Large and growing data resources on the diversity, distribution, and properties of m.nerals are ushering in a new era of data-driven discovery in m.neralogy. The com.rehensive international m.neral database is th...
Large and growing data resources on the diversity, distribution, and properties of m.nerals are ushering in a new era of data-driven discovery in m.neralogy. The com.rehensive international m.neral database is the Im. database, which includes inform.tion on than 5400 approved m.neral species and their properties, and the *** data source, which contains than 1 m.llion species/locality data on m.nerals found at than 300 000 localities. Analysis and visualization of these data with diverse techniques—including chord diagram., cluster diagram., Klee diagram., skyline diagram., and varied m.thods of network analysis—are leading to a greater understanding of the co-evolving geosphere and biosphere. New data-driven approaches include m.neral evolution, m.neral ecology, and m.neral network analysis—m.thods that collectively consider the distribution and diversity of m.nerals through space and tim.. These strategies are fostering a deeper understanding of m.neral co-occurrences and, for the first tim., facilitating predictions of m.neral species that occur on Earth but have yet to be discovered and described.
The key to answering m.ny com.elling and com.lex questions in Earth,planetary,and life science lies in breaking down the barriers between scientific fields and harnessing the integrated,m.lti-disciplinary power of Ear...
The key to answering m.ny com.elling and com.lex questions in Earth,planetary,and life science lies in breaking down the barriers between scientific fields and harnessing the integrated,m.lti-disciplinary power of Earth,planetary,and bioscience data *** have a unique opportunity to integrate large and rapidly expanding"big data"resources,to enlist powerful analytical and visualization m.thods,and to answer m.lti-disciplinary questions that cannot be addressed by one field alone.