It has always a great deal of efforts for the human race to operate the heart,which is the source of blood to the entire human *** with advancements in technology like robot-assisted surgeries,a heart operation has al...
It has always a great deal of efforts for the human race to operate the heart,which is the source of blood to the entire human *** with advancements in technology like robot-assisted surgeries,a heart operation has always been dreaded by the patients,mainly due to the laceration experienced during surgery and the affliction caused by the persisting *** this paper,we focus mainly on one type of heart surgery for countering heart blocks in the coronary artery,called the CABG(Coronary Artery Bypass Graft),generally known as the Heart Bypass *** aim to propose a system that combines a heuristic routing approach with available CABG mechanisms,to alleviate the complexities involved in the *** routing mechanism involves a dynamic routing table maintained by different routers,to identify heart blocks and also predict a close replacement for the *** routers are classified as Primary and Secondary routers and are used to monitor different regions of the human *** also introduce a new way of dividing the human body to map the artery location to the router table known as "segment mapping(SM)".