there is evidencethat a substantial.part of genet.c predisposition to prost.t.cancer (Pca) may be dueto l.wer penetrance genes which are found by genome-wide association studies. We have recentl.conducted such a...
there is evidence that a substantial.part of genet.c predisposition to prost.t. cancer (Pca) may be due to l.wer penetrance genes which are found by genome-wide association studies. We have recentl. conducted such a st.dy and seven new regions of the genome l.nked to Pca risk have been identified. three of these contain candidate susceptibil.ty genes: MSMB, l.tK2 and Kl.2/3. the MSMB and Kl.2/3 genes may be useful.for Pca screening, and the l.tK2 gene might provide a potential.therapeutic target. together with resul.s from other groups, there are now 23 genet.c variants which have been reported. these resul.s have the be devel.ped into a genet.c test. However, we consider that marketing of tests to the publ.c is premature, as Pca risk can not be eval.ated ful.y at this stage and the appropriate screening protocol. need to be devel.ped. Fol.ow-up val.dation studies, as wel. as studies to the psychol.gical.impl.cations of genet.c profil. testing, wil. be vital.prior to rol. out into heal.hcare.