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检索条件"作者=Robert Bertrand weladji"
9475 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Floristic diversity and carbon stocks in the periphery of Deng–Deng National Park,Eastern Cameroon
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Journal of Forestry Research 2020年 第3期31卷 989-1003页
作者: Louis Paul Roger Kabelong Banoho Louis Zapfack robert bertrand weladji Cedric Chimi Djomo Melanie Chichi Nyako Yannick Enock Bocko Damien Marie Essono Julliete Mancho Nasang Nade`ge Madountsap Tagnang Charles Innocent Memvi Abessolo Kenneth Roger Mvondo Sakouma Farikou Mamadou Souahibou Florence Jeanne Sarah Palla Tonga Ketchatang Peguy Remi Jiagho Thierry Loic Kenmou Ulrich Arnaud Choumele Kana Jumo Boris Armel Anyam Yi Andjik Roger Bruno Tabue Mbobda Department of Plant Biology Faculty of ScienceUniversity of Yaounde IBP 812 YaoundeCameroon IUCN World Commission On Protected Areas Co-Vice Chair Commission Mondiale des Aires Protegees-Afrique Centrale(CMAP-UICN)GlandSwitzerland Organisation pour la Conservation et le Developpement(OCD) BP 33323 YaoundeCameroun Department of Biology Concordia University7141 Sherbrooke St.W.MontrealMontrealQC H4B 1R6Canada Institute of Agricultural Research for Development(IRAD) PO.BOX 2123YaoundeCameroon Laboratoire de Botanique et Ecologie Facultedes Sciences et TechniquesUniversiteMarien NgouabiBrazzavilleCongo Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife BP 34430 YaoundeCameroon Programme National de Developpement Participatif(PNDP) YaoundeCameroun Observatoire des Forets du Bassin du Congo(OFAC) BP 20818 YaoundeCameroun Fokabs International PO BOX 14097YaoundeCameroon International Union for Conservation of Nature Programme CamerounBP:5506 YaoundeCameroun Secretariat Technique REDD BP 320 YaoundeCameroun
Carbon is continuously being removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis and stored in carbon pools(live,dead,and soil carbon)of forest ***,carbon stock in dead wood and of trees with diameters at breast height(dbh)... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Multi-Scale Dilated Convolution Network for SPECT-MPI Cardiovascular Disease Classification with Adaptive Denoising and Attenuation Correction
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Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2025年 第1期142卷 299-327页
作者: A.robert Singh Suganya Athisayamani Gyanendra Prasad Joshi Bhanu Shrestha Department of Computational Intelligence SRM Institute of Science and TechnologyKattankulathur603203Tamil NaduIndia School of Computing Sastra Deemed to be UniversityThanjavur613401Tamil NaduIndia Department of Artificial Intelligence&Software Kangwon National UniversitySamcheok25913Republic of Korea Department of Information Convergence System Graduate School of Smart ConvergenceKwangwoon UniversitySeoul01897Republic of Korea
Myocardial perfusion imaging(MPI),which uses single-photon emission computed tomography(SPECT),is a well-known estimating tool for medical diagnosis,employing the classification of images to show situations in coronar... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Three-Stage Transfer Learning with AlexNet50 for MRI Image Multi-Class Classification with Optimal Learning Rate
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Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2025年 第1期142卷 155-183页
作者: Suganya Athisayamani A.robert Singh Gyanendra Prasad Joshi Woong Cho School of Computing Sastra Deemed to be UniversityThanjavur613401India Department of Computational Intelligence SRM Institute of Science and TechnologyKattankulathur603203India Department of AI and Software Engineering Kangwon National UniversitySamcheok25913Republic of Korea Department of Electronics Information and Communication EngineeringKangwon National UniversitySamcheok25913Republic of Korea
In radiology,magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)is an essential diagnostic tool that provides detailed images of a patient’s anatomical and physiological *** is particularly effective for detecting soft tissue ***,radiol... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The onset in spring and the end in autumn of the thermal and vegetative growing season affect calving time and reproductive success in reindeer
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Current Zoology 2020年 第2期66卷 123-134页
作者: Amelie Paoli robert B.weladji Фystein Holand Jouko Kumpula Department of Biology Concordia University7141 Sherbrooke Street WestMontrealQCH4B 1R6Canada Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences Norwegian University of Life SciencesAsPO Box 5003Norway Natural Resources Institute of Finland(Luke) Reindeer Research Station99910Finland
A developing trophic mismatch between the peak of energy demands by reproducing animals and the peak of forage availability has caused many species'reproductive success to *** match-mismatch hypothesis(MMH)is an appea... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Human endogenous retrovirus type-W and multiple sclerosis–related smoldering neuroinflammation
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第3期20卷 813-814页
作者: Joel Gruchot Laura Reiche Andrew Chan robert Hoepner Patrick Küry Department of Neurology Medical Faculty and University Hospital DüsseldorfHeinrich Heine University DüsseldorfDüsseldorfGermany Department of Neurology InselspitalBern University Hospital and University of BernBernSwitzerland
Introduction to human endogenous retrovirus type-W(HERV-W): Genomic inheritance from the past includes retroviral sequences that have been stably incorporated into our genomes and account for up to 8% of human DNA.
