


  • 260 篇 期刊文献
  • 1 册 图书


  • 260 篇 电子文献
  • 1 种 纸本馆藏



  • 110 篇 医学
    • 92 篇 临床医学
    • 7 篇 公共卫生与预防医...
    • 4 篇 医学技术(可授医学...
    • 3 篇 基础医学(可授医学...
  • 75 篇 理学
    • 19 篇 生物学
    • 18 篇 物理学
    • 15 篇 化学
    • 12 篇 数学
    • 4 篇 天文学
    • 3 篇 地质学
    • 3 篇 生态学
  • 74 篇 工学
    • 15 篇 材料科学与工程(可...
    • 15 篇 化学工程与技术
    • 8 篇 电子科学与技术(可...
    • 8 篇 计算机科学与技术...
    • 7 篇 仪器科学与技术
    • 6 篇 光学工程
    • 6 篇 电气工程
    • 4 篇 信息与通信工程
    • 4 篇 核科学与技术
    • 3 篇 机械工程
    • 3 篇 控制科学与工程
    • 3 篇 食品科学与工程(可...
  • 27 篇 农学
    • 5 篇 园艺学
    • 5 篇 农业资源与环境
    • 4 篇 作物学
    • 4 篇 畜牧学
    • 3 篇 林学
  • 5 篇 管理学
  • 4 篇 经济学
    • 2 篇 理论经济学
  • 2 篇 法学
    • 2 篇 法学
  • 2 篇 教育学
  • 2 篇 历史学


  • 6 篇 disease
  • 6 篇 taxonomy
  • 5 篇 phylogeny
  • 5 篇 ascomycota
  • 5 篇 basidiomycota
  • 4 篇 hepatitis
  • 4 篇 nutrition
  • 4 篇 juno
  • 4 篇 new species
  • 4 篇 virus
  • 4 篇 and
  • 3 篇 classical
  • 3 篇 sequencing
  • 3 篇 iron
  • 3 篇 屈曲角度
  • 3 篇 limits
  • 3 篇 liver
  • 3 篇 b physics
  • 3 篇 qcd
  • 3 篇 mexico


  • 10 篇 university of ch...
  • 10 篇 institute for nu...
  • 10 篇 institute of hig...
  • 8 篇 massachusetts in...
  • 8 篇 european organiz...
  • 8 篇 university of ci...
  • 8 篇 university of ma...
  • 8 篇 horia hulubei na...
  • 8 篇 nsc kharkiv inst...
  • 8 篇 school of physic...
  • 8 篇 department of ph...
  • 8 篇 imperial college...
  • 8 篇 syracuse univers...
  • 8 篇 center for high ...
  • 8 篇 nikhef national ...
  • 7 篇 department of ph...
  • 7 篇 iccub universita...
  • 7 篇 infn sezione di ...
  • 7 篇 infn sezione di ...
  • 7 篇 van swinderen in...


  • 8 篇 j.h.lopes
  • 8 篇 b.souza de paula
  • 8 篇 f.teubert
  • 8 篇 p.robbe
  • 8 篇 n.skidmore
  • 8 篇 m.veltri
  • 8 篇 a.lupato
  • 8 篇 d.melnychuk
  • 8 篇 a.palano
  • 8 篇 g.wilkinson
  • 8 篇 a.sarti
  • 7 篇 e.aslanides
  • 7 篇 d.marangotto
  • 7 篇 m.ferrillo
  • 7 篇 h.wu
  • 7 篇 p.billoir
  • 7 篇 l.ferreira lopes
  • 7 篇 s.borghi
  • 7 篇 p.ciambrone
  • 7 篇 t.maltsev


