PURPOSe. To compare.the.safe.y and intraocular pre.sure.(IOP)-lowe.ing e.ficacy of travoprost 0.004% /timolol 0.5% fixe. combination ophthalmic solution (Trav/tim) to its compone.ts travoprost 0.004% ophthalmic soluti...
PURPOSe. To compare.the.safe.y and intraocular pre.sure.(IOP)-lowe.ing e.ficacy of travoprost 0.004% /timolol 0.5% fixe. combination ophthalmic solution (Trav/tim) to its compone.ts travoprost 0.004% ophthalmic solution, TRAVATAN, (Trav) and timolol 0.5% ophthalmic solution (tim) in patie.ts with ope.-angle.glaucoma or ocular hype.te.sion. De.IGN: Randomize. multice.te., double.maske., active.controlle., paralle. group ***: Two hundre. sixty-thre. patie.tswith ope.-angle.glaucoma or ocular hype.te.sionwe.e.randomize. to re.e.ve.Trav/tim once.daily AM (and ve.icle.PM), Trav once.daily PM (and ve.icle.AM), or tim twice.daily (AM and PM). e.ficacy and safe.y we.e.compare. across tre.tme.t groups ove. 3 months. Re.ULTS: Trav/tim produce. a me.n IOP de.re.se.from base.ine.of 1.9 mmHg to 3.3 mmHg more.than tim, with a significant de.re.se.in me.n IOP at e.ch of the.nine.study visits (P ≤ .003). Trav/tim de.re.se. me.n IOP by 0.9 mm Hg to 2.4 mm Hg more.than Trav, with a significant de.re.se.in me.n IOP at se.e. of the.nine.study visits (P ≤ .05). The.adve.se.e.e.t profile.for Trav/tim was comparable.to Trav or tim alone. CONCLUSIONS: Ove. the.3 months of tre.tme.t, Trav/tim produce. clinically re.e.ant IOP re.uctions in patie.ts with ope.-angle.glaucoma or ocular hype.te.sion that we.e.gre.te. than those.produce. by e.the. Trav or tim alone. The.clinical re.ults that Trav/tim was safe.andwe.l tole.ate. with an incide.ce.of adve.se.e.e.tswas comparable.to the.re.ults of Trav or tim alone. Trav/tim provide. both more.e.fe.tive.IOP re.uction than its compone.ts and the.be.e.its of once.daily dosing.
The.contine.tal volcanic rocks and volcaniclas-tic se.ime.tary conglome.ate. of the.Cangshuipu Formation occur we.l in Yiyang of Hunan Province. consisting of a we.ge.shape. succe.sion of Ne.prote.ozoic strata that ov...
The.contine.tal volcanic rocks and volcaniclas-tic se.ime.tary conglome.ate. of the.Cangshuipu Formation occur we.l in Yiyang of Hunan Province. consisting of a we.ge.shape. succe.sion of Ne.prote.ozoic strata that ove.-lie.with high-angle.unconformity the.flysch turbidite. of the.Le.gjiaxi Group in the.Uppe. Me.oprote.ozoic e.nothe.. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating give. a we.ghte. me.n age.of 814 12 Ma for the.dacitic volcanic agglome.ate. from the.lowe.t part of the.volcanic rocks in the.Cangshuipu Forma-tion. This age.is younge. than pre.iously re.orte. value. of 921—933 Ma for the.volcanic rocks from the.Cangshuipu Formation. Our ne. dating re.re.e.ts the.lowe. boundary age.of the.Ne.prote.ozoic Syste. in the.studie. are.. The.younge. age.for the.Cangshuipu volcanic rocks is supporte. by the.following obse.vations: (1) Lowe. Ne.prote.ozoic strata (814—1000 Ma) are.missing in the.studie. are.; (2) the.Nanhua rift syste. was initiate. at about 820 Ma; and (3) an age.of820 Ma may be.take. as the.lowe. boundary tim-ing of the.Nanhua Syste. (e.e. Ne.prote.ozoic) in South China.