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检索条件"作者=Thomas E. Bleier"
1192 条 记 录,以下是81-90 订阅
De. parame.e. calibration of cohe.ive.bulk mate.ials using a simple.angle.of re.ose.te.t
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Particuology 2019年 第4期17卷 105-115页
作者: thomas Roe.sle. Andre.Katte.fe.d Chair of Mate.ial Handling Institute of Logistics and Material Handling Systems University of Magdeburg Universitatsplatz 239106 Magdeburg Germany
The.nume.ical e.fort of discre.e.e.e.e.t me.hod (De.) simulations re.ults in a ge.e.al ide.lisation of De. mode.s that make. the.calibration crucial to obtaining re.listic simulation re.ults. The.angle.of re.ose.te.t ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Improve. Gasification of Rice.Husks for Optimize. Biochar Production in a Top Lit Updraft Gasifie.
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Journal of Sustainable.Bioe.e.gy Syste.s 2014年 第4期4卷 225-242页
作者: Husse.n Kisiki Nsamba Sarah e. Hale.Ge.ard Corne.isse. Robe.t thomas Bachmann Malaysian Institute.of Che.ical and Bioe.gine.ring Te.hnology (MICe.) Universiti Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Se.tion of Industrial Che.istry Department of Chemistry Makerere University Kampala Uganda Inve.tion Plus Limite. Kampala Uganda Norwe.ian Ge.te.hnical Institute.(NGI) Oslo Norway
Biochar is a solid mate.ial obtaine. from the.carbonization of biomass. If prope.ly produce., it is use.ul for soil application to e.rich plant value.. Rice.husk (RH) waste. an abundant agricultural by-product, was ga... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
De.igning and Pe.formance.e.aluation of Biochar Production in a Top-Lit Updraft Up-scale. Gasifie.
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Journal of Sustainable.Bioe.e.gy Syste.s 2015年 第2期5卷 41-55页
作者: Husse.n Kisiki Nsamba Sarah e. Hale.Ge.ard Corne.isse. Robe.t thomas Bachmann Malaysian Institute.of Che.ical and Bioe.gine.ring Te.hnology (MICe.) Universiti Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Se.tion of Industrial Che.istry Department of Chemistry Makerere University Kampala Uganda Inve.tion Plus Limite. Kampala Uganda Norwe.ian Ge.te.hnical Institute.(NGI) Oslo Norway
The.Original Be.onio Rice.Husk Gasifie. (OBRHG), initially of he.ght of 0.6 m, diame.e. of 0.15 m and thickne.s of 0.025 m was te.te. for biochar production through air gasification of rice.husk (RH) and the.de.ign wa... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Sustainable.Te.hnologie. for Small-Scale.Biochar Production—A Re.ie.
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Journal of Sustainable.Bioe.e.gy Syste.s 2015年 第1期5卷 10-31页
作者: Husse.n Kisiki Nsamba Sarah e. Hale.Ge.ard Corne.isse. Robe.t thomas Bachmann Malaysian Institute.of Che.ical and Bioe.gine.ring Te.hnology (MICe.) Universiti Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Se.tion of Industrial Che.istry Department of Chemistry Makerere University Kampala Uganda Inve.tion Plus Limite. Kampala Uganda Norwe.ian Ge.te.hnical Institute.(NGI) Oslo Norway
Charcoal has found e.ormous application in both agriculture.(AKA biochar) and othe. se.tors. De.pite.its pote.tial be.e.its, small scale.te.hnologie. re.e.ant for its production re.ain a challe.ge. Te.hnologie. striki... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Conse.ue.ce. of bullying victimization in childhood and adole.ce.ce.A syste.atic re.ie. and me.a-analysis
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World Journal of Psychiatry 2017年 第1期7卷 60-76页
作者: Sophie.e.Moore.Rosana e.Norman Shuichi Sue.ani Hannah J thomas Pe.e. D Sly Jame. G Scott Child He.lth Re.e.rch Ce.tre the University of Queensland Institute.of He.lth and Biome.ical Innova-tion Queensland University of Technology School of Public He.lth and Social Work Queensland University of Technology Que.nsland Ce.tre.for Me.tal He.lth Re.e.rch the Park Centre for Mental Health Faculty of Me.icine the University of Queensland the.Unive.sity of Que.nsland Ce.tre.for Clinical Re.e.rch the University of Queensland Me.ro North Me.tal He.lth Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
AIM To ide.tify he.lth and psychosocial proble.s associate. with bullying victimization and conduct a me.a-analysis summarizing the.causal *** A syste.atic re.ie. was conducte. using Pub Me., e.BASe. e.IC and Psyc INF... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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Chine.e.Journal of Cance. Re.e.rch 1989年 第4期1卷 58-62页
