To discuss the nature of the compositional heterogeneity of the peridotite massifs of the Polar Urals(Russia), the geochemical study by LA-ICP-MS of pyroxenes and amphiboles from these mantle formations was performed....
To discuss the nature of the compositional heterogeneity of the peridotite massifs of the Polar Urals(Russia), the geochemical study by LA-ICP-MS of pyroxenes and amphiboles from these mantle formations was performed. The trace element compositions in clinopyroxenes indicate the existence of the mantle protolith of two types. The first protolith type, represented by lherzolites and diopside harzburgites,was originated from the partial melting(5%–10%) under the spinel facies conditions, while the second one,represented by diopside harzburgites, was formed under the polybaric partial melting(17%–19%) under garnet and spinel facies conditions. Subsequently, the mantle peridotite protolith was subject to fluidinduced partial melting in the suprasubduction setting that was resulted in the formation of *** affected by penetrating melts and fluids peridotites experienced the refertilization(LREE enrichment of clinopyroxenes) and high-temperature hydratation with subsequent development of pargasite and Mg amphibole. The high-T fluid-induced metamorphism at the subduction zone was accompanied by the formation of metaperidotites with clinochlore and REE-depleted tremolite.
Chromite is a typical refractory igneous mineral, precipitated from mafic magmas at relatively high temperatures. Chromites commonly occur in sedimentary, metamorphic and metasomatic rocks, where they are interpreted ...
Chromite is a typical refractory igneous mineral, precipitated from mafic magmas at relatively high temperatures. Chromites commonly occur in sedimentary, metamorphic and metasomatic rocks, where they are interpreted as relics of an igneous phase and serve as the source of Cr for low-temperature Cr-bearing minerals. We present evidence for the dissolution and nucleation of chromite within hydrothermal solutions from the northern Oman ophiolite.
Middle to Late Paleozoic ophiolites,which are remnants of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean,are aligned in two main zones in northern Iran:Darrehanjir-Fariman-Mashhad,and Rasht in the north and Jandagh-Anarak ophiolites to the *...
Middle to Late Paleozoic ophiolites,which are remnants of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean,are aligned in two main zones in northern Iran:Darrehanjir-Fariman-Mashhad,and Rasht in the north and Jandagh-Anarak ophiolites to the *** new U-Pb zircon dating results show that the-200 km long Darrehanjir-Mashhad mafic-ultramafic body is not a single ophiolite but a composite igneous complex composed of Permian pillow lavas and pelagic sediments in fault contact with a small outcrop of Devonian intrusive and ultramafic *** intrusive rocks have U-Pb zircon ages of 380.6±3.7 Ma and 382.9±3.7 Ma respectively,-100 Ma older than published ages for gabbros and radiolarites intercalated with lavas near Mashhad and *** peridotites from the Devonian complex contain low Cr#spinel,similar to that in MORB-type *** Darrehanjir gabbros and Permian Mashhad sequences both have boninitic and calc-alkaline signatures,***δOvalues from the Devonian ferrodiorite(δO-4.6±0.3‰)are slightly lower than the 5.2 to5.4‰expected for MORB-type zircons whereas Devonian plagiogranitic zircons mostly haveδO103)and lowεNd(<5.4)for both Permian and Devonian *** Darrehanjir-Mashhad rocks are characterized by radiogenicPb/Pb andPb/Pb,indicating the involvement of subducted terrigenous sediments in the *** Mashhad-Darrehanjir mafic-ultramafic complex demonstrates that this part of Paleo-Tethys evolved from oceanic crust formation above a subduction zone in Devonian time to accretionary convergence in Permian *** Paleozoic ophiolites and oceanic igneous complexes along with those of the Caucasus and Turkey in the west and Afghanistan,Turkmenistan
The variability of projectile jump is the long-term issue to improve weapon *** we have many simulation codes to predict ***,these codes cannot explain explicitly how the variability of jump *** aims of this paper are...
The variability of projectile jump is the long-term issue to improve weapon *** we have many simulation codes to predict ***,these codes cannot explain explicitly how the variability of jump *** aims of this paper are,(1)to give fundamental explanations for the variability of Jump,and (2)to offer design factors to make the variability of Jump *** model presented here was formulated in accordance with the transition of the system in reverse way commencing from the target impact stage to the chambering *** of the simulation are generic 120mm smooth bore and long rod system which are extremely simplified to the vibration of tube,the spring effect by sabot,and the free-ends beam of *** calculations clarified that high Jump-variability is generated only when the last rebound is on the muzzle *** particular state of rebound is achieved by many combinations of *** map named JV-Chart is proposed to show the high Jumpvariability zone.
