RING finger protein 152(RNF152)is a novel RING finger protein and has not been well *** report here that RNF152 is a canonical RING finger protein and has E3 ligase *** is polyubiqitinated partly through Lys-48-linked...
RING finger protein 152(RNF152)is a novel RING finger protein and has not been well *** report here that RNF152 is a canonical RING finger protein and has E3 ligase *** is polyubiqitinated partly through Lys-48-linked ubiquitin chains in vivo and this phenomenon is dependent on its RING finger domain and transmembrane ***152 is localized in lysosomes and co-localized with LAMP3,a lysosome ***,over-expression of RNF152 in Hela cells induces *** results suggest that RNF152 is a lysosome localized E3 ligase with pro-apoptotic *** is the first E3 ligase identified so far that is involved in lysosome-related apoptosis.
Name disambiguation, aiming at disambiguating who is who, is one of the fundamental problems of the online academic network platforms such as Google scholar, microsoft academic and AMiner. This study takes AMiner;), a...
Name disambiguation, aiming at disambiguating who is who, is one of the fundamental problems of the online academic network platforms such as Google scholar, microsoft academic and AMiner. This study takes AMiner;), a free online academic search and mining system [1], as the example to explain how we deal with the name ambiguity problem under three different scenarios.
Circular RNAs(circRNAs) play pivotal roles in the development and progression of various diseases, including malignant tumors. However,the biological functions and the underlying mechanisms of many circRNAs remain elu...
Circular RNAs(circRNAs) play pivotal roles in the development and progression of various diseases, including malignant tumors. However,the biological functions and the underlying mechanisms of many circRNAs remain elusive. In this study, we identified a novel circRNA,circTP63-N, generated through the splicing of exons 2–4 of the TP63 gene in nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC). circTP63-N was found to be downregulated in clinical samples of NPC. Both in vitro and in vivo experiments unequivocally demonstrated that circTP63-N inhibits the proliferation and metastasis of NPC cells. Further investigations revealed that circTP63-N interacted with the HSP90AB1 protein, leading to the recruitment of LATS/YAP1 proteins. This, in turn, induced phosphorylation and ubiquitination-dependent degradation of YAP1, resulting in reduced nuclear translocation of YAP1 and inhibition of the transcriptional activation of downstream oncogenic genes, including INHBA, MMP3, and CCNE2. Our findings highlight the identification of circTP63-N, a novel circRNA encoded by an important tumor-relevant gene TP63 and elucidate its molecular mechanism as a tumor suppressor in NPC. These insights offer novel potential molecular markers and therapeutic targets for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of NPC.
We present new data on the63Cu(γ,n) cross-section studied using a quasi-monochromatic and energy-tunable γ beam produced at the Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source to resolve the long-standing discrepancy between...
We present new data on the63Cu(γ,n) cross-section studied using a quasi-monochromatic and energy-tunable γ beam produced at the Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source to resolve the long-standing discrepancy between existing measurements and evaluations of this *** an unfolding iteration method,63Cu(γ,n) data were obtained with an uncertainty of less than 4%,and the inconsistencies between the available experimental data were *** γ-ray strength function of63Cu(γ,n) was successfully extracted as an experimental *** further calculated the cross-section of the radiative neutron capture reaction62Cu(n,γ) using the TALYS *** calculation method enables the extraction of (n,γ) crosssections for unstable nuclides.
Efficient lookup is essential for peer-to-peer networks and Chord is a representative peer-to-peer lookup scheme based on distributed hash table (DHT). In peer-to-peer networks, each node maintains several unidirectio...
Efficient lookup is essential for peer-to-peer networks and Chord is a representative peer-to-peer lookup scheme based on distributed hash table (DHT). In peer-to-peer networks, each node maintains several unidirectional application layer links to other nodes and forwards lookup messages through such links. This paper proposes use of bidirectional links to improve the lookup performance in Chord. Every original unidirectional link is replaced by a bidirectional link, and accordingly every node becomes an anti-finger of all its finger nodes. Both theoretical analyses and experimental results indicate that these anti-fingers can help improve the lookup performance greatly with very low overhead.
New materials have become one of the most important and fastest-growing industries all over the *** progress in materials science and technology has produced profound influences on the national economy,daily life and ...
New materials have become one of the most important and fastest-growing industries all over the *** progress in materials science and technology has produced profound influences on the national economy,daily life and national defense of our *** this paper,we review the state of the art of materials science and technology in China,with emphasis on recent research focuses and advanced technology.
Disorders and long-range hoppings can induce exotic phenomena in condensed matter and artificial *** study the topological and dynamical properties of the quasiperiodic SuSchrier-Heeger model with long-range *** is fo...
Disorders and long-range hoppings can induce exotic phenomena in condensed matter and artificial *** study the topological and dynamical properties of the quasiperiodic SuSchrier-Heeger model with long-range *** is found that the interplay of quasiperiodic disorder and long-range hopping can induce topological Anderson insulator phases with nonzero winding numbers ω=1,2,and the phase boundaries can be consistently revealed by the divergence of zero-energy mode localization *** also investigate the nonequilibrium dynamics by ramping the long-range hopping along two different *** critical exponents extracted from the dynamical behavior agree with the Kibble-Zurek mechanic prediction for the path with W=*** particular,the dynamical exponent of the path crossing the multicritical point is numerical obtained as 1/6~0.167,which agrees with the unconventional finding in the previously studied XY spin ***,we discuss the anomalous and non-universal scaling of the defect density dynamics of topological edge states in this disordered system under open boundary condictions.