


  • 894 篇 期刊文献
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  • 2 册 图书


  • 906 篇 电子文献
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  • 458 篇 医学
    • 374 篇 临床医学
    • 28 篇 中西医结合
    • 22 篇 中药学(可授医学、...
    • 17 篇 公共卫生与预防医...
    • 14 篇 基础医学(可授医学...
    • 11 篇 药学(可授医学、理...
  • 250 篇 工学
    • 39 篇 化学工程与技术
    • 32 篇 计算机科学与技术...
    • 29 篇 材料科学与工程(可...
    • 18 篇 电子科学与技术(可...
    • 17 篇 机械工程
    • 16 篇 建筑学
    • 16 篇 软件工程
    • 15 篇 水利工程
    • 14 篇 食品科学与工程(可...
    • 13 篇 电气工程
    • 12 篇 土木工程
    • 12 篇 生物医学工程(可授...
    • 10 篇 力学(可授工学、理...
  • 140 篇 理学
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    • 23 篇 数学
    • 22 篇 物理学
    • 10 篇 生态学
  • 102 篇 农学
    • 22 篇 农业资源与环境
    • 19 篇 作物学
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  • 5 篇 法学
  • 3 篇 艺术学
  • 2 篇 历史学
  • 1 篇 哲学


  • 15 篇 of
  • 11 篇 diagnosis
  • 11 篇 brazil
  • 10 篇 and
  • 9 篇 health
  • 9 篇 cancer
  • 9 篇 disease
  • 8 篇 covid-19
  • 8 篇 obesity
  • 7 篇 diabetes
  • 7 篇 霉菌毒素
  • 7 篇 antioxidant
  • 7 篇 inflammation
  • 7 篇 aging
  • 7 篇 l.
  • 7 篇 flow
  • 7 篇 葡萄牙
  • 6 篇 analysis
  • 6 篇 system
  • 6 篇 resistance


  • 16 篇 o paulo
  • 9 篇 &atilde
  • 8 篇 massachusetts in...
  • 8 篇 european organiz...
  • 8 篇 university of ci...
  • 8 篇 university of ma...
  • 8 篇 horia hulubei na...
  • 8 篇 nsc kharkiv inst...
  • 8 篇 school of physic...
  • 8 篇 department of ph...
  • 8 篇 imperial college...
  • 8 篇 syracuse univers...
  • 7 篇 department of ph...
  • 7 篇 iccub universita...
  • 7 篇 infn sezione di ...
  • 7 篇 infn sezione di ...
  • 7 篇 van swinderen in...
  • 7 篇 cavendish labora...
  • 7 篇 scuola normale s...
  • 7 篇 infn sezione di ...


  • 9 篇 joel j.p.c.rodri...
  • 8 篇 j.h.lopes
  • 8 篇 b.souza de paula
  • 8 篇 f.teubert
  • 8 篇 p.robbe
  • 8 篇 n.skidmore
  • 8 篇 m.veltri
  • 8 篇 a.lupato
  • 8 篇 d.melnychuk
  • 8 篇 a.palano
  • 8 篇 g.wilkinson
  • 8 篇 a.sarti
  • 8 篇 david lee nelson
  • 7 篇 e.aslanides
  • 7 篇 d.marangotto
  • 7 篇 m.ferrillo
  • 7 篇 h.wu
  • 7 篇 p.billoir
  • 7 篇 l.ferreira lopes
  • 7 篇 s.borghi


