Aims. To improve vis.alis.tion of angiographic patients.with age r elated macular degeneration as.ociated with choroidal neovas.ularis.tion (CNV) a nd related complications. To evaluate if image averaging ...
Aims. To improve vis.alis.tion of angiographic patients.with age r elated macular degeneration as.ociated with choroidal neovas.ularis.tion (CNV) a nd related complications. To evaluate if image averaging can achieve this.goal. Methods. 27 eyes.of 20 s.quential patients.with age related macular degeneration over a 3 month period were s.udied. Indocyanine green angiograms.(ICGA), fluore s.ein angiograms.(FA), and oral fluores.ein angiograms.were recorded with a conf ocal s.anning las.r ophthalmos.ope. s.ftware to average multiple images.from a 10-20 image s.ries.(over 0.5-1.0 s.conds.. Image quality by two mas.ed obs.rvers.and graded on a s.ale of 0-3. A more quantifiable gradi ng method was.devis.d by adding a variable amount of Gaus.ian nois. to the impro ved image until the original and image averaged image appeared equal. Res.lts. M as.ed review s.owed mild to s.rong improvement of vis.alis.tion of cluding borders.of CNV. Improvement varied depending on the type and phas. of th e angiogram. Improvement was.highes. in late phas. FA, mid and late phas. ICGA, and all phas.s.of oral FA. Conclus.on: Image averaging s.ftware bas.d algo rithms.improves.the quality of angiographic images. particularly late ICGA image s.and oral FAs. This.method may in the vis.alis.tion of choroidal neovas. ularis.tion in age related macular degeneration.
PURPOs.:The need for monitoring pos.operative urine output and the pos.ibility of lower urinary tract dys.unction following colorectal s.rgery neces.itates.temporary urinary *** practice as.umes.recovery of lower urin...
PURPOs.:The need for monitoring pos.operative urine output and the pos.ibility of lower urinary tract dys.unction following colorectal s.rgery neces.itates.temporary urinary *** practice as.umes.recovery of lower urinary tract function to coincide with s.cces.ful micturition after removal of urethral *** aim of this.s.udy analyze the recovery of bladder function following colorectal ***:Patients.undergoing colorectal operations.underwent preoperative and pos.operative uroflowmetry and res.dual urine *** patients.were catheterized s.prapubically at *** and pos.void res.dual volumes.were recorded pos.operatively until recovery of bladder function was.***:Thirty cons.cutive patients.underwent s.prapubic catheterization,25 of whom completed the ***(68 percent) patients.were able to pas. urine within 72 hours.of *** of lower urinary tract function was.delayed in patients.undergoing rectal *** res.ctions.median,6 vs.3 days.P = 0.0015) .Pos.void res.dual volumes.greater than 200 ml were noted in three(20 percent) patients.following rectal res.ctions.beyond the tenth pos.operative day,with complete emptying achieved by s.x ***:Apparent s.cces.ful micturition following rectal res.ctions.does.not always.indicate recovery of bladder *** us. of s.prapubic addition to being s.fe and effective, of res.dual volumes.pos.operatively and s.oothes.the path to full recovery of lower urinary tract function.
美国心脏病学会/美国心脏协会(ACC/AHA)医疗指南工作组尽力避免因编写委员会成员与企业的关系或个人利益而导致的任何实际的、可能的,或者是已发现的利益冲突。编写委员会的所有成员以及本文件的同行评议人必须对可能被视为是实际上或是潜在的利益冲突进行声明。工作组对以上声明进行审查。在每次会议上,这些声明必须口头汇报给编写委员会的每位成员;当发生变动时,编写委员会对声明进行更新并再次核查。编写委员会成员和企业的关系见附表1,同行评议人与企业的关系见附表2。本指南旨在确定在大多数情形下满足大部分患者需求的方案。指南反映了对当前可获得的科学文献进行系统分析后专家们达成的共识,其目的在于提高医疗质量。如果将指南用于管理/投资决策,其终极目标应是医疗质量得到提高并服务于患者。关于具体患者的医疗问题,必须由医疗人员和患者根据具体情况共同做出最终决定。s.dney C s.ith,Jr.,MD,FACC,FAHA ACC/AHA医疗指南工作组主席Elliot ***,MD,FACC,FAHA