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116229 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
Generation of brain vascular heterogeneity:recent advances from the perspective of angiogenesis
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第7期20卷 2013-2014页
作者: Nathanael J.lee Ryota l.Matsuoka Department of Neurosciences Lerner Research InstituteCleveland ClinicClevelandOHUSA Department of Molecular Medicine Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of MedicineCase Western Reserve UniversityClevelandOHUSA
Heterogeneous proper t i es of vascular endothelial cells in the brain:The brain displays large energy dynamics and consumption,and this high level of metabolic demands is fulfilled by a continuous supply of glucose a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Kinetics of the reaction of OH radical with ethylfluoroacetate,ethyl 4,4,4-trifluorobutyrate,and butylfluoroacetate
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Journal of Environmental Sciences 2025年 第5期151卷 273-283页
作者: Pedro l.lugo Vianni Straccia Mariano A.Teruel María B.Blanco laboratorio Universitario de Química y Contaminación del Aire(l.U.Q.C.A) Institute for Research in Physical Chemistry of Córdoba(I.N.F.I.Q.C.)Department of Physical ChemistryFaculty of Chemical SciencesNational University of CórdobaUniversity CityCórdoba 5000Argentina Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Research University of WuppertalWuppertal DE-42097Germany
Kinetics of the gas-phase reactions of•OH radicals with a series of fluoroesters were studied for the first time at 298±3 K and atmospheric *** rate coefficients were determined by in situ FTIR spectroscopy in nitrog... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Abrasive wear behavior of functionally graded Al_(3)Ti reinforced aluminum matrix composite
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China Foundry 2025年 第1期22卷 45-54页
作者: Eylül Tuğçe Yaman Yildiz Ömer Savaş Muhammed Soner Başer Engin Kocaman Ince Shipping Group 34724IstanbulTurkey Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Naval Architecture and Maritime34349IstanbulTurkey Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure General Directorate of Marine Affairs06338AnkaraTurkey Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University Faculty of EngineeringDepartment of Aerospace Engineering67100ZonguldakTurkey
Aluminum alloys are widely used in industry due to their light *** alloys are generally exposed to abrasive wear,which diminishes their effective *** wear resistance of these alloys is enhanced by adding various reinf... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Analysis of the redox environment and genesis of surface sediment in the northeast Indian Ocean at the Ninety-East Ridge
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Journal of Oceanology and limnology 2025年 第1期43卷 57-72页
作者: Zhourong CAI Qianru HUANG Zhengxin YIN xin SUI Sibo lÜ Meng TANG Juan PENG School of Marine Sciences Sun Yat-sen UniversityZhuhai 519082China Guangdong Provincial Key laboratory of Marine Resources and Coastal Engineering Zhuhai 519082China South China Sea Marine Survey Center Ministry of Natural ResourcesGuangzhou 510275China Key laboratory of Marine Environmental Survey Technology and Application Ministry of Natural ResourcesGuangzhou 510275China
The Ninety-East Ridge(NER)is located in the semioceanic to oceanic region of the southern Bengal Fan in the Northeast Indian *** sedimentary environment,ocean currents,and scientific issues related to climate change h... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Non-existence of Shimura curves of Mumford type generically in the non-hyperelliptic locus
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Science China Mathematics 2025年
作者: xin lü Shengli Tan Kang Zuo School of Mathematical Sciences Key Laboratory of Mathematics and Engineering Applications(Ministry of Education) Shanghai Key Laboratory of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical PracticeEast China Normal University School of Mathematics and Statistics Wuhan University Institut für Mathematik Universit?t Mainz
We show that there does not exist any Shimura curve with a strictly maximal Higgs field generically in the Torelli locus of non-hyperelliptic curves of genus g≥4. In particular, Shimura curves of Mumford type are not...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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Acta Mathematica Scientia 2025年 第1期45卷 257-263页
