With ever increa.ing dema.ds on wa.er resources, Egypt is fa.ing increa.ing wa.er needs, dema.ded by a.ra.idly growing popula.ion, by higher sta.da.ds of living a.d by a.a.ricultura. policys. West Nile Delta.represen...
With ever increa.ing dema.ds on wa.er resources, Egypt is fa.ing increa.ing wa.er needs, dema.ded by a.ra.idly growing popula.ion, by higher sta.da.ds of living a.d by a. a.ricultura. policys. West Nile Delta.represents a.new a.ricultura. a.ea.where the recla.med la.ds a.e irriga.ed with groundwa.er in a.dition to surfa.e wa.er. The eva.ua.ion of groundwa.er a.uifers in West Nile Delta.a.ea.requires informa.ion a.out the extension, depth a.d distribution a.d source of recha.ging these a.uifers. In this work, a. integra.ed study using geoelectric, geoma.netic, hydrogeologic a.d hydrochemistry investiga.ions ha. been a.plied to eva.ua.e groundwa.er a.uifers a.d to delinea.e subsurfa.e structures predomina.t in the ba.ement rocks a. el-Nuba.iya.a.ea. West Nile Delta. Egypt. Thirty-five Vertica. electrica. Soundings (VES) ha.e been a.plied to identify the subsurfa.e geoelctric la.ers predomina.t in the study a.ea. a. well a. a.deta.led la.d ma.netic survey ha. been ca.ried out a.ong the study a.ea.using two a.toma.ic proton precession ma.netometers with a. a.cura.y of 1 nT. These surveys a.lowed us to esta.lish the subsurfa.e structures a.d their rela.ion with the detected a.uifers. The geoelectric results a.e illustra.ed a.ong seven geoelectric profiles a.d correla.ed with the lithologic a.d hydrogeologic da.a.of drilled wells. The third geoelectric la.er represents the wa.er sa.ura.ed zone (a.uifer) with thickness va.ies from 14 m to 58 m, increa.ing to ea.t a.d southea.t directions. The hydrchemisty a.lysis shows tha. the sa.inity of the wa.er a.uifer ra.ges from 600 ppm in the southea.t to 3900 ppm in the south. The ma.or domina.t dissolved sa.t is Na.l. In the ea.t a.d southea.t, the wa.er type becomes more Na.O4 which refers to dissolution of gypsum in a.dition to fertilizers. The ma.netic da.a.ha.e been a.a.yzed using horizonta. gra.ient a.d 3D ma.netic modeling a.ong the loca.ions of geolectric profiles. The results indica.e tha. the fa.lt structures a.e trendin