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Mismatch between calf paternity and observed copulations between male and female reindeer:Multiple mating in a polygynous ungulate?
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Current Zoology 2023年 第4期69卷 377-384页
作者: Keenin R.Coombs robert B.weladji Ostein Holand Knut H.Rodc Department of Biology Concordia University7141 Sherbrooke St.WestMontrealQCH4B1R6Canada Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences Norwegian University of Life SciencesOluf Thesens vei 61433ÅsNorway Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Norwegian University of Life SciencesVeterinærbygningenElizabeth Stephansens vei 15N-1430ÅsNorway
In polygynous systems,such as that exhibited by reindeer Rangifer tarandus,mate choice can be difficult to disentangle from male intrasexual competition because male behavior may constrain female *** mating may provid... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Lipid droplets in the nervous system:involvement in cell metabolic homeostasis
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第3期20卷 740-750页
作者: Yuchen Zhang Yiqing Chen Cheng Zhuang Jingxuan Qi robert Chunhua Zhao Jiao Wang School of Life Sciences Shanghai UniversityShanghaiChina School of Medicine Shanghai UniversityShanghaiChina Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences School of Basic MedicinePeking Union Medical CollegeBeijingChina Center of Excellence in Tissue Engineering Chinese Academy of Medical SciencesBeijingChina Beijing Key Laboratory of New Drug Development and Clinical Trial of Stem Cell Therapy BeijingChina
Lipid droplets serve as primary storage organelles for neutral lipids in neurons,glial cells,and other cells in the nervous *** droplet formation begins with the synthesis of neutral lipids in the endoplasmic ***,lipi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Sleep as a window to understand and regulate Alzheimer's disease:emerging roles of thalamic reticular nucleus
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第6期20卷 1711-1712页
作者: Haoqi Sun Shiqian Shen robert J.Thomas M.Brandon Westover Can Zhang Department of Neurology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterHarvard Medical SchoolBostonMAUSA Center for Translational Pain Research Department of AnesthesiaCritical Care and Pain MedicineMassachusetis General HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolBostonMAUSA Division of Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep MedicineDepartment of MedicineBeth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterHarvard Medical SchoolBostonMAUSA Genetics and Aging Research Unit McCance Center for Brain HealthMass General Institute for Neurodegenerative DiseaseDepartment of NeurologyMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolBostonMAUSA
Introduction:Alzheimer 's disease(AD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder and the primary cause of dementia. Considerable evidence supports the “amyloid hypothesis,” stating that the pathogenesis of AD is primari... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
From Disaster to No Disaster
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Beijing Review 2025年 第1期68卷 20-21页
作者: robert Walker the Shorenstein Center on Media Harvard Kennedy School the Jingshi Academy Beijing Normal University
The world is discharging greenhouse gas emissions at the fastest rate in *** is increasing global temperatures and creating the need for planning to prevent unavoidable and unprecedented climate events from becoming *... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Climate Change:No Going Back
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China Today 2025年 第1期74卷 42-44页
作者: robert WALKER Beijing Normal University Royal Society of Arts Academy of Social Sciences in the U.K
With a commitment to reduce emissions,and its investment in green technology bringing down global costs,China is emerging as the leader in fighting climate *** knows that our world is get­ting *** also know *** out po... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论