In this White Paper.we pr.sent the potential of the enhanced X-r.y Timing and Polar.metr.(eXTP) mission for.studies r.lated to Obser.ator. Science tar.ets. These include star., super.ova r.mnants, accr.ting wh...
In this White Paper.we pr.sent the potential of the enhanced X-r.y Timing and Polar.metr.(eXTP) mission for.studies r.lated to Obser.ator. Science tar.ets. These include star., super.ova r.mnants, accr.ting white dwar.s, low and high mass X-r.y, r.dio quiet and r.dio loud active galactic nuclei, tidal disr.ption events, and gamma-r.y bur.ts. eXTP will be excellently suited to study one common aspect of these objects: their.often tr.nsient natur.. Developed by an inter.ational Consor.ium led by the Institute of High Ener.y Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science, the eXTP mission is expected to be launched in the mid 2020s.