Based on the night light data, urban area data, and economic data of Wuhan Urban Agglomeration from 2009 to 2015, we use spatial correlation dimension, spatial self-correlation analysis and weighted standard deviation...
Based on the night light data, urban area data, and economic data of Wuhan Urban Agglomeration from 2009 to 2015, we use spatial correlation dimension, spatial self-correlation analysis and weighted standard deviation ellipse to identify the general characteristics and dynamic evolution characteristics of urban spatial pattern and economic disparity pattern. The research results prove that: between 2009 and 2013, Wuhan Urban Agglomeration expanded gradually from northwest to southeast and presented the dynamic evolution features of “along the river and the road”. The spatial structure is obvious, forming the pattern of “core-periphery”. The development of Wuhan Urban Agglomeration has obvious imbalance in economic geography space, presenting the development tendency of “One prominent, stronger in the west and weaker in the east”. The contract within Wuhan Urban Agglomeration is gradually decreased. Wuhan city and its surrounding areas have stronger economic growth strength as well as the cities along The Yangtze River. However, the relative development rate of Wuhan city area is still far higher than other cities and counties.
The response of lake environments in arid Central Asia to climate change during the Late Holocene over the centennial to millennial timescales remains contentious. The reason that primarily paleoenvironmental proxies ...
The response of lake environments in arid Central Asia to climate change during the Late Holocene over the centennial to millennial timescales remains contentious. The reason that primarily paleoenvironmental proxies interpreting diverse and the scarcity of accurate quantitative reconstruction records. In this study, we employed diatoms and pollen records from lacustrine sediment in the Aibi Lake of SW Junggar Basin to quantitatively reconstruct salinity and watershed precipitation amounts while exploring the associated forcing mechanism. The results indicate that Aibi Lake salinity varied between 2 g/L and 47 g/L during the Late Holocene period, indicating a generally brackish environment, and corresponding to prevailing Tryblionella granulata diatom in the lake basin. Westerly-dominated annual precipitation varied between 250 mm and 320 mm during the Late Holocene period in the basin, exhibiting a generally semi-arid environment and prevailing desert steppe vegetation. The Aibi Lake has a low salinity of average value of ~15 g/L. It exhibits elevated precipitation (average value of ~280 mm) during the periods of the Roman Warm Period (2900-1990 cal yr BP), Dark Age Cold Period (1570-1140 cal yr BP), and Little Ice Age (590-120 cal yr BP). The reconstructed precipitation and salinity exhibit a periodicity of ~200 years, which is consistent with the cycle of phase changes of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Total Solar Irradiance (TSI). This correlation suggests that variations in NOA and TSI significantly influence the precipitation and salinity changes in Central Asia over centennial to millennial timescales.
该文报道1例原发性肿块样宫颈尖锐湿疣临床及MRI表现。患者女,50岁,以负重及活动后阴道流鲜血为主要临床表现。MRI表现为宫颈外口外生性不规则肿物,边缘光整,穹隆部呈受压改变,T 1WI呈等信号,T 2WI呈略高信号,扩散加权成像呈稍高信号,表观扩散系数为1.1×10-3 mm 2/s,增强扫描病灶强化不均匀,强化程度低于正常宫颈组织,动态增强时间信号强度曲线呈平台型,晚期轻度流出。肿物切除术后病理结果证实为宫颈表面巨大尖锐湿疣,随访30个月无复发。
Proteins are the fundamental of life activities,and they participate in a myriad of physiological processes including signal transduction,ion transport and immune ***,the aggregation states of proteins are dynamically...
Proteins are the fundamental of life activities,and they participate in a myriad of physiological processes including signal transduction,ion transport and immune ***,the aggregation states of proteins are dynamically changed in these physiological processes,such as undergoing ligand-induced monomer to dimer,or dimer to *** such,stoichiometric analysis of protein oligomerization state is highly important for elucidating structure-function relationship of proteins,pathological regulation mechanism and drug development[1].Singlemolecule fluorescence imaging using photobleaching counting represents a cutting-edge technology for quantitatively characterizing protein *** technology is principled by the conception that fluorophore-tagged protein is photobleached in a step-like pattern;and the total number of photobleaching steps can reflect the unit number in the oligomeric proteins(i.e.,protein stoichiometry)[2].Nevertheless,accurate characterization of protein stoichiometry by single-molecule photobleaching faces great challenges,mainly due to the weak signal of single-molecule fluorophore,the obscureness by background noise signals,and the interference of photoblinking.
The devices in the Internet of things(Io T) gain capability of sustainable operation when they harvest energy from ambient sources. Fluctuation in the harvested energy may cause the energy-harvesting IoT devices to su...
The devices in the Internet of things(Io T) gain capability of sustainable operation when they harvest energy from ambient sources. Fluctuation in the harvested energy may cause the energy-harvesting IoT devices to suffer from frequent energy shortage, which may bring in intolerable packet delay or packet discarding. It is important to design a low-delay packet delivery scheme that adapts to variation in the harvested *** this paper, we present the timely data delivery(TDD)scheme for the IoT devices. Using Markov chain, we develop a probability model for the TDD scheme, which leads to the expected number of packets delivered in an operation cycle, the expected numbers of packets waiting in the data buffer in an operation cycle and an energy-harvesting cycle, and the expected packet delay. Additionally, we formulate the optimization problem that minimizes the packet delay in the TDD scheme, and the solution to the optimization problem yields the optimal parameters for the IoT devices to determine when to harvest energy and when to deliver data under the TDD *** simulation results show that the proposed TDD scheme outperforms the existing schemes in terms of packet delay.