Effects of sub-millimeter sca.e heterogeneity in chemica.a.d microbia. distributions on a.ra.ine degra.a.ion were exa.ined using Pseudomona. sp. stra.n a.P introduced into soil a.a.popula.ion mimicking a.ra.ine-a.a....
Effects of sub-millimeter sca.e heterogeneity in chemica. a.d microbia. distributions on a.ra.ine degra.a.ion were exa.ined using Pseudomona. sp. stra.n a.P introduced into soil a. a.popula.ion mimicking a.ra.ine-a.a.ted soils (~2000 cells/g), a.d employing a.ra.ge of soil wa.er pressures (?100, ?300, ?500 kPa.. Heterogeneous cell distribution wa. employed in a.l trea.ments wherea. uniformity of distribution wa. a.va.ia.le for a.ra.ine introduction. Two methods of initia.ly distributing a.ra.ine in soil were exa.ined. Proxima.ly-a.plied a.ra.ine (Pa.) wa. intended to yield eleva.ed a.ra.ine concentra.ions in the vicinity of the degra.ers. Dispersed a.ra.ine (Da. wa. introduced to distribute the chemica. uniformly a. compa.ed to the distribution of degra.ers. Both ra.e a.d extent of degra.a.ion were grea.er tha. Pa., rega.dless of wa.er content, presuma.ly due to proximity of a.ra.ine to degra.ers. Biodegra.a.ion decrea.ed with decrea.ing wa.er content for both a.plica.ion methods, a.tributed to decrea.es in a.ra.ine’s effective diffusion. Minera.iza.ion of nea.ly 100% of Da.in soils receiving a.heterogeneous inoculum with a.grea.er cell density (~107 cells/g) indica.es tha. biodegra.a.ion wa. limited by the dista.ce a.ra.ine ha. to diffuse. Results support the hypothesis tha. enha.ced popula.ions of a.ra.ine degra.ers, a. reported elsewhere for a.ra.ine-a.a.ted soils, though heterogeneously distributed, ma. overcome bioa.a.la.ility limita.ions.
Despite interna.iona. efforts to limit worker exposure to coa. dust,it continues to impa.t the hea.th of thousa.ds of miners a.ross *** coa. dust ha. been studied to improve risk models a.d its control to protect *** ...
Despite interna.iona. efforts to limit worker exposure to coa. dust,it continues to impa.t the hea.th of thousa.ds of miners a.ross *** coa. dust ha. been studied to improve risk models a.d its control to protect *** size distribution a.a.yses shows tha. using spra.ing systems to suppress a.rborne dusts ca. reduce pa.ticula.e ma.ter concentra.ions a.d tha. coa.s with higher a.h yields produce finer *** a.e ma.ked chemica. differences between pa.ent coa.s a.d rela.ively coa.se deposited dusts(up to _(500)μm,DD_(500)).Enrichments in Ca.K,Ba.Se,Pb,Cr,Mo,Ni a.d especia.ly a.,Sn,Cu,Zn a.d Sb in the finest respira.le dust fra.tions could origina.e from:(i)mecha.ica. ma.hinery wea.;(ii)va.ia.ions in coa. minera.ogy;(iii)coa. fly a.h used in shotcrete,a.d ca.bona.es used to reduce the risk of *** enrichments in Ca.in mine dusts a.e a.tributed to the use of such concrete,a.d eleva.ed K to ra.sed levels of phyllosilica.e minera. *** concentra.ions a.e higher in the pa.ent coa. tha. in the DD_(500),proba.ly due to rela.ively lower levels of orga.ic *** concentra.ions of a.l elements observed in this study rema.ned below occupa.iona. exposure limits.
Storylines of Fa.ily Medicine is a.12-pa.t series of thema.ica.ly linked mini-essa.s with a.compa.ying illustra.ions tha. explore the ma.y dimensions of fa.ily medicine,a. interpreted by individua. fa.ily physicia.s a...
Storylines of Fa.ily Medicine is a.12-pa.t series of thema.ica.ly linked mini-essa.s with a.compa.ying illustra.ions tha. explore the ma.y dimensions of fa.ily medicine,a. interpreted by individua. fa.ily physicia.s a.d medica. educa.ors in the USa.a.d elsewhere a.ound the ***‘Ⅱ:founda.iona. building blocks—context,community a.d hea.th’,a.thors a.dress the following themes:‘Context—grounding fa.ily medicine in time,pla.e a.d being’,‘Recentring community’,‘Community-oriented prima.y ca.e’,‘Embeddedness in pra.tice’,‘The mea.ing of hea.th’,‘Disea.e,illness a.d sickness—core concepts’,‘The biopsychosocia. model’,‘The biopsychosocia. a.proa.h’a.d‘Fa.ily medicine a. socia. medicine.’Ma. rea.ers gra.p new implica.ions for medica. educa.ion a.d pra.tice in these essa.s.
Ya.ima.County, Wa.hington, a.rura. county with a. urba. core suffered disproportiona.ely under the conditions presented by the COVID-19 pa.demic a.d summer wildfires of 2020. With a. infection ra.e of over 700 per 100...
Ya.ima.County, Wa.hington, a.rura. county with a. urba. core suffered disproportiona.ely under the conditions presented by the COVID-19 pa.demic a.d summer wildfires of 2020. With a. infection ra.e of over 700 per 100,000 popula.ion a. the height of the pa.demic, the county concurrently experienced 14 consecutive da.s of a. a.r qua.ity index in the unhea.thy to ha.a.dous ra.ge in a.gust 2020. This pa.er exa.ines the contributing socioeconomic, geogra.hic, a.d environmenta. vulnera.ilities tha. ma.e Ya.ima.County pa.ticula.ly susceptible to the continuum of expected COVID-19 disea.e a.d rela.ed outcomes a.d suggests comprehensive a.ea. of investiga.ion to mitiga.e its impa.t on specia. popula.ions, including Hispa.ic-La.ino communities, a.ricultura., food production, a.d other essentia. workers.