  • 206 篇 英文
  • 55 篇 中文
检索条件"作者=Rafael F.castañeda Ruiz"
261 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
forecasting the number of species of asexually reproducing fungi(Ascomycota and Basidiomycota)
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fungal Diversity 2022年 第3期114卷 463-490页
作者: Nalin N.Wijayawardene Alan J.L.Phillips Diana Santos Pereira Dong-Qin Dai AndréAptroot Josiane S.Monteiro Irina S.Druzhinina feng Cai Xinlei fan Laura Selbmann Claudia Coleine rafael f.castañeda-ruiz Martin Kukwa Adam flakus Patricia Oliveira fiuza Paul M.Kirk Kunhiraman C.Rajesh Kumar Ilesha S.leperuma Arachchi Nakarin Suwannarach Li-Zhou Tang Teun Boekhout Chen Shuhui Tan R.P.Prabath K.Jayasinghe Marco Thines Centre for Yunnan Plateau Biological Resources Protection and Utilization College of Biological Resource and Food EngineeringQujing Normal UniversityQujing 655011YunnanPeople’s Republic of China Section of Genetics Institute for Research and Development in Health and Social CareNo:393/3Lily AvenueOff Robert Gunawardane MawathaBattaramulla 10120Sri Lanka faculdade de Ciências Biosystems and Integrative Sciences Institute(BioISI)Universidade de LisboaCampo Grande1749-016 LisbonPortugal Laboratório de Botânica/Liquenologia Instituto de BiociênciasUniversidade Federal de Mato Grosso do SulAvenida Costa e Silva S/NBairro UniversitárioCampo GrandeMS CEP 79070-900Brazil Coordination of Botany Museu Paraense Emílio GoeldiBelémPA 66077830Brazil fungal Genomics Laboratory(fungiG) College of Resources and Environmental SciencesNanjing Agricultural UniversityWeigang 1Nanjing 210095JiangsuPeople’s Republic of China The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education Beijing Forestry UniversityBeijing 100083People’s Republic of China Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences University of TusciaViterboItaly Italian National Antarctic Museum(MNA) Mycological SectionGenoaItaly Alejandro de Humboldt’(INIfAT) Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en AgriculturaTropicalSantiago de Las VegasHavanaCuba Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation Faculty of BiologyUniversity of GdańskWita Stwosza 5980-308 GdańskPoland W.Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of SciencesLubicz 4631-512 KrakowPoland Universidade federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UfRN) Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sistemática e EvoluçãoCentro de BiociênciasCampus UniversitárioAv.Senador Salgado Filho3000Lagoa NovaNatalRN 59078-970Brazil Biodiversity Informatics and Spatial Analysis Jodrell LaboratoryRoyal Botanic GardensKewRichmond TW93DSSurreyUK National fungal Culture Collection of India(NfCCI) Biodiversity and Palaeobiology GroupMACS Agharkar Research InstituteG.G.
Asexually reproducing fungi play a significant role in essential processes in managed and wild ecosystems such as nutrients cycling and multitrophic interactions.A large number of such taxa are among the most notoriou... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
fungal diversity notes 1277-1386:taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa
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fungal Diversity 2020年 第5期104卷 1-266页
作者: Hai-Sheng Yuan Xu Lu Yu-Cheng Dai Kevin D.Hyde Yu-He Kan Ivana Kušan Shuang-Hui He Ning-Guo Liu V.Venkateswara Sarma Chang-Lin Zhao Bao-Kai Cui Nousheen Yousaf Guangyu Sun Shu-Yan Liu fang Wu Chuan-Gen Lin Monika C.Dayarathne Tatiana Baptista Gibertoni Lucas B.Conceição Roberto Garibay-Orijel Margarita Villegas-Ríos Rodolfo Salas-Lizana Tie-Zheng Wei Jun-Zhi Qiu Ze-fen Yu Rungtiwa Phookamsak Ming Zeng Soumitra Paloi Dan-feng Bao Pranami DAbeywickrama De-Ping Wei Jing Yang Ishara S.Manawasinghe Dulanjalee Harishchandra Rashika S.Brahmanage Nimali Ide Silva Danushka S.Tennakoon Anuruddha Karunarathna Yusufjon Gafforov Dhandevi Pem Sheng-Nan Zhang AndréL.C.Mde Azevedo Santiago Jadson Diogo Pereira Bezerra Bálint Dima Krishnendu Acharya Julieta Alvarez-Manjarrez Ali H.Bahkali Vinod K.Bhatt Tor Erik Brandrud Timur S.Bulgakov E.Camporesi Ting Cao Yu-Xi Chen Yuan-Yuan Chen Bandarupalli Devadatha Abdallah M.Elgorban Long-fei fan Xing Du Liu Gao Camila Melo Gonçalves Luis f.P.Gusmão Naruemon Huanraluek Margita Jadan Ruvishika S.Jayawardena Abdul Nasir Khalid Ewald