Ba.KGROUND Pa.crea.ic cystic lesions(PCLs) a.e common in clinica. pra.tice. The a.cura.e cla.sifica.ion a.d dia.nosis of these lesions a.e crucia. to a.oid unnecessa.y trea.ment of benign lesions a.d missed opportunit...
Ba.KGROUND Pa.crea.ic cystic lesions(PCLs) a.e common in clinica. pra.tice. The a.cura.e cla.sifica.ion a.d dia.nosis of these lesions a.e crucia. to a.oid unnecessa.y trea.ment of benign lesions a.d missed opportunities for trea.ment of ma.igna.t *** To the role of cyst fluid a.a.ysis of different tumor ma.kers such a. ca.cer a.tigens [e.g., ca.cer a.tigen(Ca.19-9, Ca.2-4], ca.cinoembryonic a.tigen(CEa., serine protea.e inhibitor Ka.a.-type 1(SPINK1), interleukin 1 beta.IL1-β), va.cula. endothelia. growth fa.tor a.VEGF-a., a.d E2(PGE2)], a.yla.e, a.d mucin sta.n in dia.nosing pa.crea.ic cysts a.d ma.igna.t from benign *** This study included 76 pa.ients dia.nosed with PCLs using different moda.ities. a.l pa.ients underwent endoscopic ultra.ound(EUS) a.d EUS-fine needle a.pira.ion(EUS-FNa. for cha.a.teriza.ion a.d sa.pling of different *** The mea. a.e of studied pa.ients wa. 47.4 ± 11.4 yea.s, with a.slight fema.e predomina.ce(59.2%). Mucin sta.n showed high sta.istica. significa.ce in predicting with a.sensitivity of 87.1% a.d specificity of 95.56%. It showed a.positive predictive va.ue a.d nega.ive predictive va.ue of 93.1% a.d 91.49%, respectively(P a. positive mucin sta.n, cyst fluid glucose, SPINK1, a.yla.e, a.d CEa.levels ha. high sta.istica. significa.ce(P a.t, IL-1β, Ca.72-4, VEGF-a. VEGFR2, a.d PGE2 did not show a.y sta.istica. significa.ce. Univa.ia.e regression a.a.ysis for prediction of in PCLs showed significa.t positive correla.ion with mura. nodules, lymph nodes, cyst dia.eter, mucin sta.n, a.d cyst fluid CEa. Mea.while, logistic multiva.ia.le regression a.a.ysis proved tha. mura. nodules, mucin sta.n, a.d SPINK1 were independent predictors of in cystic pa.crea.ic *** EUS exa.ina.ion of cyst morphology with cytopa.hologica. a.a.ysis a.d cyst fluid a.a
Objectives: The study is the rela.ion of the ploidy pa.tern a.d cell cycle kinetics to different types of endometria. select the high-risk women who will need strict follow up surveilla.ce...
Objectives: The study is the rela.ion of the ploidy pa.tern a.d cell cycle kinetics to different types of endometria. select the high-risk women who will need strict follow up surveilla.ce. Study design: a. observa.iona. study of 152 pa.ients with endometria. hyperpla.ia. Endometria. sa.ples were subjected to flowcytometric study of the nuclea. DNa.content to determine the ploidy pa.tern a.d cell cycle kinetics. Results: The mea. a.e of women wa. 46.3 ±3.6 yea.s. 15.8%of women were nullipa.a., 36.8%were dia.etic a.d 43.6%were hypertensive. 48.7%of women were obese (BMI >30). Most of endometria. sa.ples (88.2%) were simple endometria. hyperpla.ia.without a.ypia. The cell cycle kinetics in different types of endometria. hyperpla.ia.shows tha. there were significa.t sta.istica. differences a. rega.ds the S-pha.e fra.tion a.d prolifera.ive index (PI) between typica. a.d a.ypica. hyperpla.ia. Conclusion: The study of cell cycle kinetics by flowcytometry might help in picking up, a.l women with endometria. hyperpla.ia. the group of pa.ients who need further close a.d strict follow up by endometria. pa.hologic study. This is going to minimize the cost a.d inva.iveness of surveilla.ce of pa.ients with va.ious of endometria. hyperpla.ia.