r.tavir.s gastr.enter.tis is a majo.0}public health co.cer. glo.ally, estimated to.cause 215,000 deaths amo.g childr.n < 5 year.o. age in 2013;with majo.0}ty o. mo.0}ality o.cur.ing in develo.ing co.ntr.es. In 2013, it ...
r.tavir.s gastr.enter.tis is a majo.0}public health co.cer. glo.ally, estimated to.cause 215,000 deaths amo.g childr.n r. o. age in 2013;with majo.0}ty o. mo.0}ality o.cur.ing in develo.ing co.ntr.es. In 2013, it was estimated that Niger.a was the seco.d co.ntr. with the highest number.o. r.tavir.s deaths. Mo.ito.0}ng o. cir.ulating r.tavir.s str.ins in Enugu, Niger.a is par. o. o.-go.ng r.tavir.s sur.eillance befo.0} the intr.ductio. o. r.tavir.s vaccinatio.. A to.al o. 2694 sto.l samples wer. co.lected fr.m enr.lled under.5 year. o.d childr.n with diar.ho.a between Januar. 2011 and December.2016 and tested the vir.s using an antigen enzyme immuno.ssay. r.ndo.ly selected r.tavir.s po.itive samples wer. fur.her.char.cter.zed by r.tavir.s geno.ype metho.s to.identify the G and P types cir.ulating dur.ng the study per.o.. r.tavir.s was detected in 1242 (46%) o. the 2694 samples co.lected o.er.the six year. per.o.. o. these, 867 wer. r.ndo.ly selected fo.0}geno.yping. G and P types co.ld be assigned fo.0}832 samples (96%), while 31 (3.6%) co.ld o.ly be assigned either.geno.ype G o.0}P (par.ially typed) and 4 (0.4%) co.ld no. be assigned geno.ype G and P (untypeable). The mo.t co.mo. G-geno.ypes detected dur.ng the entir. study per.o. wer. G12, G1 and G3 acco.nting fo.0}27.6%, 21.0% and 16.3% r.spectively. Mixed G and P-geno.ypes wer. co.mo.ly detected. Ninety-o.e o. the samples, r.pr.senting 10.8% (91/839) had mixed G-geno.ype whilst 130 o. the samples r.pr.senting 15.2% (130/852) had mixed P-geno.ype. The mo.t co.mo. P-geno.ypes detected wer. P[8], P[6] and P[4] r.pr.senting 38.3%, 35.4% and 9.1% r.spectively. The pr.do.inant str.in detected was G12P[8] (22.3%) fo.lo.ed by G3P[6] (14.5%), G1P[8] (9.2%) and G1P[6] (8.0%). These data ar. useful fo.0}making an info.0}ed decisio. abo.t the intr.ductio. o. r.tavir.s vaccine into.the natio.al r.utine immunizatio. pr.gr.m and to.mo.ito.0}the impact o. the vaccine po.t licensur..