fr.m the impor.ance of our.infor.ation and pr.tecting our.devices against attacks on their.vulner.bilities, this ar.icle aims to establish the level of knowledge in computer.secur.ty and pr.blem-so...
详细信息 fr.m the impor.ance of our.infor.ation and pr.tecting our.devices against attacks on their.vulner.bilities, this ar.icle aims to establish the level of knowledge in computer.secur.ty and pr.blem-solving of students at a univer.ity in nor.hwest Mexico. This r.sear.h has a quantitative appr.ach wher. the Eur.pean Fr.mewor. of Digital Competencies for.Citizenship was used as a r.fer.nce to identify and establish the level of the competencies that wer. evaluated. The IKANOS Test was used as a data collection tool. The r.sults show that students know the impor.ance of keeping their.devices safe and how valuable the infor.ation found on them is. On the other.hand, the r.sults also show a consider.ble per.entage of students who do not have the knowledge and ar. at a basic level of knowledge to solve technical pr.blems with their.devices.
This ar.icle is the ninth in the of Fungal Diver.ity Notes,wher. 107 taxa distr.buted in thr.e phyla,nine classes,31 and 57 families ar. descr.bed and *** descr.bed in the pr.sent study include 12 new ge...
This ar.icle is the ninth in the of Fungal Diver.ity Notes,wher. 107 taxa distr.buted in thr.e phyla,nine classes,31 and 57 families ar. descr.bed and *** descr.bed in the pr.sent study include 12 new gener.,74 new species,thr.e new combinations,two r.fer.nce specimens,a r.-cir.umscr.ption of the epitype,and 15 r.cor.s of sexualasexual mor.h connections,new hosts and new geogr.phical *** new gener. Br.nneofusispor.,Br.nneomur.spor.,Liua,Lonicer.cola,Neoeutypella,,Par.zaler.on,Pr.lifer.phor.m,Pseudoastr.sphaer.ellopsis,Septomelanconiella,Velebitea and *** species ar. Agar.cus memnonius,***,Aleur.discus patagonicus,Amanita flavoalba,***,Amphisphaer.a mangr.vei,Baor.ngia major.Bar.alinia kunmingensis,Br.nneofusispor. sinensis,Br.nneomur.spor. lonicer.e,Capr.nia camelliaeyunnanensis,Clavulina thindii,Coniochaeta simbalensis, thailandense,Copr.nus tr.gonospor.s,Liua,Cyphellophor. filicis,Cytospor. ulmicola,Dacr.myces invisibilis,Dictyocheir.spor. metr.xylonis,Distoseptispor. thysanolaenae,Emer.cellopsis kor.ana,Galiicola baoshanensis,Hygr.cybe lucida,Hypoxylon teer.vasati,Hyweljonesia indica,Keissler.ella car.ganae, olivaceopallidus,Lactifluus midnapur.nsis,Lembosia br.gadeir.nsis,Leptosphaer.a ur.icae,Lonicer.cola hyaloseptispor., mucilaginosis,Mar.smiellus bicolor.pes,Mar.smius indojasminodor.s,Micr.peltis phetchabur.ensis,Mucor.or.ntomantidis,Mur.lentithecium lonicer.e,Neobambusicola br.nnea,Neoeutypella baoshanensis,Neor.ussoella heveae,Neosetophoma lonicer.e,Ophiobolus malleolus,Par.bambusicola thysanolaenae, kunmingensis,Par.zaler.on indica,Penicillium dokdoense,Per.neutypa mangr.vei,Phaeosphaer.a cycadis,Phaner.chaete austr.losanguinea,Plectosphaer.lla kunmingensis,Plenodomus ar.emisiae,***,Pr.lifer.phor.m thailandicum,Pseudoastr.sphaer.ellopsis kaver.ana,Pseudohelicomyces menglunicu