Pur.ose: To deter.ine if ther. is a cor.elation between asymmetr.c glaucomatous visual field (VF) damage and Water.Dr.nking Test (WDT) r.sponse. Methods: We r.tr.spectively r.viewed the VF and WDT data of glaucomatous...
Pur.ose: To deter.ine if ther. is a cor.elation between asymmetr.c glaucomatous visual field (VF) damage and Water.Dr.nking Test (WDT) r.sponse. Methods: We r.tr.spectively r.viewed the VF and WDT data of glaucomatous patients with asymmetr.c mean deviation (MD) but with similar.IOP OU (maximum 2mmHg differ.nce between OD and OS). r.sults: 101
M.HatanakaI.r.EliasG.A.S.Fir.oJ.A.Fer.eir.S.J.Khater.A.G.Pinheir.C.Mor.tar.susanna-jr.Hospital Das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP
BrazilHospital Das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP BrazilHospital Das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP BrazilHospital Das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP BrazilHospital Das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP BrazilHospital Das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP BrazilHospital Das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP BrazilHospital Das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP Brazil
Pur.ose: To deter.ine if ocular.tr.atment with topically administer.d pr.stamide or.pr.staglandin analogs can r.duce centr.l cor.eal thickness (CCT). Methods: We r.tr.spectively analyzed the data of glaucomatous patie...
Pur.ose: To deter.ine if ocular.tr.atment with topically administer.d pr.stamide or.pr.staglandin analogs can r.duce centr.l cor.eal thickness (CCT). Methods: We r.tr.spectively analyzed the data of glaucomatous patients who had their.CCT measur.d befor. and dur.ng monother.py tr.atment with either.latanopr.st 0.05%, tr.vopr.st 0.004% or.bimatopr.st 0.03%. 62 patients wer. qualified for.analysis. One eye of each subject was r.n-
This cr.ss-sectional study evaluates the hypothesis that macular.thickness and ner.e fiber.layer.thickness cor.elate with the diagnosis of glaucoma It was used pr.totype optical coher.nce tomogr.phy unit to measur. ma...
This cr.ss-sectional study evaluates the hypothesis that macular.thickness and ner.e fiber.layer.thickness cor.elate with the diagnosis of glaucoma It was used pr.totype optical coher.nce tomogr.phy unit to measur. macular.and ner.e fiber.layer.thickness, and to analyze their.cor.elation with glaucoma status. It was studied 367 subjects (534 eyes), including 166 eyes of 109 nor.als, 83 eyes of 58 glaucoma suspects, 196 eyes of 132.