Mass is one of the fundamental properties of atomic nuclei. Isochronous mass spectrometry (IMS), using astorage ring combined with an in-flight separator, has been shown to be a powerful tool for mass measurementof ex...
Mass is one of the fundamental properties of atomic nuclei. Isochronous mass spectrometry (IMS), using astorage ring combined with an in-flight separator, has been shown to be a powerful tool for mass measurementof exotic nuclei[1]. Recently, masses of many proton-rich nuclides were accurately determined at the HIRFL-CSRfacility[2]. In this paper, we described the first isochronous mass measurement of neutron-rich nuclides at *** experiment was performed at the end of 2011. In the experiment, the primary beam of 86kr28+ ions wasaccumulated and accelerated to an energy of 460.65 MeV/u in the synchrotron CSRm. The 86kr28+ ions were fastextracted and focused on a 15 mm thick beryllium target which was placed at the entrance of the RIBLL2 (anin-flight fragment separator).