A new search for two-neutrino double-beta(2vββ) decay of136Xe to the 01+excited state of136Ba is performed with the full EXO-200 dataset.A deep learning-based convolutional neural network is used to discriminate sig...
A new search for two-neutrino double-beta(2vββ) decay of136Xe to the 01+excited state of136Ba is performed with the full EXO-200 dataset.A deep learning-based convolutional neural network is used to discriminate signal from background *** detection efficiency is increased relative to previous searches by EXO-200 by more than a factor of *** the addition of the Phase Ⅱ dataset taken with an upgraded detector,the median 90%confidence level half-life sensitivity of 2vββ decay to the 01+state of136Ba is 2.9 × 1024yr using a total136Xe exposure of 234.1 kg *** statistically significant evidence for 2vββ decay to the 01+state is observed,leading to a lower limit of T1/22v(0+→01+)>1.4×1024yr at 90% confidence level,improved by 70% relative to the current world’s best constraint.
The identification of jets originating from quarks and gluons,often referred to as quark/gluon tagging,plays an important role in various analyses performed at the Large Hadron Collider,as Standard Model measurements ...
The identification of jets originating from quarks and gluons,often referred to as quark/gluon tagging,plays an important role in various analyses performed at the Large Hadron Collider,as Standard Model measurements and searches for new particles decaying to quarks often rely on suppressing a large gluon-induced *** paper describes the measurement of the efficiencies of quark/gluon taggers developed within the ATLAS Collaboration,using √s=13 TeV proton–proton collision data with an integrated luminosity of 140 fb^(-1) collected by the ATLAS *** taggers with high performances in rejecting jets from gluon over jets from quarks are studied:one tagger is based on requirements on the number of inner-detector tracks associated with the jet,and the other combines several jet substructure observables using a boosted decision tree.A method is established to determine the quark/gluon fraction in data,by using quark/gluon-enriched subsamples defined by the jet *** in tagging efficiency between data and simulation are provided for jets with transverse momentum between 500 GeV and 2 TeV and for multiple tagger working points.