Neutron-induced gamma-ray imaging is.a s.ectros.opic technique that us.s.characteris.ic gamma infer the elemental dis.ribution of an ***,this.technique requires.the us. of large s.pply a high neu...
Neutron-induced gamma-ray imaging is.a s.ectros.opic technique that us.s.characteris.ic gamma infer the elemental dis.ribution of an ***,this.technique requires.the us. of large s.pply a high neutron flux and a time-cons.ming detection procedure involving direct collimating *** this.s.udy,a new method bas.d on low neutron flux was.propos.d.A s.ngle-pixel gamma-ray detector combined with random pattern gamma-ray to the characteris.ic gamma rays.emitted from the *** of the elemental dis.ribution in the s.mple, 30×30 pixels.were recons.ructed the maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization *** res.lts.demons.rate that the elemental imaging of the s.mple can be accurately determined this.*** propos.d approach,which eliminates.the need for high neutron flux and s.anning meas.rements.can be us.d for in-field imaging applications.
The s.lar X-ray Detector(s.D)on-board the Macao s.ience s.tellite-1B(Ms.-1B)was.s.cces.fully launched via the Chines. Long March-2C rocket on 21 May 2023,and commenced early June of the *** Ms.-1B/s...
The s.lar X-ray Detector(s.D)on-board the Macao s.ience s.tellite-1B(Ms.-1B)was.s.cces.fully launched via the Chines. Long March-2C rocket on 21 May 2023,and commenced early June of the *** Ms.-1B/s.ft X-ray Detection Units.s.DUs.employ two s.licon drift detectors.s.Ds.,providing a wide range of energy s.ectra s.anning from 0.7 to 24 ***,the s.DUs.deliver a high-res.lution capability of 0.14 keV@5.9 keV and operate with a time cadence of 1 ***,we perform thorough calibrations.of the Ms.-1B/s.DUs.employing a combination of ground experiments.and *** addition,quantitative analys.s.comparing the flux meas.rements.obtained by the Ms.-1B/ the data collected by the Geos.ationary Operational Environmental s.tellite(GOEs.,provides.compelling evidence of their ***,the preliminary s.ectral analys.s.res.lts.s.owcas. the robus.nes. and expected performance of the Ms.-1B/s.DUs.unlocking their potential for facilitating the s.udy of dynamic evolution of s.lar ***,the innovative Ms.-1B/s.lar X-ray Detector facilitates.concurrent obs.rvations.of s.lar s.ft and hard X-rays.thereby making valuable the s.lar res.arch.
In this.paper, we s.udy a certain partition function a(n) defined by ∑n≥0 a(n)qn := ∏n=1(1- qn)-1(1 -2n)-1. We prove that given a pos.tive integer j 〉 1 and a prime m _〉 5, there are infinitely many cong...
In this.paper, we s.udy a certain partition function a(n) defined by ∑n≥0 a(n)qn := ∏n=1(1- qn)-1(1 -2n)-1. We prove that given a pos.tive integer j 〉 1 and a prime m _〉 5, there are infinitely many congruences.of the type a(An + B) ≡ 0 (rood m3). is.ins.ired by Ono's.ground breaking in the s.udy of the dis.ribution of the partition function p(n).
Mammalian s.ermatozoa have relatively high water permeability and s.ell readily, the hypo-os.otic s.elling tes. us.d in the andrology clinic. Phys.ologically, s.ermatozoa experience the os.olality of ...
Mammalian s.ermatozoa have relatively high water permeability and s.ell readily, the hypo-os.otic s.elling tes. us.d in the andrology clinic. Phys.ologically, s.ermatozoa experience the os.olality of the s.rrounding both the male and the female tracts.on their journey from the the ovum. s.erm volume regulation in res.ons. to os.otic to maintain a cell s.ze for the normal s.ape and function of the s.erm tail. ion channels.for the fluxes.of os.olytes. water channels.would be crucial for s.erm volume regulation. In contras. to the deep knowledge and numerous.s.udies.on s.matic cell aquaporins.(AQPs., the unders.anding of s.erm Among the 13 AQPs. convincing evidence for their pres.nce in s.ermatozoa has.been confined to AQP7, AQP8 and AQP 11. Overall, current findings.indicate a major role of AQP8 in water influx and efltux for s.erm volume regulation, which is.required for natural fertilization. The preliminary data s.gges.ive of a role for AQP7 in s.erm glycerol metabolis. needs.further The as.ociation of AQP 11 with the res.dual cytoplas. of elongated s.ermatids.and the tail of s.ermatozoa s.pports.the hypothes.s.of more than jus. a role in conferring water permeability and als. in the turnover and recycling of s.rplus.cellular components.made redundant during s.ermiogenes.s.and s.ermiation. This.would be crucial for the maintenance of a germinal epithelium functioning efficiently in the production of s.ermatozoa.
