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  • 124 篇 医学
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检索条件"作者=Pierre F."
308 条 记 录,以下是41-50 订阅
Evaluation of.Oxidative Status of.Patients with Gout Attack in a Cameroonian Urban Hospital
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Open Journal of.Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases 2017年 第2期7卷 111-119页
作者: Jan René Nkeck Madeleine Singwé-Ngandeu Vicky Ama Moor Jean-pierre Chedjou Marie-Sollange Doualla Wilf.ed f. Mbacham f.culty of.Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of.the University of.Yaoundé I Yaoundé Cameroon Rheumatology unit of.the Yaoundé Central Hospital Yaoundé Cameroon Biochemistry laboratory of.the Yaoundé University Hospital Centre Yaoundé Cameroon Biotechnology Centre of.the University of.Yaoundé I Yaoundé Cameroon
Background: Gout is the leading cause of.microcrystalline arthritis worldwide and the most common cause of.arthritis in adult men. The prevalence of.cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome is h... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Strong Spatial Aggregation of.Martian Surf.ce Temperature Shaped by Spatial and Seasonal Variations in Meteorological and Environmental f.ctors
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Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2022年 第1期22卷 156-173页
作者: Yao-Wen Luo f.i Li Jian-Guo Yan Jean-pierre Barriot Chinese Antarctic Center of.Surveying and Mapping Wuhan UniversityWuhan430070China State Key Laboratory of.Inf.rmation Engineering in Surveying Mapping and Remote SensingWuhan UniversityWuhan430070China Observatoire Geodesique de Tahiti University of French PolynesiaBP 6570F-98702 Faa'aTahitiFrench Polynesia
Spatio-temporal variation in the Martian surf.ce temperature(MST)is an indicator of.ground level thermal processes and hence a building block f.r climate ***,the distribution of.MST exhibits dif.erent levels of.spatia... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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民俗研究 2006年 第1期 129-136页
作者: pierre L.Van den Berghe Charles f.Keyes 徐赣丽 美国华盛顿大学 广西师范大学中文系
这是一篇对社会学家和人类学家编写的论文集做介绍的文章,主要论述旅游在保持、改变和重新创造民族边界中的作用。旅游被看成是民族交往的一种特别形式,导致了三个主要角色的形成,即游客、旅游对象和中间人。文章主要关涉:国家在发展... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Preventive Ef.ects of.Ananas comosus Juice on Obesity Risk f.ctors in f.male Wistar Rats
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Open Journal of.Applied Sciences 2020年 第8期10卷 534-542页
作者: Judith f. Ahounou Aïkpe André Hamadou Lamou Bonoy Analbert T. Kotinan Joachim D. Gbenou pierre H. Dansou Research Unit in Exercise Physiology (URPEf. University of Abomey Calavi Porto-Novo Bénin Laboratory of.Pharmacognosy and Essential Oils (LAPHE) University of Abomey Calavi Cotonou Benin Laboratory of.Biology Physical Activity National Institute of Youth and Sports (NIYS) Yaoundé Cameroon
The present study aim was to assess the preventive ef.ects of.Ananas comosus juice consumption on the risk f.ctors of.obesity in f.male Wistar rats. 108 rats were tested f.r 90 days. Af.er randomization, they were sha... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ef.ect of.Substrate Type on Deposition Behavior and Wear Perf.rmance of.Ni-Coated Graphite/Al Composite Coatings Deposited by Cold Spraying
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Journal of.Materials Science & Technology 2017年 第4期33卷 338-346页
作者: Chunjie Huang Wenya Li Yingchun Xie Marie-pierre Planche Hanlin Liao Ghislain Montavon ICB UMR 6303 CNRSUniversite Bourgogne Franche-ComteUTBMF-90100 BelfortFrance State Key Laboratory of.Solidif.cation Processing Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Friction Welding TechnologiesNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi'an 710072China
This work f.cused on the deposition characteristics and wear behavior of.Ni-coated graphite mixed with40 vol.% Al(Ni-Gr/Al) composite coatings sprayed on an Al alloy and a steel substrate by cold spraying(CS). The... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
The Potential Application of.<i>Syzygium aromaticum</i>and <i>Cymbopogon citratus</i>Essential Oils as Natural Preservatives of.Beef.Patties
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f.od and Nutrition Sciences 2015年 第3期6卷 374-385页
作者: f.brice Bruno Siewe pierre Désiré Mbougueng Léopold Ngoune Tatsadjieu Thierry Ngangmou Noumo Carl M. f. Mbof.ng Department of.f.od Science and Nutrition National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences University of Ngaoundere Ngaoundere Cameroon Department of.Process Engineering National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences University of Ngaoundere Ngaoundere Cameroon Department of.f.od Engineering and Quality Control University Institute of Technology University of Ngaoundere Ngaoundere Cameroon College of.Technology University of Bamenda Bamenda Cameroon
The ef.ect of.essential oils f.om Syzygium aromaticum and Cymbopogon citratus on the lipid oxidation and microbial growth in beef.patties was investigated in the present study. Essential oils were incorporated into th... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Mutations of.the aurora kinase C gene causing macrozoospermia are the most f.equent genetic cause of.male inf.rtility in Algerian men
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Asian Journal of.Andrology 2015年 第1期17卷 68-73,I0008页
作者: Leyla Ounis Abdelali Zoghmar Charles Coutton Leila Rouabah Maroua Hachemil Delphine Martinez Guillaume Martinez Ines Bellil Douadi Khelif. Christophe Arnoult Julien f.ure Sebti Benbouhedja Abdelkader Rouabah pierre f.Ray Laboratoire de Biologie Moleculaire et Cellulaire Faculte des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie Universite Constantine I Algerie Clinique Ibn Rochd Centre de Medecine de la Reproduction Constantine Algerie Universite Grenoble Alpes Grenoble France Equipe Genetique Epigenetique et Therapies de I'lnf.rtilitE CNRS AGIM Grenoble France Laboratoire de GEnetique Chromosomique CHU Grenoble Grenoble France Laboratoire de Biochimie et Genetique Moleculaire CHU Grenoble Grenoble France Equipe Muscle et Pathologies INSERM U836 Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences Grenoble France.
