t.is paper highlight.t.e crucial role of Indonesia’s GNSS receiver net.ork in advancing Equat.rial Plasma Bubble(EPB)st.dies in Sout.east.and East.Asia,as ionospheric irregularit.es wit.in EPB can disrupt.GNSS signa...
t.is paper highlight. t.e crucial role of Indonesia’s GNSS receiver net.ork in advancing Equat.rial Plasma Bubble(EPB)st.dies in Sout.east.and East.Asia,as ionospheric irregularit.es wit.in EPB can disrupt.GNSS signals and degrade posit.oning *** by.t.e Indonesian Geospat.al Informat.on Agency.BIG),t.e Indonesia Cont.nuously.Operat.ng Reference St.t.on(Ina-CORS)net.ork comprises over 300 GNSS receivers spanning equat.rial t. sout.ern low-lat.t.de ***-CORS is uniquely.sit.at.d t. monit.r EPB generat.on,zonal drift.and dissipat.on across Sout.east.*** provide a pract.cal t.ol for EPB research,by.sharing t.o-dimensional rat. of t.t.l Elect.on Cont.nt.t.C)change index(ROt.)derived from t.is *** generat. ROt. maps wit. a 10-minut. resolut.on,and samples from May.2024 are publicly.available for furt.er scient.fic *** preliminary.findings from t.e ROt. maps of Ina-CORS are ***,t.e Ina-CORS ROt. maps reveal t.at.t.e irregularit.es wit.in a broader EPB st.uct.re persist.longer,increasing t.e pot.nt.al for t.ese irregularit.es t. migrat. fart.er ***,we demonst.at. t.at.combined ROt. maps from Ina-CORS and GNSS receivers in East.Asia and Aust.alia can be used t. monit.r t.e development.of ionospheric irregularit.es in Sout.east.and East.*** have demonst.at.d t.e combined ROt. maps t. capt.re t.e development.of ionospheric irregularit.es in t.e Sout.east.East.Asian sect.r during t.e G5 Geomagnet.c St.rm on May.11,*** observed simult.neous ionospheric irregularit.es in Japan and Aust.alia,respect.vely.propagat.ng nort.west.ard and sout.west.ard,before midnight.whereas Sout.east.Asia’s equat.rial and low-lat.t.de regions exhibit.d irregularit.es *** sharing ROt. maps from Indonesia and int.grat.ng t.em wit. regional GNSS net.orks,researchers can conduct.comprehensive EPB st.dies,enhancing t.e underst.nding of EPB behavior across Sout.east.and East.Asia and cont.ibut.ng significant.y.t. ionosphe
t.e ult.a-high-energy.UhE) gamma-ray.source 1LhAASO J0007+7303u is posit.onally.associat.d wit.t.e composit. SNR Ct.1 t.at.is locat.d at.high Galact.c Lat.t.de b ≈ 10.5°. t.is provides a rare opport.nit.t. spat....
t.e ult.a-high-energy.UhE) gamma-ray.source 1LhAASO J0007+7303u is posit.onally.associat.d wit. t.e composit. SNR Ct.1 t.at.is locat.d at.high Galact.c Lat.t.de b ≈ 10.5°. t.is provides a rare opport.nit. t. spat.ally.resolve t.e component.of t.e pulsar wind nebula(PWN) and supernova remnant.SNR) at.UhE. t.is paper conduct.d a dedicat.d dat. analy.is of 1LhAASO J0007+7303u using t.e dat. collect.d from December 2019 t. July.2023. t.is source is well det.ct.d wit. significances of 21σ and 17σ at.8-100 t.V and >100 t.V, respect.vely. t.e corresponding ext.nsions are det.rmined t. be 0.23°±0.03°and 0.17°±0.03°. t.e emission is proposed t. originat. from t.e relat.vist.c elect.ons accelerat.d wit.in t.e PWN of PSR J0007+7303. t.e energy.spect.um is well described by.a power-law wit. an exponent.al cut.ff funct.on dN/dE =(42.4 ± 4.1)(E/(20 t.V))-2.31±0.11exp(-E/(110±25 t.V)) t.V-1cm-2s-1in t.e energy.range from 8 t. 300 t.V, imply.ng a st.ady.st.t. parent.elect.on spect.um dNe/dEe∝(Ee/(100 t.V))-3.13±0.16exp[(-Ee/(373±70 t.V))2] at.energies above ≈ 50 t.V. t.e cut.ff energy.of t.e elect.on spect.um is roughly.equal t. t.e expect.d current.maximum energy.of part.cles accelerat.d at.t.e PWN t.rminal shock. Combining t.e X-ray.and gamma-ray.emission, t.e current.space-averaged magnet.c field can be limit.d t.≈ 4.5 μG. t. sat.sfy.t.e mult.-wavelengt. spect.um and t.e γ-ray.ext.nsions, t.e t.ansport.of relat.vist.c part.cles wit.in t.e PWN is likely.dominat.d by.t.e advect.on process under t.e free-expansion phase assumpt.on.
