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91575 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
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Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) 1996年 第4期9卷 263-266页
作者: J.W.Wu,J.h. Fang and z.h.lu (National Laboratory of Molecule and Biomolecule Electronics,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096, China
wo different surface morphology characteristics of magnetron sputtered aluminumsilicon(Al-Si)alloy films deposited at 0 and 200℃ were observed by atomic force microscopy(AFM).One is irregularly shaped grains put togt... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Langmuir-Blodgett Films with Bilayer Alternation of hemicyanine Dye and Cadmium Stearate
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Chinese Physics Letters 1991年 第11期8卷 603-606页
作者: J.Y.Fang z.M.Sun S.J.Xiao z.h.lu Y.Wei P.Stroeve Laboratory of Molecular and Biomolecular Electronics Southeast UniversityNanjing 210018 Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures Nanjing UniversityNanjing 210008 Department of Chemical Engineering University of CsdiforniaDavlsCA 95616U.S.A
Multilayers consisting of bilayer alternation of hemicyanine dye and cadmium stearate have been prepared by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique.x-ray diffraction and optical absorption spectra are used to characterixe thl... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Plant-substrate biochar properties critical for mediating reductive debromination of 1,2-dibromoethane
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Journal of Environmental Sciences 2025年 第1期147卷 1-10页
作者: Jonathan h.Lindhardt Peter E.holm Yong-Guan zhu Changyong lu hans Christian B.hansen Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Faculty of ScienceUniversity of CopenhagenThorvaldsensvej 401871 Frederiksberg CDenmark Key lab of Urban Environment and health Institute of Urban EnvironmentChinese Academy of SciencesXiamen 361021China Sino-Danish Center for education and research China and DenmarkDalgas Avenue 4DK-8000 Aarhus C.Denmark
Dibromoethane is a widespread,persistent organic *** are known mediators of reductive dehalogenation by layered Fe^(Ⅱ)-Fe^(Ⅲ)hydroxides(green rust),which can reduce 1,2-dibromoethane to innocuous bromide and ***,the... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The P_(5)-saturation Game
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Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 2025年 第1期41卷 295-304页
作者: zhen hE Mei lu School of Mathematics and Statistics Beijing Jiaotong UniversityBeijing 100044China Department of Mathematical Sciences Tsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China
Let F,G and h be three graphs with G■*** call G an F-saturated graph relative to h,if there is no copy of F in G but there is a copy of F in G+e for any e∈E(h)\E(G).The F-saturation game on host graph h consists of ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
New breakthrough: Building non-markovian environments for single-qubit systems at any time interval
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年 第3期Mechanics & Astronomy) .卷 193页
作者: h.z.Shen Center for Quantum Sciences and School of Physics Northeast Normal University
The proposal of quantum simulation provides a highly effective approach for experimental research on open quantum systems. To date, numerous quantum simulation studies pertaining to open quantum systems have been put ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Amplitude analysis of the decays D^(0)→π^(+)π^(−)π^(+)π^(−)and D^(0)→π^(+)π^(−)π^(0)π^(0)
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Chinese Physics C 2024年 第8期48卷 6-33页
作者: M.Ablikim M.N.Achasov P.Adlarson O.Afedulidis X.C.Ai R.Aliberti A.Amoroso Q.An Y.Bai O.Bakina I.Balossino Y.Ban h.-R.Bao V.Batozskaya K.Begzsuren N.Berger M.Berlowski M.Bertani D.Bettoni F.Bianchi E.Bianco A.Bortone I.Boyko R.A.Briere A.Brueggemann h.Cai X.Cai A.Calcaterra G.F.Cao N.Cao S.A.Cetin J.F.Chang W.L.Chang G.R.Che G.Chelkov C.Chen C.h.Chen Chao Chen G.Chen h.S.Chen M.L.Chen S.J.Chen S.L.Chen S.M.Chen T.Chen X.R.Chen X.T.Chen Y.B.Chen Y.Q.Chen z.J.Chen z.Y.Chen S.K.Choi X.Chu G.Cibinetto F.Cossio J.J.Cui h.L.Dai J.P.Dai A.Dbeyssi R.E.de Boer D.Dedovich C.Q.Deng z.Y.Deng A.Denig I.Denysenko M.Destefanis F.De Mori B.Fang S.S.Fang W.X.Fang Y.Fang Y.Q.Fang R.Farinelli L.Fava F.Feldbauer G.Felici C.Q.Feng J.h.Feng Y.T.Feng K.Fischer M.Fritsch C.D.Fu J.L.Fu Y.W.Fu h.Gao Y.N.Gao Yang Gao S.Garbolino I.Garzia P.T.Ge z.W.Ge C.Geng E.M.Gersabeck B.Ding X.X.Ding Y.Ding Y.Ding J.Dong L.Y.Dong M.Y.Dong X.Dong M.C.Du S.X.Du z.h.Duan P.Egorov Y.h.Fan J.Fang JA.Gilman K.Goetzen L.Gong W.X.Gong W.Gradl S.Gramigna M.Greco M.h.Gu Y.T.Gu C.Y.Guan z.L.Guan A.Q.Guo L.B.Guo M.J.Guo R.P.Guo Y.P.Guo A.Guskov J.Gutierrez K.L.han T.T.han X.Q.hao F.A.harris K.K.he K.L.he F.h.heinsius C.h.heinz Y.K.heng C.herold T.holtmann P.C.hong G.Y.hou X.T.hou Y.R.hou z.L.hou B.Y.hu h.M.hu J.F.hu T.hu Y.hu G.S.huang K.X.huang L.Q.huang X.T.huang Y.P.huang T.hussain F.h\"olzken N.h\"usken N.in der Wiesche M.Irshad J.Jackson S.Janchiv J.h.Jeong Q.Ji Q.P.Ji W.Ji X.B.Ji X.L.Ji Y.Y.Ji X.Q.Jia z.K.Jia D.Jiang h.B.Jiang P.C.Jiang S.S.Jiang T.J.Jiang X.S.Jiang Y.Jiang J.B.Jiao J.K.Jiao z.Jiao S.Jin Y.Jin M.Q.Jing X.M.Jing T.Johansson S.Kabana N.Kalantar-Nayestanaki X.L.Kang X.S.Kang M.Kavatsyuk B.C.Ke V.Khachatryan A.Khoukaz R.Kiuchi O.B.Kolcu B.Kopf M.Kuessner X.Kui A.Kupsc W.K\"uhn J.J.Lane P.Larin L.Lavezzi T.T.Lei z.h.Lei