Kostka functions K_(λ,μ)~±(t), indexed by r-partitions λ and μ of n, are a generalization of Kostka polynomials K_(λ,μ)(t) indexed by partitions λ,μ of n. It is known that Kostka polynomials have an interpret...
Kostka functions K_(λ,μ)~±(t), indexed by r-partitions λ and μ of n, are a generalization of Kostka polynomials K_(λ,μ)(t) indexed by partitions λ,μ of n. It is known that Kostka polynomials have an interpretation in terms of Lusztig's partition function. Finkelberg and Ionov(2016) defined alternate functions K_(λ,μ)(t) by using an analogue of Lusztig's partition function, and showed that K_(λ,μ)(t) ∈Z≥0[t] for generic μ by making use of a coherent realization. They conjectured that K_(λ,μ)(t) coincide with K_(λ,μ)^-(t). In this paper, we show that their conjecture holds. We also discuss the multi-variable version, namely, r-variable Kostka functions K_(λ,μ)~±(t_1,…,t_r).
Azulene,which is one of the non-alternating 10π-electron aromatic compounds,has attracted the interest of many research groups due to the application to material sciences utilizing the unique optoelectronic properties.
Azulene,which is one of the non-alternating 10π-electron aromatic compounds,has attracted the interest of many research groups due to the application to material sciences utilizing the unique optoelectronic properties.
Terrible scenario for the future aspect of our society was issued by "The Limits to Growth". Basic problems that we confront are the restricted natural resources and the environment. Regarding the resources, the ove...
Terrible scenario for the future aspect of our society was issued by "The Limits to Growth". Basic problems that we confront are the restricted natural resources and the environment. Regarding the resources, the overall average of the reserve/production ratio is predicted to fall below 10 years by 2040. Aggressive developments of mines based on the sense of urgency for metal resources cause strong conftiction with the environment and the people living there. Resultantly, urban mine becomes more realistic than before. From the view point of ecological foot print, 5.3 globes are needed if all the people living in the world attain the affluent life same as USA. On the other hand, it is clear that we can get larger utility by smaller goods if our scale of satisfaction is reduced. We have to notice that happiness is our ultimate purpose, economy and industry are intermediate, and natural resources support the all from the basis.
A variety of slow release fertilizers, controlled release (availability) fertilizers (CAFs),and stability fertilizers have been developed in response to the serious drawbacks of the conventional fertilizers since the ...
A variety of slow release fertilizers, controlled release (availability) fertilizers (CAFs),and stability fertilizers have been developed in response to the serious drawbacks of the conventional fertilizers since the early 1960's. Of these fertilizers, CAFs which are coated with resin are consumed in the largest quantity in the world. Selecting CAFs with higher performance, the author will discuss about: 1) Innovation of agro-technologies for various field crops including new concepts of fertilizer application, 2) high yielding of field crops, 3) enhancing quality and safety of farm products, and 4) controlling the adverse effect of intensive agriculture on the environment.
Updatable timed automata(UTAs) proposed by Bouyer ***., is an extension of timed automata(TAs) having the extra ability to update clocks in a more elaborate way than simply reset them to *** reachability of UTAs is ge...
Updatable timed automata(UTAs) proposed by Bouyer ***., is an extension of timed automata(TAs) having the extra ability to update clocks in a more elaborate way than simply reset them to *** reachability of UTAs is generally undecidable, which can be easily gained by regarding a pair of clocks as updatable counters. This paper investigates a subclass of UTAs by restricting the number of updatable clocks to be one. We will show that(1) the reachability of general UTAs with one updatable clock(UTA1 s)is still undecidable, and(2) that of UTA1 s under diagonal-free constraints is decidable, and the complexity is Pspace-complete. The former is achieved by encoding Minsky machines to the general UTA1 s, where two counters are simulated by the updatable clock. The latter is gained by regarding a region of a UTA1 to be an unbounded digiword, and encoding sets of digiwords that are accepted by a one counter automaton where regions are generated as the value of the counter.