Bac.ground Asthma is a signific.nt problem worldwide. Management aims at disease c.ntrol func.ional impairment and exac.rbations and improving quality.of life (QoL). We report a multi-c.nter...
Bac.ground Asthma is a signific.nt problem worldwide. Management aims at disease c.ntrol func.ional impairment and exac.rbations and improving quality.of life (QoL). We report a multi-c.nter survey.asthma c.ntrol and QoL in four c.ties in the Pearl River Delta. Methods The c.njoint survey.involved ten Hong Kong pediatric.hospitals/units, two Shenzhen hospitals, two Mac.o hos-pitals, and two Guangzhou hospitals on asthma c.ntrol (using Asthma c.ntrol Test) and QoL (Pediatric.Allergic.Disease Quality.of Life Questionnaire, PADQLQ). Ac.eptability.of a treatment is graded as very.good/good/fair/poor. Results Good asthma c.ntrol was only.reported in 80% subjec.s in Hong Kong, but higher in sister c.ties (85–94%, Pc.rhinitis, 'inc.nse burning', and 'smoker in family. were prevalent among the four c.ties. Logistic.regres-sion showed better c.ntrol of asthma was assoc.ated with better PADQLQ (B=?0.029, P c.eptability.of bronc.odilator (B=?1.488, P = 0.025), negatively.with 'smoker in family. (B=?0.83, P = 0.015) and various PADQLQ domains. c.nversely. worse PADQLQ was assoc.ated with allergic.rhinitis severity.(B=4.77, P c.ntrol of asthma (B=7.56, P c.eased frequenc.0}of traditional c.inese use (B=1.7, P c.eased fre-quenc.0}of bronc.odilator usage (B=1.05, P y. (B=4.05, P c.nse burning at home (B=3.9, P There are some c.inic.l and c.ltural differenc.s among the four southern c.inese c.ties within the Guangdong provinc.. This study.identifies potentially.modifiable environmental and treatment fac.ors assoc.ated with poor asthma c.ntrol and QoL for interventions. Having a smoker in the independently.assoc.ated with poor asthma c.ntrol and QoL.
The SARS-c.V-2 Omic.on variants are notorious for their transmissibility.but little is known about their subgenomic.RNA(sgRNA)*** study.applied RNA-seq to delineate the quantitative and qualitative profiles of c.nonic...
The SARS-c.V-2 Omic.on variants are notorious for their transmissibility.but little is known about their subgenomic.RNA(sgRNA)*** study.applied RNA-seq to delineate the quantitative and qualitative profiles of c.nonic.l sgRNA of 118 respiratory.samples c.llec.ed from patients infec.ed with Omic.on BA.2 and c.mpared with 338 patients infec.ed with non-variant of unique c.arac.eristic.profile depic.ed by.the relative abundanc. of 9 c.nonic.l sgRNAs was reproduc.d by.both BA.2 and non-VOc.614G regardless of host gender,age and presenc. of ***,suc. profile was lost in samples with low viral load,suggesting a potential applic.tion of sgRNA pattern to indic.te viral ac.ivity.of individual patient at a spec.fic.time point.A c.arac.eristic.qualitative profile of c.nonic.l sgRNAs was also reproduc.d by.both BA.2 and *** presenc. of a full set of c.nonic.l sgRNAs c.rried a c.herent c.rrelation with c.ude viral load(AUc.0.91,95%c. 0.88–0.94),and sgRNA ORF7b was identified to be the best surrogate marker allowing feasible routine applic.tion in c.arac.erizing the infec.ion status of individual *** potentials in using sgRNA as a target for vac.ine and antiviral development are worth pursuing.