We report.t.e det.ct.on of an ext.nded very.high-energy.VhE) γ-ray.source coincident.wit.t.e locat.on of middle-aged(62.4 ky.) pulsar PSR J0248+6021, by.using t.e LhAASO-WCDA dat. of live 796 d and LhAASO-KM2A dat. ...
We report.t.e det.ct.on of an ext.nded very.high-energy.VhE) γ-ray.source coincident.wit. t.e locat.on of middle-aged(62.4 ky.) pulsar PSR J0248+6021, by.using t.e LhAASO-WCDA dat. of live 796 d and LhAASO-KM2A dat. of live 1216d. A significant.excess of γ-ray.induced showers is observed bot. by.WCDA in energy.bands of 1-25 t. V and KM2A in energy.bands of >25 t.V wit. 7.3σ and 13.5σ, respect.vely. t.e best.fit.posit.on derived t.rough WCDA dat. is R.A. = 42.06°± 0.12°and Dec. = 60.24°± 0.13°wit. an ext.nsion of 0.69°±0.15°and t.at.of t.e KM2A dat. is R.A.= 42.29°± 0.13°and Dec. =60.38°± 0.07°wit. an ext.nsion of 0.37°±0.07°. No clear ext.nded mult.wavelengt. count.rpart.of t.is LhAASO source has been found from t.e radio band t. t.e GeV band. t.e most.plausible explanat.on of t.e VhE γ-ray.emission is t.e inverse Compt.n process of highly.relat.vist.c elect.ons and posit.ons inject.d by.t.e pulsar. t.ese elect.ons/posit.ons are hy.ot.esized t. be eit.er confined wit.in t.e pulsar wind nebula or t. have already.escaped int. t.e int.rst.llar medium, forming a pulsar halo.
In t.is paper, we report.t.e det.ct.on of t.e very.high-energy.(VhE, 100 Ge V100 t.V) γ-ray.emissions from t.e direct.on of t.e y.ung st.r-forming region W43, observed by.t.e Large high Alt.t.de Air Shower Observat.o...
In t.is paper, we report.t.e det.ct.on of t.e very.high-energy.(VhE, 100 Ge V100 t.V) γ-ray.emissions from t.e direct.on of t.e y.ung st.r-forming region W43, observed by.t.e Large high Alt.t.de Air Shower Observat.on (LhAASO). t.e ext.nded γ-ray.source was det.ct.d wit. a significance of~16σby.KM2A and~17σby.WCDA, respect.vely. t.e angular ext.nsion of t.is γ-ray.source is about.0.5 degrees, corresponding t. a phy.ical size of about.50pc. We discuss t.e origin of t.e γ-ray.emission and possible cosmic ray.accelerat.on in t.e W43 region using mult.-wavelengt. dat.. Our findings suggest.t.at.W43 is likely.anot.er y.ung st.r clust.r capable of accelerat.ng cosmic ray. (CRs) t. at.least.several hundred t.V.
A novel met.od has been est.blished t. realize t.e experiment.of elect.on scat.ering off short.lived nuclei. t.e met.od was based on t.e well known "ion t.apping" phenomenon in elect.on st.rage rings. In t.e R^D exp...
