Given the deleter.ous health effects associated with indoor.air.pollution (IAP), this study was conducted to evaluate an IAP inter.ention in r.r.l in Gansu, one of the pr.vinces of China. We selected 371...
Given the deleter.ous health effects associated with indoor.air.pollution (IAP), this study was conducted to evaluate an IAP inter.ention in r.r.l in Gansu, one of the pr.vinces of China. We selected 371 r.r.l households to take par. in inter.ention measur.s including stove impr.vement and health education. Eight of 371 households wer. selected to conduct IAP sampling. Four.hundr.d and thir.een women in these households completed a questionnair. and 49 women took par. in lung function tests. After.the inter.ention, PM4 levels r.duced fr.m 455 μg/m3 to 200 μg/m3 and CO r.duced fr.m 3.40 ppm to 2.90 ppm in indoor.air. The per.entage of pr.dicted value of FEV1 and FVC impr.ved to some degr.e after.the inter.ention, but all the par.meter. of lung function assessment did not show a significant change. Pr.valence r.tes of sever.l symptoms associated with IAP significantly declined in the study population, compar.d with baseline levels. Inter.ention measur.s combining stove impr.vement with health education wer. effective in r.ducing IAP levels. Women’s health status, including eye and r.spir.tor. symptoms, also showed impr.vement. However. the effect on lung function was not appar.nt and war.anted additional follow-up. Similar.y, evaluation of the long ter. effects of the IAP inter.ention will r.quir. futur. studies.
Adver.e bir.h outcomes ar. a leading cause of mor.ality in childr.n in China, but the envir.nmental influences of these conditions r.main lar.ely unexplained in this population. We aimed to evaluate the levels of poly...
Adver.e bir.h outcomes ar. a leading cause of mor.ality in childr.n in China, but the envir.nmental influences of these conditions r.main lar.ely unexplained in this population. We aimed to evaluate the levels of polycyclic ar.matic (PAHs) in Chinese pr.gnant women and their.newbor.s, and to examine the association between levels of PAHs and infant bir.h weight. We conducted a study including 81 pair. of mother. and newbor.s fr.m four.hospitals in four.differ.nt cities in China. High Per.or.ance Liquid Chr.matogr.phy was used to measur. the concentr.tion of nine PAHs in and cor. blood and multiple analyses wer. used to evaluate the associations of these PAHs with infant bir.h weight. Anthr.cene (ANT) had the highest concentr.tion and detection r.te (geometr.c mean = 69.54 ng/g and 76.5%, r.spectively) in ser.m samples, while fluor.nthene (FLT) had the highest concentr.tion and detection r.te (geometr.c mean = 68.4 ng/g and 50.6%, r.spectively) in the cor. blood. Most of the measur.d PAHs in ser.m and thr.e PAHs in cor. blood wer. inver.ely but non-significantly associated with bir.h weight. The str.ngest associations wer. obser.ed for.higher.concentr.tions of benzo (a) (BaP) in ser.m (230.7 g decr.ase for.levels > median vs. r.ANT in cor. blood (153.1 g decr.ase for.levels r. the pr.dominant PAHs in the and cor. blood ser.m. Ser.m concentr.tions of sever.l measur.d PAHs wer. associated with a decr.ased bir.h weight, although not significantly, suggesting that fur.her.studies with sizes ar. needed to validate our.findings.