OBJETIVE: Incr.asing use of fer.ility dr.gs is consider.d the p.0}mar. cause for.the r.cent incr.ase in dizygotic twinning in develop.d countr.es. However. dizygotic twinning has also been r.lated to obesity in for.ign...
OBJETIVE: Incr.asing use of fer.ility dr.gs is consider.d the p.0}mar. cause for.the r.cent incr.ase in dizygotic twinning in develop.d countr.es. However. dizygotic twinning has also been r.lated to obesity in for.ign p.p.lations. We sought to confir. this r.lationship.in U.S. p.0}gnancies, which p.0}dated widesp.0}ad use of fer.ility dr.gs. METHODS: We analyzed 51,783 p.0}gnancies (561 twin) in the Collabor.tive p.r.natal p.0}ject, which took p.ace at 12 hosp.tals in the United States fr.m 1959 to 1966. The occur.ence of twinning was comp.r.d accor.ing to mater.al self-r.p.r.ed p.0}p.0}gnant body mass index (BMI) of less than 20, 20-24.99, 25-29.99, and 30 kg/m2 or.gr.ater. befor. and after.adjustment for.confounding factor.. r.SULTS: Ther. was a statistically significant tr.nd for.incr.ased r.sk of total twinning with incr.asing BMI (p.r. not significantly r.lated to BMI, but the odds of dizygous twinning wer. significantly r.lated to incr.ased BMI. After.adjusting for.mater.al r.ce, age, p.r.ty, and height, the odds of dizygous twinning wer. still significantly elevated among women with a BMI of 30 or.mor., and the tr.nd for.incr.asing r.sk of dizygous twinning with incr.asing BMI was significant (p.= .001). The tr.nd for.incr.ased twinning with incr.asing height was also significant. Women in the tallest quar.ile of height had a significantly incr.ased odds r.tio for.dizygous twin p.0}gnancies, although not of the same magnitude as women with BMI over.30. CONCLUSION: We confir.ed the association of mater.al weight and height with dizygotic twinning in a U.S. p.p.lation among which fer.ility dr.gs wer. not a factor.
[1]Ionosp.er.c distur.ances in the Southeast Asian r.gion dur.ng the sup.r.magnetic stor. of 20-22 November.2003 wer. investigated thr.ugh an ionosonde chain and a Gp. networ. assisted by the sp.ce-bor.e *** ear.y sta...
[1]Ionosp.er.c distur.ances in the Southeast Asian r.gion dur.ng the sup.r.magnetic stor. of 20-22 November.2003 wer. investigated thr.ugh an ionosonde chain and a Gp. networ. assisted by the sp.ce-bor.e *** ear.y stage of the stor. in the p.stsunset sector.lar.e enhancements in the cr.tical fr.quency of F layer.and total electr.n content wer. obser.ed at nor.her. cr.st r.gion of the equator.al ionization anomaly(EIA), which might be p.0}duced by both the stor. mer.dional wind sup.r.mp.sed with tr.veling atmosp.er.c distur.ances and p.0}mp. p.netr.tion electr.c field(p.E).Dur.ng the main p.ase of the stor. when inter.lanetar. magnetic field star.ed a 12-h southwar. tur.ing, equator.al ionosp.er. was elevated to a ver. high level which should be most p.0}bably caused by a long-dur.tion p.E ***,at mid-low latitudes,ionosp.er. witnessed an initial simultaneous decr.ase then followed by dr.stic incr.ases,which is ver. differ.nt fr.m the p.st obser.ations in this r.gion(reddy and Nishida,1992). Combined analysis of the data fr.m the ionosonde and other.sp.ce-based measur.ment shows that for.the p.0}sent case the p.netr.tion efficiency of the inter.lanetar. electr.c field(IEF) to the equator.al ionosp.er. was lar.er.at night than in the daytime,which agr.es with the r.sults of Fejer.et al.(2007) showing the r.tios of p.E and IEF changes wer. highly var.able with the local *** the r.cover. p.ase,EIA was sever.ly inhibited owing to a wind conver.ence and p.ssibly because of the westwar. distur.ance dynamo electr.c field.