作者: 张安玉 thomas e.Rohan 武光林 De.artme.t of e.ide.iology Tianjin Medical College De.artme.t of e.vironme.tal and Pre.e.tive.Me.icine The Medical College of St. Bartholomew's Hospital University of London De.artme.t of e.ide.iology Tianjin Medical Collegeo explore the possible explanation of the marked difference in the incidence of breast cancer between Chinese and Australian women the authors have compared and analysed the results of two case-control studies completed recently in Tianjin China and Adelaide Australia. Of 10 known risk factors for breast cancer 9 were significantly higher in level in Adelaide women than in Tianjin women i.e. women in Adelaide were much taller heavier more obese earlier at menarche later at first full-term pregnancy more nulliparous less parity more in history of breast cancer in first degree relatives more educated. From the 7 risk factors analysed by use of logistic regression model 5 factors i.e. earlier age at menarche later age at first full-term pregnancy less parity history of benign disease and history of breast cancer in first degree relatives were associated significantly with the increased risk for breast cancer in the Tianjin study but not in Adelaide study. These factors being not associated with breast cancer in Adelaide women were unexpected. The explanation of the indefinite findings in Adelaide study was due to the fact that the level of the risk factor is universally high relatively uniform and lack of categories. The difference in the risk factor distribution between cases and controle would not be seen in case-control studies and significance of the risk factor therefore may not be found. According to data on diet survey in these two cities the calories from fat was significantly higher in Adelaide women than in Tianjin women. The marked difference in incidence in women in the two cities resulted from the summing-up effect of a number of factors. The important role of fat intake in geographical incidence difference and in the development of breast cancer was also
To e.plore.the.possible.e.planation of the.marke. diffe.e.ce.in the.incide.ce.of bre.st cance. be.we.n Chine.e.and Australian wome., the.authors have.compare. and analyse. the.re.ults of two case.control studie. compl... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Body Composition and e.e.gy e.pe.diture.Change. during We.ght Loss: An e.ploratory Study
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Food and Nutrition Scie.ce. 2012年 第2期3卷 153-156页
作者: Adrie.ne.S. thomas Joce.yn e. Holde. Jo Carol Che.e. De.artme.t of e.ucational Psychology Ball State University Muncie USA De.artme.t of Family and Consume. Scie.ce. Ball State University Muncie USA. Targe. Me.abolism Avon USA
The.obje.tive.of this e.ploratory study was to de.cribe.change. in body composition and re.ting e.e.gy e.pe.diture.(Re.) in adult wome. during we.ght re.uction. A total of 69 clie.t re.ords we.e.colle.te. re.rospe.tiv... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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冰川冻土 2009年 第3期31卷 410-421页
作者: 贺缠生 Carlo De.archi thomas e. Crole. 冯起 Tim Hunte. 西密执根大学地理系 KalamazooMichigan 49008-5424美国 凯斯西储大学地质科学系 ClevelandOhio 44106-7216美国 美国国家大气海洋局北美五大湖环境研究实验室 Ann ArborMichigan 48105-2945美国 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所 中国甘肃兰州730000
水资源短缺是中国西北干旱地区长期的问题,区域人口增加、城市化扩张,加之气候变化的影响进一步加剧了西北地区水资源短缺,也使生活用水、灌溉用水、工业用水和维持生态系统稳定的用水危险加剧.采用分布式大流域径流模型(DLBRM)模拟黑... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
A plant-base. die. and animal prote.n: que.tioning die.ary fat and conside.inganimal prote.n as the.main cause.of he.rt dise.se
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Journal of Ge.iatric Cardiology 2017年 第5期14卷 331-337页
作者: thomas Colin Campbe.l e.e.itus of Nutritional Bioche.istry Cornell University 8 Fiddlers Green Lansing NY 14882 USA.
Die.ary 'fat' (e.g., oils, triglyce.ide., chole.te.ol) haslong be.n conside.e. a major risk factor for cardiovascularand re.ate. dise.se.. As re.ie.e. e.se.he.e.Voge. in1847 ide.tifie. chole.te.ol as a major compo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
STAT3 me.iate. C6-ce.amide.induce. ce.l de.th in chronic lymphocytic le.ke.ia
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Signal Transduction and Targe.e. The.apy 2017年 第1期2卷 61-72页
作者: Ushma A Doshi Je.e.y Shaw Todd e.Fox David F Claxton thomas P Loughran Mark Ke.te. De.artme.t of Pharmacology Penn State College of MedicineHersheyPAUSA De.artme.t of e.pe.ime.tal Pathology University of Virginia School of MedicineCharlottesvilleVAUSA De.artme.t of Pharmacology University of Virginia School of MedicineCharlottesvilleVAUSA Division of He.atology and Oncology Penn State Milton S Hershey Medical Center and College of MedicineHersheyPAUSA De.artme.t of Me.icine University of Virginia School of MedicineCharlottesvilleVAUSA NanoSTAR Institute University of VirginiaCharlottesvilleVAUSA
The.pathoge.e.is of chronic lymphocytic le.ke.ia(CLL)is poorly unde.stood and it re.ains incurable.with curre.t *** have.pre.iously shown that nanoliposomal C6-ce.amide.CNL)is an e.fe.tive.the.apy in an in vivo murine...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论