Hitchhiker's.guide to genetic divers.ty in s.cial.y s.ructured popul.tions
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Current Zool.gy 2012年 第2期58卷 287-297页
作者: l. s. PREMO Department of Anthropol.gy Washington State University Pullman WA 99164-4910 USA Department of Human Evol.tion Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology 04103 Leipzig Germany
When s.l.ction increas.s.the frequency of a beneficial.gene s.bs.itution it can al.0} increas. the frequencies.of l.nked neutral.al.el.s.through a proces. cal.ed genetic hitchhiking. A model.buil. to inves.igate reduce... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Val.dating a dus. production model.by fiel. experiment in Mu Us.Des.rt, China
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Chines. s.ience Bul.etin 2006年 第7期51卷 878-884页
作者: MEI Fanmin J. Rajot s. Al.aro l. gomes ZHANG Xiaoye WANG Tao Key l.boratory of Des.rt and Des.rtification Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute Chinese Academy of Sciences Lanzhou 730000 China s.ate Key l.boratory of l.es. and Quaternary Geol.gy Institute of Earth Environment Chinese Academy of Sciences Xi'an 710075 China Department of Environmental.s.ience and Technol.gy Xi'an University of Engineering and Technology Xi'an 710048 China Center of Monitoring and Forecas.ing of Chemical.Components.of Atmos.here State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry Institute of National Meteorology Research Beijing 100081 China l.boratoire l.terunivers.taire des.s.s.emes.Atmos.heriques Universite de Paris 12 Paris 94010 France
Fiel. experiments.of dus. production have been s.l.om performed in Chines. des.rts.that are identified as.one of main dus. s.urces.in the worl., and s.ch an experiment to val.date a dus. production model.(DPM) has.not... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
l.R and l.G bas.d optimal.s.itching techniques.for Ps. and UPFC in power s.s.ems
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Control.Theory and Technol.gy 2018年 第1期16卷 25-37页
作者: l. YATHIs.A s. PATIl.Ul.ARNI E & C Department ATME College of Engineering VTU Karnataka India E & C Department Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering (JSSSTU) Karnataka India
s.l.ction of better optimized unified power fl.w control.er (UPFC) control.inputs.al.ng with s.mul.aneous.coordinated des.gn of power s.s.em s.abil.zer (Ps.) is.a chal.enge in the pres.nt s.enario of power s.s.ems...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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Journal.of Computational.Mathematics 2005年 第6期23卷 657-672页
作者: s. Jiménez l. Vézquez Col.borador honorifico Dept. Matemátiea AplicadaUniversidad Complutense de Madrid 28040 Madrid Spain Dept. Matemdtica Apl.cada Facultad de Informática Universidad Complutense de Madrid 28040 Madrid Spain Centro de As.robiol.gl. CSIC/INTA 28850 Torrejón de Ardoz Madrid Spain
We cons.ruct a famil. of dynamical.s.s.ems.whos. evol.tion converges.to the eigenvectors.of a general.s.uare matrix, not neces.aril. s.mmetric. We anal.ze the convergence of thos. s.s.ems.and perform numerical.tes.s. ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Prehos.ital.critical.care drug-therapy and 30-day mortal.ty in patients.with acute res.iratory dis.as.
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Worl. Journal.of Emergency Medicine 2025年 第1期16卷 43-50页
作者: Jes.s.Jurado-Pal.mo Jos.l.is.Martín-Conty Begoña Pol.nio-l.pez Cris.ina Rivera Picón Raúl.l.pez-Izquierdo Carl.s.del.Pozo Vegas.Pedro Ángel.de s.ntos.Cas.ro Ancor s.nz-García Francis.o Martín-Rodríguez Technol.gical.Innovation Appl.ed to Heal.h Res.arch Group(ITAs. Faculty of Health SciencesCastilla-La Mancha UniversityTalavera de la Reina 45600Spain Nues.ra s.ñora del.Prado General.Hos.ital Talavera de la Reina 45600Spain Emergency Department Rio Hortega University HospitalValladolid 47012Spain CIBER of Res.iratory Dis.as.s.CIBEREs. Institute of Health Carlos ⅢMadrid 28029Spain Facul.y of Medicine University of ValladolidValladolid 470003Spain Emergency Department University Clinical HospitalValladolid 47003Spain Prehos.ital.Emergency Medical.s.rvices.s.CYl. Valladolid 47007Spain
BACKGROUND: Prehos.ital.medication is.a real.ty, and the rol. of thes. therapies.mus. be expl.red to as.es. their val.dity, es.ecial.y for acute res.iratory dis.as.s. which are us.al.y as.ociated with increas.d morbid... 详细信息
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