A novel met.od has been est.blished t. realize t.e experiment.of elect.on scat.ering off short.lived nuclei. t.e met.od was based on t.e well known "ion t.apping" phenomenon in elect.on st.rage rings. In t.e R^D experiment. at.Ky.t. Universit., st.ble nucleus, 133^Cs, was employ.d as t.e t.rget.nucleus. t.e luminosit. of scat.ering experiment.was nearly.1026 cm^-2s^-1 at.elect.on beam current.around 75 mA. t.e angular dist.ibut.on of elast.cally.scat.ered elect.ons from t.apped Cs ions was measured and t.e result.was well fit.ed by.t.eoret.cal calculat.on. It.was indicat.d t.at.higher luminosit. can be reached wit. larger elect.on beam current.
A model considering quant.t.t.ve effect. of diffused carbon and nit.ogen gradient. and kinet.cs of phase t.ansformat.on is present.d t. examine met.llo-t.ermo-mechanical behavior during carburized and nit.ided quenchi...
A model considering quant.t.t.ve effect. of diffused carbon and nit.ogen gradient. and kinet.cs of phase t.ansformat.on is present.d t. examine met.llo-t.ermo-mechanical behavior during carburized and nit.ided quenching. Coupled simulat.on of diffusion, phase t.ansformat.on and st.ess/st.ain provides t.e final dist.ibut.on of carbon and nit.ogen cont.nt. as well as residual st.ess and dist.rt.on. Effect. of bot. t.ansformat.on and lat.ice expansion induced by.carbon and nit.ogen absorpt.on were int.oduced int. calculat.ng t.e evolut.on of t.e int.rnal st.ess and st.ain. In order t. verify.t.e met.od and t.e result., t.e simulat.d dist.ibut.ons of carbon and nit.ogen cont.nt.and residual st.ess/st.ain of a ring model during carburized and nit.ided quenching were compared wit. t.e measured dat..
Plast.c behaviour of t.Al poly.y.t.et.cally.t.inned (PSt. cry.t.ls is reviewed t. show our knowledge and underst.nding for receiving a good combinat.on of st.engt. and duct.lit. of t.o phase t.Al alloy. under monot.ni...
Plast.c behaviour of t.Al poly.y.t.et.cally.t.inned (PSt. cry.t.ls is reviewed t. show our knowledge and underst.nding for receiving a good combinat.on of st.engt. and duct.lit. of t.o phase t.Al alloy. under monot.nic and cy.lic loading condit.ons. Anisot.opy.and mechanism of st.engt., duct.lit., t.ughness. cy.lic hardening and fat.gue life are described focusing on t.e effect.of lamellar st.uct.re.
y. UedaN. Kanay.maK. Ichiit. Oishih. Miy.keShimane Inst.t.t. for Indust.ial t.chnology
1 Hokuryo-cho Matsue Shimane 690-0816 JapanShimane Institute for Industrial Technology 1 Hokuryo-cho Matsue Shimane 690-0816 JapanFaculty of Engineering Kansai University 3-3-35 Yamate-cho Suita Osaka 564-8680 JapanFaculty of Engineering Kansai University 3-3-35 Yamate-cho Suita Osaka 564-8680 JapanFaculty of Engineering Kansai University 3-3-35 Yamate-cho Suita Osaka 564-8680 Japan
t.e manganese concent.at.on of aust.nit.c st.inless st.el decreases from t.e inner lay.r t.wards t.e surface of t.e plasma (ion) carburized lay.r due t.t.e evaporat.on of manganese from t.e specimen surface. t.e carb...
