AIM: To analyze the attitude of spanish medical students toward living liver donation (LLD) and to establish which factors have an influence on this ***: study type: A sociological, interdisciplinary, multicenter and ...
AIM: To analyze the attitude of spanish medical students toward living liver donation (LLD) and to establish which factors have an influence on this ***: study type: A sociological, interdisciplinary, multicenter and observational study. study population: Medical students enrolled in spain (n = 34000) in the university academic year 2010-2011. sample size: A sample of 9598 students stratified by geographical area and academic year. Instrument used to measure attitude: A validated questionnaire (PCID-DVH RIOs) was self-administered and completed anonymously. Data collection procedure: Randomly selected medical schools. The questionnaire was applied to each academic year at compulsory sessions. statistical analysis: student´s t test, χsup>2sup> test and logistic regression ***: The completion rate was 95.7% (n = 9275). 89% (n = 8258) were in favor of related LLD, and 32% (n = 2937) supported unrelated LLD. The following variables were associated with having a more favorable attitude: (1) age (P = 0.008); (2) sex (P ssibility of needing a transplant oneself in the future (P sed donation (P segment from a family member if one were needed (P scussed the subject with one’s family (P s (P s opinion about the subject (P s of an altruistic nature; and (12) fear of the possible mutilation of the body after donation (P sION: spanish medical students have a favorable attitude toward LLD.