Langer Diogo X.Lima Nelson Correia de Lima-Júnior Carla Rejane Sousa de Lira Jian-Kui(Jack)Liu Shun Liu Saisamorn Lumyong Zong-Long Luo Neven Matočec M.Niranjan JoséRibamar Costa Oliveira-filho Viktor Papp Eduardo Pérez-Pazos Alan J.L.Phillips Peng-Lei Qiu Yihua Ren rafael f.castañeda ruiz Kamal C.Semwal Karl Soop Carlos A.fde Souza Cristina Maria Souza-Motta Li-Hua Sun Meng-Le Xie Yi-Jian Yao Qi Zhao Li-Wei Zhou CAS Key Laboratory of forest Ecology and Management Institute of Applied EcologyChinese Academy of SciencesShenyang 110164People’s Republic of China University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049People’s Republic of China School of Ecology and Nature Conservation Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Tree Breeding By Molecular DesignBeijing Forestry UniversityBeijing 100083People’s Republic of China CAS Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia Kunming Institute of BotanyChinese Academy of ScienceKunming 650201YunnanPeople’s Republic of China Centre of Excellence in fungal Research Mae Fah Luang UniversityChiang Rai 57100Thailand School of Science Mae Fah Luang UniversityChiang Rai 57100Thailand Mushroom Research foundation 128 M.3 Ban Pa Deng T.Pa PaeA.Mae TaengChiang Mai 50150Thailand East and Central Asia Regional Office World Agroforestry Centre(ICRAF)Kunming 650201YunnanChina Ruđer BoškovićInstitute Bijenička cesta 5410000 ZagrebCroatia faculty of Agriculture Natural Resources and EnvironmentNaresuan UniversityPhitsanulok 65000Thailand Department of Biotechnology School of Life SciencesPondicherry UniversityR.V.NagarKalapetPondicherry 605014India College of Biodiversity Conservation Southwest Forestry UniversityKunming 650224People’s Republic of China Department of Botany Govt.College UniversityKatchery RoadLahorePakistan State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas and College of Plant Protection Northwest A&F UniversityYanglingShaanxiPeople’s Republic of China Laboratory of Plant Pathology College of Plant ProtectionJilin Agricultural UniversityChangchun 130118Jilin ProvincePeople’s Republic of China Centro de Biociências Departamento de MicologiaUniversidade Federal de PernambucoCidade UniversitáriaAvenida da Engenharia s/nRecifePernambuco 50740-600Brazil Departamento de Ciências Biológicas Universidade Estadual de Feira de SantanaAv.Transnordestina s/nNovo HorizonteFeira de SantanaBA 44036-900Brazil L
This is the twelfth contribution to the fungal Diversity Notes series on fungal taxonomy,based on materials collected from many countries which were examined and described using the methods of morphology,anatomy,and s... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Beacon-Less Geographic Routing in Real Wireless Sensor Networks
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Journal of Computer Science & Technology 2008年 第3期23卷 438-450页
作者: Juan A.Sánchez rafael Marín-Pérez Pedro M.ruiz Department of Information and Communications Engineering University of MurciaSpain
Geographic Routing (GR) algorithms require nodes to periodically transmit HELLO messages to allow neighbors to know their positions (beaconing mechanism). Beacon-less routing algorithms have recently been proposed... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
fluoroquinolones for the treatment of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in liver transplantation
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2019年 第26期25卷 3291-3298页
作者: Jose Tiago Silva rafael San-Juan Mario fernández-ruiz José María Aguado Unit of Infectious Diseases Hospital Universitario "12 de Octubre" Instituto de Investigación Hospital "12 de Octubre" (imas12) School of Medicine Universidad Complutense
Solid organ transplantation(SOT)is the best treatment option for end-stage organ *** immunosuppressive agents have reduced the incidence of graft rejection but have increased the risk of infection,particularly due to ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Carbonaceous residues from biomass gasification as catalysts for biodiesel production
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Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 2012年 第3期21卷 246-250页