  • 767 篇 英文
  • 139 篇 中文
检索条件"作者=Tatiana Rodrigues de Moura"
906 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
The influence of innate and adaptative immune responses on the differential clinical outcomes of leprosy
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Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2017年 第1期6卷 34-41页
作者: Adriana Barbosa de Lima Fonseca Marise do Vale Simon Rodrigo Anselmo Cazzaniga tatiana rodrigues de moura Roque Pacheco de Almeida Malcolm S.Duthie Steven G.Reed Amelia Ribeiro de Jesus department of Medicine Molecular Biology LaboratoryUniversity HospitalUniversidade Federal de SergipeSao CristovaoSergipeBrazil Infectious Disease Research Institute SeattleUSA Instituto de Investigacao em Imunologia Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e TecnologiaCNPqSao PauloSPBrazil.
Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium *** to official reports from 121 countries across five WHO regions,there were 213899 newly diagnosed cases in *** leprosy affects the skin and peripheral... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Importance of neonatal screening:A case study of sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis coexistence
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World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics 2025年 第1期14卷 113-118页
作者: Nathalia Noyma Sampaio Magalhães Lucas Barra Mathiasi Daniela de Oliveira Werneck rodrigues department of Pediatrics Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde de Juiz de ForaJuiz de Fora 36033-003Brazil department of Internal Medicine Rede D'Or Rio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro 22270-010Brazil department of Hematology Fundação HemominasJuiz de Fora 36010-560MGBrazil department of Internal Medicine Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos-Faculdade de Medicina Juiz de ForaJuiz de Fora 36010-560Minas GeraisBrazil
BACKGROUND Neonatal screening(NS)is a public health policy to identify genetic pathologies such as cystic fibrosis(CF),sickle cell disease,and other *** cell disea-se is the comprehensive term for a group of hemoglobi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Rare Case of a Newborn with Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome
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International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery 2025年 第1期14卷 12-18页
作者: Rhael Sousa rodrigues Mayara Moreira de deus Maria Clara Azi Vaz de Campos Melissa Ameloti Gomes Avelino Uiversidade Federal de Gois Goinia Brazil
Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome consists of a set of signs and symptoms associated with capillary hemangioma with thrombocytopenia, which causes bleeding accompanied by petechiae, ecchymosis, and spontaneous hematomas. This... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The Abundance of the Remaining Mammalian Fauna and the Impacts of Hunting in a Biodiversity Hotspot’s Hotspot in the Atlantic Forest of North-Eastern Brazil
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Open Journal of Ecology 2025年 第1期15卷 65-91页
作者: Éverton Renan de Andrade Melo José Ramon Gadelha Leandro Ricardo rodrigues de Lucena Antonio Rossano Mendes Pontes IBAMA-SCEN Brasilia Brazil Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Recife Pernambuco Brazil Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco Serra Talhada Pernambuco Brazil Camaragibe Pernambuco Brazil Former Address: INPA-NAPRR-Boa Vista Roraima Brazil
Although hunting in the north-eastern Atlantic forest of Brazil began more than 500 years ago, no study to date has evaluated its impacts on the region’s mammalian fauna. For one year we carried out diurnal and noctu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Oregano and Rosemary Essential Oils in Collagen Fiber and Polyvinyl Alcohol Films: Application as Biodegradable Active Packaging for Ready-to-Eat Meat Products
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Food and Nutrition Sciences 2025年 第1期16卷 1-27页
作者: Suslin Raatz Thiel Cássio Poerschke rodrigues José Dilson Francisco da Silva Mari Silvia rodrigues de Oliveira Stephanie Reis Ribeiro Rosa Cristina Prestes Ernesto Hashime Kubota Roger Wagner Renius Mello department of Food Science and Technology Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Rio Grande do Sul Brazil
developing packaging using biomaterials offers a solution to the problem of solid plastic waste in urban areas. However, selecting suitable materials remains challenging, particularly when the packaging is intended fo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Physiology and health assessment,risk balance,and model for endstage liver disease scores:Postoperative outcome of liver transplantation
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World Journal of Transplantation 2025年 第1期15卷 86-94页
