There is evidence tha.a.substa.tia. pa.t of genetic predisposition to prosta.e ca.cer (PCa. ma. be due to lower penetra.ce genes which a.e found by genome-wide a.socia.ion studies. We ha.e recently conducted such a...
There is evidence tha. a.substa.tia. pa.t of genetic predisposition to prosta.e ca.cer (PCa. ma. be due to lower penetra.ce genes which a.e found by genome-wide a.socia.ion studies. We ha.e recently conducted such a.d seven new regions of the genome linked to PCa.risk ha.e been identified. Three of these loci conta.n ca.dida.e susceptibility genes: MSMB, LMTK2 a.d KLK2/3. The MSMB a.d KLK2/3 genes ma. be useful for PCa.screening, a.d the LMTK2 gene might provide a.potentia. thera.eutic ta.get. Together with results from other groups, there a.e now 23 germline genetic va.ia.ts which ha.e been reported. These results ha.e the potentia. to be developed into a.genetic test. However, we consider tha. ma.keting of tests to the public is prema.ure, a. PCa.risk ca. not be fully a. this sta.e a.d the a.propria.e screening protocols need to be developed. Follow-up va.ida.ion studies, a. well a. studies to explore the psychologica. implica.ions of genetic profile testing, will be vita. prior to roll out into hea.thca.e.