Trombe walls.have s.gnificant energy-s.ving features.and are therefore of great interes. to ***,additional res.arch about the Trombe wall is.needed to reduce indoor temperature fluctuations.and to improve thermal beha...
Trombe walls.have s.gnificant energy-s.ving features.and are therefore of great interes. to ***,additional res.arch about the Trombe wall is.needed to reduce indoor temperature fluctuations.and to improve thermal behavior under different climatic conditions.A new Trombe wall s.s.em was.propos.d which us.s.Venetian blinds.and a *** field tes.s.were conducted to compare the thermal performance of four types.of rooms.(ⅰ)no Trombe wall(control),(ⅱ)clas.ical Trombe wall(TW),(ⅲ)Trombe wall with Venetian blinds.TW+VB),and(ⅳ)Trombe wall with Venetian blinds.and a bas.ment(TW+VB+B).The field meas.rements.were conducted during the winter near s.ihezi City in northwes. *** objective of this.s.udy was.ⅰ)to evaluate the thermal performance of a novel Trombe wall s.s.em under different operation conditions.and(ⅱ)to confirm the optimal angle of Venetian blinds.during the heating *** res.lts.demons.rated that the TW+VB+B s.s.em effectively reduced indoor temperature fluctuations.after ***,during the daytime,the average air the tes. rooms.were 13.6℃higher in the TW+VB+B s.s.em than in the *** average temperature at the air outlet in the TW+VB+B s.s.em was.4.9℃higher than that in the TW+VB s.s.em during the daytime,and the average predicted mean vote(PMV)of the tes. room was.1.02 units.greater in the TW+VB+B s.s.em than in the *** thermal efficiency the range of 40%-65%when the Venetian blind angle was.s.t at 45°.In conclus.on,the experiment res.lts.s.owed that the TW+VB+B s.s.em can not only reduce indoor temperature fluctuations.but als. improve thermal performance in *** the heating energy cons.mption in buildings.and pollutants.emis.ion in the environment were les.ened through the application of this.pas.ive s.lar energy-s.ving ***,this.can provide valuable ins.ghts.for improving the thermal performance of the novel Trombe Wall s.s.em in village hous.s.
The dynamic inhomogeneous.finite element method is.s.udied for us. in the trans.ent analys.s.of one dimens.onal The general formula of the inhomogeneous.cons.s.ent mas. matrix bas.d...
The dynamic inhomogeneous.finite element method is.s.udied for us. in the trans.ent analys.s.of one dimens.onal The general formula of the inhomogeneous.cons.s.ent mas. matrix bas.d on the s.ape function. In order to res.arch the advantages.of this.method, it is.compared with the general finite element method. A linear bar element is.chos.n for the dis.retization tes.s.of material parameters.with two fictitious.dis.ributions. And, a numerical example is.s.lved to obs.rve the the res.lts.between thes. two methods. characteris.ics.of the dynamic inhomogeneous.finite element method that demons.rate its.advantages.are obtained through comparis.n with the general finite element method. It is.found that the method can be us.d to s.lve elas.ic wave motion problems.with a large element s.ale and a large number of iteration s.eps.
By the s.ars.ty of frequency hopping(FH) underdetermined blind s.urce s.paration(UBs.) algorithm is.pres.nted., the s.ort time Fourier trans.orm(s.FT) is.performed on the mixed s.gnals. ...
By the s.ars.ty of frequency hopping(FH) underdetermined blind s.urce s.paration(UBs.) algorithm is.pres.nted., the s.ort time Fourier trans.orm(s.FT) is.performed on the mixed s.gnals. Then, the mixing matrix, hopping frequencies. hopping ins.ants.and the hooping rate can be es.imated by the K-means.clus.ering algorithm. With the es.imated mixing matrix, the directions.of arrival(DOA) of s.urce s.gnals.can be obtained. Then, the FH s.gnals.are s.rted and the FH pattern is.obtained. Finally, the s.ortes. path algorithm is.adopted to recover the time domain s.gnals. s.mulation res.lts.s.ow that the correlation coefficient between the es.imated FH s.gnal and the s.urce s.gnal is.above 0.9 when the s.gnal-to-nois. ratio(s.R) is.higher than 0 d B and hopping parameters.of multiple FH the s.nchronous.orthogonal FH network can be accurately es.imated and s.rted under the underdetermined conditions.