This literature review prim.rily aim. to explore and synthesise the previous studies in sim.lation education research conducted over the past five years related to the effects of sim.lation training on the self-effica...
This literature review prim.rily aim. to explore and synthesise the previous studies in sim.lation education research conducted over the past five years related to the effects of sim.lation training on the self-efficacy of undergraduate pre-registration nursing students. The second aim.of this study is to explore additional outcom. variables that were exam.ned in the previous studies. Five electronic databases were searched system.tically. These databases were m.DLINE, CINAHL Plus, Scopus, Em.ase and PsycINFO. The PICO m.del was em.loyed to identify the search term., with a thesaurus being used to provide synonym.. Reference lists of relevant articles were exam.ned and hand searches of journals were also undertaken. The quality of each study was assessed using the Sim.lation Research Rubric (SRR). A total of 11 studies were included. All studies explored the im.act of sim.lation education on undergraduate pre-registration nursing. Six studies explored nursing students’ com.etence and perform.nce and two papers exam.ned their critical thinking. Problem.solving, learning m.tivation, com.unication skills and knowledge acquisition were exam.ned once. The m.jority of studies indicated that sim.lation training has a positive im.act on pre-registration nursing students’ self-efficacy and other outcom. variables., the study results indicate that sim.lation training is dependable than traditional training, and students were satisfied with the sim.lation training. However, of the studies included in this review had several gaps, including study design, sam.le size and dissim.larities between the scales used. Further research with large sam.les, reliable and valid instrum.nts, and outcom.s m.asures (such as critical thinking and transferability of skills) is required to provide better insight into the effectiveness of sim.lation in undergraduate nursing education. .
Diagnosing a baby’s feelings poses a challenge for both doctors and parents because babies cannot explain their feelings through expression or *** the em.tions of babies and their associated expressions during differ...
Diagnosing a baby’s feelings poses a challenge for both doctors and parents because babies cannot explain their feelings through expression or *** the em.tions of babies and their associated expressions during different sensations such as hunger,pain,etc.,is a com.licated *** infancy,all com.unication and feelings are propagated through cryspeech,which is a natural *** clinical m.thods can be used to diagnose a baby’s diseases,but nonclinical m.thods of diagnosing a baby’s feelings are *** such,in this study,we aim.d to identify babies’feelings and em.tions through their cry using a nonclinical *** in the cry sound can be identified using our m.thod and used to assess the baby’s *** considered the frequency of the cries from.the energy of the *** feelings represented by the infant’s cry are judged to represent certain sensations expressed by the child using the optim.l frequency of the recognition of a real-world audio *** used m.chine learning and artificial intelligence to distinguish cry tones in real tim. through feature *** experim.ntal group consisted of 50%each m.le and fem.le babies,and we determ.ned the relevancy of the results against different *** application produced real-tim. results after recognizing a child’s cry *** novelty of our work is that we,for the first tim.,successfully derived the feelings of young children through the cry-speech of the child,showing for end-user applications.
Recently,unm.nned aerial vehicles(UAV)or drones are widely em.loyed for several application areas such as surveillance,disaster m.nagem.nt,*** UAVs are lim.ted to energy,efficient coordination between them.becom.s ess...
Recently,unm.nned aerial vehicles(UAV)or drones are widely em.loyed for several application areas such as surveillance,disaster m.nagem.nt,*** UAVs are lim.ted to energy,efficient coordination between them.becom.s essential to optim.lly utilize the resources and effective com.unication them.and base station(BS).Therefore,clustering can be em.loyed as an effective way of accom.lishing sm.rt com.unication system. m.ltiple *** this aspect,this paper presents a group teaching optim.zation algorithm.with deep learning enabled sm.rt com.unication system.GTOADL-SCS)technique for UAV *** proposed GTOADL-SCS m.del encom.asses a two stage process clustering and *** the initial stage,the GTOADL-SCS m.del includes a GTOA based clustering schem. to elect cluster heads(CHs)and organize ***,the GTOADL-SCS m.del develops a fitness function containing three input param.ters as residual energy of UAVs,average neighoring distance,and UAV *** classification process,the GTOADLSCS m.del applies pre-trained densely connected network(DenseNet201)feature extractor with gated recurrent unit(GRU)*** ensuring the enhanced perform.nce of the GTOADL-SCS m.del,a widespread sim.lation analysis is perform.d and the com.arative study reported the significant outcom.s over the existing approaches with m.xim.m.packet delivery ratio(PDR)of 92.60%.