Hist.ry of upper respirat.ry t.act.infect.on in t.e mot.er or siblings was associat.d wit. higher risk of acut. lower respirat.ry t.act.infect.on in cases. Most.upper respirat.ry t.act.infect.ons were caused by viral ...
Hist.ry of upper respirat.ry t.act.infect.on in t.e mot.er or siblings was associat.d wit. higher risk of acut. lower respirat.ry t.act.infect.on in cases. Most.upper respirat.ry t.act.infect.ons were caused by viral pat.ogens and likely t. occur in many members of t.e family. t.e st.dy aimed t. det.rmine t.e exist.nce and pat.ern of relat.onship bet.een risk of acut. respirat.ry infect.on (ARI) among infant. and exposure t. pre-exist.ng mat.rnal/caregiver acut. respirat.ry t.act.infect.on. t.e st.dy was designed as a communit.-based Nest.d case-cont.ol st.dy of 1100 infant. randomly select.d from 12 communit.es out.of 6 Local Government.Areas of t.e 3 senat.rial dist.ict. of Rivers St.t.. A mult.st.ge random sampling t.chnique was used in select.ng t.e subject. up t. t.e communit. level. Descript.ve met.od was used t. represent.t.e charact.rist.cs of t.e subject. and t.e differences in ARI bet.een exposed and unexposed infant. were t.st.d in a bivariat. logist.cs regression at.5% level of significance. Odds rat.o (OR) was used t. int.rpret.t.e size effect.measures of ARI on exposure t. pre-exist.ng mat.rnal/caregiver ARI differences. A t.t.l of 275 Cases of ARI and 825 cont.ols were included in t.e st.dy. Among exposed infant. (N = 104), ARI cases were found t. be higher n = 80 (76.9%) t.an in cont.ol n = 24 (23.1%). Whereas, among unexposed infant. N = 991, ARI cases were found t. be lower n = 195 (19.7%) t.an in cont.ol n = 796 (80.3%). For t.e exposed infant., t.e odds for ARI were 13.5 t.mes significant.y higher compared t. t.ose of t.eir unexposed count.rpart. (OR-Unadjust.d = 13.52, (p t.e findings will widen t.e horizon in t.e et.ological considerat.on of ARI among infant. vis-à-vis exposure pot.nt.al t. pre-exist.ng mat.rnal/caregiver ARI via nursing care. t.erefore, communit.-based sensit.zat.on programme on barrier nursing care t.chniques and personal hygiene pract.ces should be on focus.
t.is st.dy present. an int.grat.d examinat.on of livest.ck product.on const.aint. associat.ng wit. communal farming in six dist.ict.municipalit.es (DMs) of t.e East.rn Cape Province. We collect.d dat. on demographic a...
This study presents an integrated examination of livestock production constraints associating with communal farming in six district municipalities (DMs) of the Eastern Cape Province. We collected data on demographic and socio-economic factors from 271 farmers randomly given questionnaires. About 26 Land Redistribution for Agricultural Development (LRAD) owned by communal farmers were surveyed to ascertain the condition of grazing land, meanwhile, tick species and distribution on cattle and goats found in 158 sampling sites of the study area were also recorded. From the results, a total of 34,929 adult ticks belonging to five genera and 10 species were encountered. The most abundant tick genera were Rhipicephalus of the subgenus Boophilus (68.91%), Amblyomma (20.72%), Hyalomma (8.64%), Ixodes (1.22%), and Haemaphysalis (0.51%). By geographic distributions, Amblyomma and t.le="font.family:Verdana;">Rhipic