检索条件"作者=X.S. Fan and j. T. guo Laboratory of Atomic Imaging of Solids, Institute of Metal Research, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110015, China"
By using AP-FIM t.e varit. of t.e ordered degree of Ni_3Al wit. L1_2 st.uct.re wit. B cont.nt.wasst.died. t.e possibilit. of boron improving duct.lit. was also discussed from bonding bet.een Ni and Al at.ms, and ant....
By using AP-FIM t.e varit. of t.e ordered degree of Ni_3Al wit. L1_2 st.uct.re wit. B cont.nt.was st.died. t.e possibilit. of boron improving duct.lit. was also discussed from bonding bet.een Ni and Al at.ms, and ant.sit. defect. in Ni_3Al. t.e ext.nt.of ordering is reduced wit. an increase in boron cont.nt.and t.e aut.sit. defect. are most.obvious for 0.52at.K B-doped sample t.at.has t.e best.duct.lit.. some result. were verified by x-ray diffract.on non. t.e addit.on of boron not.only influences elect.on environment.at.grain boundary but.also in t.e int.rior of Ni_3Al gm ins, t.e lat.er is favorable t. improve t.e duct.lit. of Ni_3Al grains.
t.ousands of rest.ng st.t. funct.onal magnet.c resonance imaging(Rs-f MRI)art.cles have been published on brain *** precise localizat.on of abnormal brain act.vit.,a voxel-level comparison is *** of t.e large number o...
t.ousands of rest.ng st.t. funct.onal magnet.c resonance imaging(Rs-f MRI)art.cles have been published on brain *** precise localizat.on of abnormal brain act.vit.,a voxel-level comparison is *** of t.e large number of voxels in t.e brain,mult.ple comparison correct.on(MCC)must.be performed t. reduce false posit.ve rat.s,and a smaller P value(usually including eit.er liberal or st.ingent.MCC)is widely recommended[1].