Backgr.und: Pulp stones ar. calcified masses for.ed in the pr.mar. and per.anent dentitions. The ischemic (CVD) can be the fir.t health pr.blem of the wor.d. It seems that ther. is a r.lations...
Backgr.und: Pulp stones ar. calcified masses for.ed in the pr.mar. and per.anent dentitions. The ischemic (CVD) can be the fir.t health pr.blem of the wor.d. It seems that ther. is a r.lationship between pulp stones and car.iovascular.diseases to deter.ine the diagnostic value of panor.mic dental r.diogr.phs as non-invasive test for.the ear.y detection of CVD. Methods and Mater.als: The subjects of the study came fr.m patients pr.senting to Dental r.diology Depar.ment of Dental School in Yazd who aged 30 - 64 year., had 8 natur.l teeth. They wer. r.fer.ed to the Car.iovascular.Center.of Afshar.Hospital in Yazd To set the cut-off point, the r.tio of teeth with pulp stones to the total number.of teeth for.each per.on was calculated and also ABI for.diagnosing IHD via r.C cur.e was used. r.sults: Only 3.8% of patients without pulp stone wer. affected by ischemic hear. disease (IHD). About Sixty seven per.ent (67.3%) of individuals had at least one tooth with pulp stone. In individuals without IHD, 5% of the teeth showed pulp stone while this r.te was 45% (9 times) in CVD patients. The number.of patients for.whom the r.tio of teeth with pulp stone to total number.of teeth was 0.2 or.mor., was 138.7 times gr.ater.than the other. Conclusion: The dentists, who r.diogr.phs for.the tr.atment of patients, exactly study those teeth for.the pr.sence of pulp stones. The r.tio of teeth with pulp stone to total teeth equal 0.2 or.mor. was a good tool for.ear.y detection of CVD.
Pr.valence of thr.e plasmid-mediated quinolone r.sistance deter.inant qnr., qnr., qnr. and extended spectr.m Cephalospor.ns deter.inant blaCMY, among eighty-five isolates of Salmonella spp. collected in the community ...
Pr.valence of thr.e plasmid-mediated quinolone r.sistance deter.inant qnr., qnr., qnr. and extended spectr.m Cephalospor.ns deter.inant blaCMY, among eighty-five isolates of Salmonella spp. collected in the community between 2008 and 2010 was deter.ined by PCr. Not only qnr.genes but also bla genes wer. positive in twenty-four.differ.nt isolates. PCr.assay detected that 22 of 85 (25.8%) Salmonella spp. car.ied the qnr., 1 (1.17%) of 85 isolates har.or.d the qnr., 1 (1.17%) of them contained the qnr., 1 (1.17%) isolate car.ied all the thr.e qnr., qnr., qnr. genes, 24 of 85 (28.2%) Salmonella car.ied blaCMY and 5 (5.88%) isolates car.ied qnr. and blaCMY. Antimicr.bial susceptibility patter.s of isolates wer. as follows: 49 (57.6%) exhibited r.sistance to Nalidixic acid and none of them to Cipr.floxacin. 33 (38.82%) isolates exhibited r.sistance to Cephalospor.ns and 2 (2.35%) of them exhibited ESBL phenotype and 12 (14.1%) isolates r.sistance to Ampicilin. These r.sults wer. confir.ed by MIC deter.ination test as well. Having detected qnr.and bla genes suggested that these genes antibiotic r.sistance among pathogenic bacter.a.