作者: Christoph BÖRGERS Eric l.GRINBERG Mehmet ORHON Junhao SHEN Department of Mathematics Tufts UniversityMedfordMA02155USA Department of Mathematics University of Massachusetts BostonBostonMA02125USA Department of Mathematics&Statistics University of New HampshireDurhamNH03824USA
The Steiner-lehmus equal bisectors theorem originated in the mid 19th *** its age,it would have been accessible to Euclid and his *** theorem remains evergreen,with new proofs continuing to appear *** theorem has fost... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Rapid detection of colored and colorless macroand micro-plastics in complex environment via near-infrared spectroscopy and machine learning
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Journal of Environmental Sciences 2025年 第1期147卷 512-522页
作者: Hui-Huang Zou Pin-Jing He Wei Peng Dong-Ying lan Hao-Yang xian Fan lü Hua Zhang Institute of Waste Treatment&Reclamation College of Environmental Science and EngineeringTongji UniversityShanghai 200092China Shanghai Institute of Pollution Control and Ecological Security Shanghai 200092China
To better understand the migration behavior of plastic fragments in the environment,development of rapid non-destructive methods for in-situ identification and characterization of plastic fragments is ***,most of the ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Human health risks associated to trace elements and metals in commercial fish from the Brazilian Amazon
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Journal of Environmental Sciences 2025年 第2期148卷 230-242页
作者: Andrea V.Waichman Gabriel Silva de Souza Nunes Rhaul de Oliveira Isabel lópez-Heras Andreu Rico Federal University of the Amazon Institute of Biological SciencesAv.Rodrigo Ramos 3000Manaus 69077-000Brazil Federal University of Pernambuco Department of ZoologyAv.Prof Moraes Rego 1235Cidade UniversitáriaRecife 50670-901Brazil University of Campinas School of TechnologyRua Paschoal Marmo 1888-Jd.Nova ItáliaLimeira 13484-332Brazil IMDEA Water Institute Science and Technology Campus of the University of AlcaláAv.Punto Com 2Alcaláde Henares 28805MadridSpain Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology University of Valenciac/Catedrático JoséBeltrán 246980PaternaValenciaSpain
Fish constitutes the main protein source for the Amazonian ***,the impact of different anthropogenic activities on trace element and metal accumulation in fish and their risks for human health at a regional scale rema... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Prehospital critical care drug-therapy and 30-day mortality in patients with acute respiratory disease
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World Journal of Emergency Medicine 2025年 第1期16卷 43-50页
作者: Jesús Jurado-Palomo Joséluis Martín-Conty Begoña Polonio-lópez Cristina Rivera Picón Raúl lópez-Izquierdo Carlos del Pozo Vegas Pedro Ángel de Santos Castro Ancor Sanz-García Francisco Martín-Rodríguez Technological Innovation Applied to Health Research Group(ITAS) Faculty of Health SciencesCastilla-La Mancha UniversityTalavera de la Reina 45600Spain Nuestra Señora del Prado General Hospital Talavera de la Reina 45600Spain Emergency Department Rio Hortega University HospitalValladolid 47012Spain CIBER of Respiratory Diseases(CIBERES) Institute of Health Carlos ⅢMadrid 28029Spain Faculty of Medicine University of ValladolidValladolid 470003Spain Emergency Department University Clinical HospitalValladolid 47003Spain Prehospital Emergency Medical Services(SACYl) Valladolid 47007Spain
BACKGROUND: Prehospital medication is a reality, and the role of these therapies must be explored to assess their validity, especially for acute respiratory diseases, which are usually associated with increased morbid... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Risk factors, prevention and screening of colorectal cancer: A rising problem
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2025年 第5期31卷 117-123页
作者: Vladislav V Tsukanov Alexander V Vasyutin Julia l Tonkikh Clinical Department of The Digestive System Pathology of Adults and Children Federal Research Center“Krasnoyarsk Science Center”of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of SciencesScientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the NorthKrasnoyarsk 660022Russia
Colorectal cancer(CRC)is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death *** leading risk factors for CRC include male gender,age over 50,family history,obesity,tobacco smoking,al... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论