h.Leithoff M.Lellmann T.Lenz C.Li C.Li C.h.Li Cheng Li D.M.Li F.Li G.Li h.Li h.B.Li h.J.Li h.N.Li hui Li J.R.Li J.S.Li K.Li L.J.Li L.K.Li Lei Li M.h.Li P.R.Li Q.M.Li Q.X.Li R.Li S.X.Li T.Li W.D.Li W.G.Li X.Li X.h.Li X.L.Li X.Y.Li Y Institute of high Energy Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China Beihang University Beijing 100191China Bochum Ruhr-University D-44780 BochumGermany Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS(BINP) Novosibirsk 630090Russia Carnegie Mellon University PittsburghPennsylvania 15213USA Central China Normal University Wuhan 430079China Central South University Changsha 410083China China Center of Advanced Science and Technology Beijing 100190China China University of Geosciences Wuhan 430074China Chung-Ang University Seoul06974Republic of Korea COMSATS University Islamabad Lahore CampusDefence RoadOff Raiwind Road54000 LahorePakistan Fudan University Shanghai 200433China GSI helmholtzcentre for heavy Ion Research Gmbh D-64291 DarmstadtGermany Guangxi Normal University Guilin 541004China Guangxi University Nanning 530004China hangzhou Normal University Hangzhou 310036China hebei University Baoding 071002China helmholtz Institute Mainz Staudinger Weg 18D-55099 MainzGermany henan Normal University Xinxiang 453007China henan University Kaifeng 475004China henan University of Science and Technology Luoyang 471003China henan University of Technology Zhengzhou 450001China huangshan College Huangshan 245000China hunan Normal University Changsha 410081China hunan University Changsha 410082China Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600036India Indiana University BloomingtonIndiana 47405USA INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN Laboratori Nazionali di FrascatiI-00044FrascatiItaly INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN Sezione di PerugiaI-06100PerugiaItaly INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati University of PerugiaI-06100PerugiaItaly INFN Sezione di Ferrara INFN Sezione di FerraraI-44122FerraraItaly INFN Sezione di Ferrara University of FerraraI-44122FerraraItaly Inner Mongolia University Hohhot 010021China Institute of Modern Physics Lanzhou 730000China Institute of Physics and Technology Peace Avenue 54BUlaanbaatar 13330Mongolia Instituto de A
Using e^(+)e^(−)annihilation data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.93 fb^(−1)taken at the center-of-mass energy√s=3.773 GeV with the BESIII detector,a joint amplitude analysis is performed on the decays... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Dynamical complexity of Anosov systems driven by a quasi-periodic force
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Science China Mathematics 2025年 第1期68卷 89-136页
作者: Wen huang zeng Lian Kening lu Department of Mathematics University of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei 230026China School of Mathematics Sichuan UniversityChengdu 610065China
Consider C^(2)Anosov systems on a compact manifold driven by a quasi-periodic *** study their dynamical complexity on various levels from the perspectives of both path-wise dynamics and stochastic *** that these syste... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
No-go guide for the hubble tension:Late-time or local-scale new physics
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年 第2期68卷 73-85页
作者: lu huang Shao-Jiang Wang Wang-Wei Yu CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics Institute of Theoretical PhysicsChinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)Beijing100190China Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics(APCTP) Pohang37673Korea Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik(Albert-Einstein-Institut) HannoverD-30167Germany Leibniz Universität hannover Hannover30167Germany
The standard model of modern cosmology might be cracked by the recent persistent hot debate on the hubble-constant(h_(0))tension,which manifests itself as the sound-horizon(r_(s))tension or absolute-magnitude(M_(B))te... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Numerical Study of Flow and heat Transfer Characteristics of Shell-and-Tube Molten Salt Electric heater with Circularly Perforated Baffles
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Journal of Thermal Science 2025年 第1期34卷 24-33页
作者: LIN Yongjie zhANG Cancan WU Yuting zhANG Yi lu Yuanwei Key Laboratory of heat Transfer and Energy Conversion National User-Side Energy Storage Innovation Research and Development CenterBeijing University of TechnologyBeijing 100124China
Numerical simulations of the flow and heat transfer characteristics of four shell-and-tube molten salt electric heaters with different perforation rates was ***-and-tube electric heaters have the same geometry and tub... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Mechanism of extracellular electron transport and reactive oxygen mediated Sb(Ⅲ)oxidation by Klebsiella aerogenes hC10
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Journal of Environmental Sciences 2025年 第1期147卷 11-21页
作者: Qun Rong Chaolan zhang Caiyuan Ling Dingtian lu Linjiang Jiang College of Resources Environment and Materials Guangxi UniversityNanning 530004China School of Environment and Life Science Nanning Normal UniversityNanning 530001China
Microbial oxidation and the mechanism of Sb(Ⅲ)are key governing elements in biogeochemical cycling.A novel Sb oxidizing bacterium,Klebsiella aerogenes hC10,was attracted early and revealed that extracellular metaboli... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论