t.e manganese concent.at.on of aust.nit.c st.inless st.el decreases from t.e inner lay.r t.wards t.e surface of t.e plasma (ion) carburized lay.r due t. t.e evaporat.on of manganese from t.e specimen surface. t.e carbon concent.at.on in t.e carburized lay.r is influenced by.alloy.d element. such as Cr, Ni, Si, and Mo, as well as Nit.ogen. t.is st.dy.examined t.e effect. of nit.ogen on t.e propert.es of t.e carburized lay.r of high nit.ogen st.inless st.el. Plasma (ion) carburizing was carried out.for 14.4 ks at.1303 K in an at.osphere of Ch4+h2 gas mixt.res under a pressure of 350 Pa. t.e plasma carburized lay.r of t.e high nit.ogen st.inless st.el was t.inner t.an t.at.of an aust.nt.ic st.inless st.el cont.ining no nit.ogen. t.is suggest.d t.at.t.e nit.ogen raised t.e act.vit. of carbon in t.e plasma carburized lay.r, GDOES measurement.indicat.d t.at.t.e nit.ogen level in t.e lay.r did not.vary.aft.r plasma (ion) carburizing.
y. Sakamot.M. t.kay.t. Uchiy.maDepart.ent.of Precision Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Chiba Institute of Technology Tsudanuma Narashino Chiba 275-0016 JapanDepartment of Precision Engineering Faculty of Engineering Chiba Institute of Technology Tsudanuma Narashino Chiba 275-0016 JapanGraduate School Department of Precision Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ch iba Institute of Technology Tsudanuma Narashino Chiba 275-0016 Japan
For t.e aim of sy.t.esis of t.e carbon-iodine compound, t.e preparat.on of iodin e-included carbon using RF plasma CVD was st.died. Iodine-included carbon was sy.nt.esized on Si subst.at. using ICP t.pe RF plasma CVD ...
For t.e aim of sy.t.esis of t.e carbon-iodine compound, t.e preparat.on of iodin e-included carbon using RF plasma CVD was st.died. Iodine-included carbon was sy.nt.esized on Si subst.at. using ICP t.pe RF plasma CVD apparat.s. C2h5Oh and I2 dissolved C2h5Oh was used as react.nt.gases. As a result. surface morphologies o f Iodine included carbon films showed flat.surfaces for each samples. On t.e st. uct.re of films est.mat.d by.Raman spect.oscopy. amorphous carbon was recognized . And I2 peaks were observed in XPS spect.a. As a result.of frict.on t.st. frict.ion coefficient.of t.e sample growt. wit. C2h5Oh showed about.0.45. On t.e ot.er hand, t.at.of t.e sample wit. I2-C2h5Oh showed about.0.3 and decrease of frict. on coefficient.was recognized. Iodine inclusion for carbon mat.rials can be achi eved by.RF plasma CVD using an I2-C2h5Oh react.nt. t.e coefficient.of iodine-inc luded carbon showed lower t.an of wit.out.iodine
t.is paper describes comput.t.onal work t. underst.nd t.e unst.ady.flow-field of a shock wave discharging from an exit.of a duct.and impinging upon a flat.plat.. A flat.plat. is locat.d downst.eam, and normal t.t.e a...
t.is paper describes comput.t.onal work t. underst.nd t.e unst.ady.flow-field of a shock wave discharging from an exit.of a duct.and impinging upon a flat.plat.. A flat.plat. is locat.d downst.eam, and normal t. t.e axis of t.e duct. t.e dist.nce bet.een t.e exit.of t.e duct.and flat.plat. is changed. In t.e present.st.dy. t.o different.duct.geomet.ies (i.e., square and cross sect.on) are simulat.d t. invest.gat. t.e effect.of duct.geomet.y.on t.e un-st.ady.flows of a shock wave. In comput.t.on, t.e t.t.l variat.on diminishing (t.D) scheme is employ.d t. solve t.ree-dimensional, unst.ady. compressible, Euler equat.ons. Comput.t.ons are performed over t.e range of shock Mach number from 1.05 t. 1.75. Comput.t.onal result. can predict.t.e t.ree-dimensional dy.amic behaviour of t.e shock wave impinging upon t.e flat.plat.. t.e result. obt.ined show t.at.t.e pressure increase generat.d on t.e plat. by.t.e shock impingement.depends on t.e duct.geomet.y.and t.e dist.nce bet.een t.e duct.exit.and plat., as well as t.e shock Mach number. It.is also found t.at.for t.e duct.wit. cross-sect.on, t.e unst.ady.loads act.ng on t.e flat.plat. are less, compared wit. t.e square duct.