作者: Raquel Hohenreuther Andresa ThoméSilveira Edison Moraes rodrigues Filho Anderson Garcez Bruna Goularth Lacerda Sabrina Alves Fernandes Claudio Augusto Marroni Postgraduate Program in Hepatology Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto AlegrePorto Alegre 90050-170Brazil department of Intensive Medicine Hospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegrePorto Alegre 90035-903Brazil department of Public Health University of Vale do Rio dos SinosSao Leopoldo 93022-750Brazil
BACKGROUND Liver transplantation aims to increase the survival of patients with end-stage liver diseases and improve their quality of *** number of organs available for transplantation is lower than the *** provide fa... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Imbalance in T-cell differentiation as a biomarker of chronic diabetic foot ulceration
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Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2019年 第10期16卷 833-834页
作者: Joao moura Joao rodrigues Marta Gonçalves Claudia Amaral Margarida Lima Eugenia Carvalho Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology(CNC) University of CoimbraCoimbraPortugal INEB-Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomedica University of PortoPortoPortugal I3S-Instituto de Investigaçao e Inovaçao em Saude University of PortoPortoPortugal department of Hematology Hospital de Santo Antonio(HSA)Centro Hospitalar Universitario do Porto(CHUP)PortoPortugal Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigaçao Biomedica(UMIB/ICBAS/UP) PortoPortugal department of Endocrinology Hospital de Santo Antonio(HSA)Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto(CHUP)PortoPortugal department of Geriatrics University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences(UAMS)and Arkansas Children’s Hospital Research Institute(ACHRI)Little RockArkansas 72202USA
Diabetes is a growing epidemic due to the systematic increase in overweight and obesity,and chronic diabetic foot ulcers(DFUs)are the most debilitating and costly complication of *** is still essential for DFU care,bu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Characterization of Cnidoscolus quercifolius Pohl bark root extract and evaluation of cytotoxic effect on human tumor cell lines
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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2018年 第7期8卷 345-351页
作者: Paulo Fernando Machado Paredes Selene Maia de Morais Fernando Cesar rodrigues Brito Luiz Francisco Wemmenson Goncalves moura Patricia de Araujo rodrigues Stephen Rathinaraj Benjamin Francisco Ernani Alves Magalhaes Eridan Orlando Pereira Tramontina Florean Maria Izabel Florindo Guedes Northeast Biotechnology Network Graduate Program of Biotechnology State University of Ceara Itaperi campus department of Chemistry State University of Ceara Itaperi campus Laboratory of Bioprospecting of Natural Products and Biotechnology State University of CearaCECITEC
Objective: To evaluate the chemical components of active extract from Cnidoscolus quercifolius root bark and its cytotoxic potential against several tumor strains. Methods: The high-performance liquid chromatography w... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Impaired T-cell differentiation in diabetic foot ulceration
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Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2017年 第9期14卷 758-769页
作者: João moura João rodrigues Marta Gonçalves Cláudia Amaral Margarida Lima Eugénia Carvalho Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology(CNC) University of Coimbra3004-517 CoimbraPortugal Hospital de Santo Antonio(HSA) Centro Hospitalar do Porto(CHP)4099-001 PortoPortugal Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigação Biomédica(UMIB/ICBAS/UP) PortoPortugal department of Geriatrics University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences(UAMS)Little RockAR 72202USA Arkansas Children's Hospital Research Institute(ACHRI) Little RockAR 72202USA
Foot ulceration is one of the most debilitating complications associated with diabetes,but its cause remains poorly *** studies have been undertaken to understand healing kinetics or find possible therapies to enhance... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Techno-economic feasibility assessment of a diesel exhaust heat recovery system to preheat mine intake air in remote cold climate regions
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International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 2020年 第4期30卷 517-523页
作者: Marco Antonio rodrigues de Brito Durjoy Baidya Seyed Ali Ghoreishi-Madiseh Norman B.Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering The University of British ColumbiaVancouverBC V6T 1Z4Canada
Underground mines in Arctic and Subarctic regions require the preheating of mine intake air during *** cold fresh air of those remote areas can be as severe as40℃ and commonly needs to be heated to around+3℃.This e... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论