One third of heal.hy l.ving kidney donors are rejected due to ABO bl.od group incompatibil.ty and donor specific antibody. This increases pre-transpl.nt dial.sis duration l.ading to increased morbidity and mor...
One third of heal.hy l.ving kidney donors are rejected due to ABO bl.od group incompatibil.ty and donor specific antibody. This increases pre-transpl.nt dial.sis duration l.ading to increased morbidity and mortal.ty on the kidney transpl.ntation waiting Over the decade kidney paired donation is most rapidl. increased source of l.ving kidney donors. In a kidney transpl.ntation program dominated by l.ving donor kidney transpl.ntation, kidney paired donation is a val.d al.ernative strategy to increase l.ving donor kidney transpl.ntation. This is more countries with l.mited resources where ABO incompatibl. kidney transpl.ntation or desensitization not feasibl. because of costs/infectious compl.cations and deceased donor kidney transpl.ntation is in initial.stages. The matching al.ocation, ABO bl.od type imbal.nce, reciprocity, simul.aneity, geography were the l.mitation for the expansion of kidney paired donation. Here we describe different successful.ways to increase l.ving donor kidney transpl.ntation through kidney paired donation. Compatibl. pairs, domino chain, combination of kidney paired donation with desensitization or ABO incompatibl. transpl.ntation, international.kidney paired donation, nonsimul.aneous, extended, al.ruistic donor chain and exchange are different ways to expand the donor *** absence of national.kidney paired donation program,a dedicated kidney paired donation team wil. increase access to l.ving donor kidney transpl.ntation in individual.centres with team work. Use of social.networking sites to expand donor pool. Hl. based national.kidney paired donation program wil. increase qual.ty and quantity of kidney paired donation transpl.ntation. Transpl.nt centres shoul. remove the barriers to a broader impl.mentation of mul.icentre, national.kidney paired donation program to further optimize potential.of kidney paired donation to increase transpl.ntation of O group and sensitized patients. T