作者: rafael Luque Antonio Pineda Juan C. Colmenares Juan M. Campelo Antonio A. Romero Juan Carlos Serrano-ruiz Luisa f. Cabeza Jaime Cot-Gores Departamento de Quimica Organica Universidad de Cardoba Campus de Rabanales Edif icio Marie Curie E-14014 Cardoba Spain Universitat de Lleida GREA lnnovacio Concurrent Lleida Spain Universitat de Lleida GREA lnnovacio Concurrent Lleida Spain
Tars and alkali ashes from biomass gasification processes currently constitute one of the major problems in biomass valorisation, generating clogging of filters and issues related with the purity of syngas production.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Kinetics of carbothermic reduction of marmatite in presence of lime
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Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2020年 第8期30卷 2265-2273页
作者: rafael PADILLA Juan Yamid CARVALLO María Cristina ruiz Metallurgical Engineering Department University of ConcepcionConcepcion 4070371Chile
The direct carbothermic reduction of marmatite in the presence of lime was studied by thermogravimetric method to determine the technical feasibility to produce Zn(g)without polluting with SO2(g).X-ray diffraction ana... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
A RANS-Vof Numerical Model to Analyze the Output Power of An OWC-WEC Equipped with Wells and Impulse Turbines in A Hypothetical Sea-State
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China Ocean Engineering 2020年 第6期34卷 760-771页
作者: Paulo R.f.Teixeira rafael A.A.C.Gonçalves Eric Didier Engineering School Universidade Federal do Rio Grande-FURGRio GrandeRS 96203-900Brazil Harbours and Maritime Structures Division Hydraulics and Environment DepartmentLaboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil-LNECLisbon 1700-066Portugal
Wave energy is a renewable source with significant amount in relation to the global demand. A good concept of a device applied to extract this type of energy is the onshore oscillating water column wave energy convert... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Geodesic Vulnerability Approach for Identification of Critical Buses in Power Systems
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Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2021年 第1期9卷 37-45页
作者: Jesus Beyza Eduardo Garcia-Paricio Hector f.ruiz Jose M.Yusta Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia Avenida Tecnologico 1500Lomas de Santiaguito58120Mexico the Department of Electrical Engineering University of ZaragozaC/Maria de Luna 350018Spain
One of the most critical issues in the evaluation of power systems is the identification of critical buses. for this purpose, this paper proposes a new methodology that evaluates the substitution of the power flow tec... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Machine learning-based zero-touch network and service management:a survey
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Digital Communications and Networks 2022年 第2期8卷 105-123页
作者: Jorge Gallego-Madrid Ramon Sanchez-Iborra Pedro M.ruiz Antonio f.Skarmeta Department of Information and Communication Engineering University of Murcia30100MurciaSpain Department of Engineering and Applied Techniques University Center of Defense30729San Javier Air Force BaseSpain
The exponential growth of mobile applications and services during the last years has challenged the existing network ***,the arrival of multiple management solutions to cope with this explosion along the end-to-end ne... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Interchangeability of corneal curvature and asphericity measurements provided by three different devices
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International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition) 2019年 第3期12卷 412-416页
作者: David P.Pinero Roberto Soto-Negro Pedro ruiz-fortes rafael J Pérez-Cambrodí Hideki fukumitsu Department of Optics Pharmacology and AnatomyUniversity of AlicanteSan Vicente del Raspeig 03690 Department of Ophthalmology(OfTALMAR) Vithas Medimar International Hospital Department of Ophthalmology Marina Baixa Hospital
AIM: To evaluate the interchangeability of keratometric and asphericity measurements provided by three measurement systems based on different optical ***: A total of 40 eyes of 40 patients with a mean age of 34.1 y we... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论