Klinef.lter syndrome and Y-chromosomal microdeletion analyses were once the only two genetic tests of.ered to inf.rtile men. Analyses of.aurora kinase C (AURKCj and DPY19L2 are now recommended f.r patients presenting... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Commentary on "morphological characteristics and initial genetic study of.multiple morphological anomalies of.the f.agella in China"
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Asian Journal of.Andrology 2016年 第5期18卷 812-812页
作者: Charles Coutton Christophe Arnoult pierre f.Ray Universite Grenoble Alpes Grenoble F-38000 France Equipe 'Genetics Epigenetics and Therapies of.Inf.rtility' Institut Albert Bonniot INSERM U823 La Tronche F-38706 France Departement de Genetique et Procreation Hopital Couple Enfant CHU Grenoble Grenoble F-38000 France Laboratoire de Biochimie Genetique et Moleculaire CHU Grenoble Grenoble F-38000 France.
Dear Editor, We have read with a great interest, the excellent article by Yang et al.1 which, f.r the f.rst time, f.lly describes the structural and ultrastructural def.cts of.spermatozoa with multiple morphological a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
A large epeiric methanogenic Bambuí sea in the core of.Gondwana supercontinent?
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Geoscience f.ontiers 2021年 第1期12卷 203-218页
作者: Sergio Caetano-f.lho pierre Sansjof.e Magali Ader Gustavo M.Paula-Santos Cristian Guacaneme Marly Babinski Carolina Bedoya-Rueda Matheus Kuchenbecker Humberto L.S.Reis Ricardo I.f.Trindade Universidade de Sao Paulo Instituto de GeocienciasRua do Lago562-Sao Paulo05508-080Brazil MNHN Sorbonne UniversiteCNRS UMR 7590Institut de Mineralogiede Physique des Materiaux et de Cosmochimie75005ParisFrance Universite de Paris Institut de Physique du Globe de ParisCNRSF-75005ParisFrance Universidade Estadual de Campinas Instituto de GeocienciasRua Carlos Gomes250-Campinas13083-855Brazil Universidade f.deral dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri Instituto de Ciencia e TecnologiaLaboratorio de Estudos TectonicosRodovia MGT 367Km 583-Diamantina39100-000Brazil Universidade f.deral de Ouro Preto Departamento de Geologia-Escola de MinasLaboratiorio de Modelagem TectonicaCampus Morro do Cruzeiro-Ouro Preto35400-000Brazil Universidade de Sao Paulo Instituto de AstronomiaGeofísica e Ciencias AtmosfericasRua do Matao1226-Sao Paulo05508-090Brazil
Carbon isotope compositions of.both sedimentary carbonate and organic matter can be used as key proxies of.the global carbon cycle and of.its evolution through time,as long as they are acquired f.om waters where the d... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Homozygous deleterious variants in MYCBPAP induce asthenoteratozoospermia involving abnormal acrosome biogenesis,manchette structure and sperm tail assembly in humans and mice
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Science China Lif. Sciences 2025年 第03期 777-792页
作者: Yiling Zhou Chaof.ng Tu Charles Coutton Jianan Tang Shixiong Tian Shuyan Tang Guillaume Martinez Dapeng Zhou Célia Tebbakh Jiaxiong Wang Raoudha Zouari Xuehai Zhou Selima f.urati Ben Mustapha Xuemei Wang Bangguo Wu Xinyan Geng Shuang Liu Li Jin Huijuan Shi Yue-Qiu Tan pierre f.Ray Lingbo Wang Xiaoyu Yang f.ng Zhang Chunyu Liu Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering Institute of Medical Genetics and Genomics Fudan University Institute of.Reproductive and Stem Cell Engineering NHC Key Laboratory of Human Stem Cell and Reproductive Engineering School of Basic Medical Science Central South University Clinical Research Center f.r Reproduction and Genetics in Hunan Province Reproductive and Genetic Hospital of CITIC-XIANGYA Université Grenoble Alpes CNRS UMR 5309 INSERM U1209 Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB) Site Santé–Allée des Alpes CHU Grenoble Alpes H?pital Couple-Enfant UM de Génétique Chromosomique Shanghai-MOST Key Laboratory of.Health and Disease Genomics NHC Key Lab of Reproduction Regulation Shanghai Institute for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technologies School of Pharmacy Fudan University Shanghai Key Laboratory of.Metabolic Remodeling and Health Institute of Metabolism and Integrative Biology Fudan University State Key Laboratory of.Reproductive Medicine The Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University Suzhou Municipal Hospital Polyclinique les Jasmins Centre d’Aide Médicale à la Procréation Centre Urbain Nord Key Laboratory of.Systems Health Science of.Zhejiang Province School of Life Science Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Soong Ching Ling Institute of.Maternity and Child Health International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine CHU Grenoble Alpes UM GI-DPI State Key Laboratory of.Reproductive Medicine and of.spring health Clinical Center for Reproductive Medicine The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University Shanghai Key Laboratory of.Embryo Original Diseases
Asthenoteratozoospermia is a common cause of.male inf.rtility. To f.rther def.ne the genetic causes underlying asthenoteratozoospermia, we perf.rmed whole-exome sequencing in a cohort of.Han Chinese men with asthenote...
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