Using the techniques of in-beam.—ray spectroscopy,the high-spin states of the neutron-rich nuclei Sb, Sn,and In were studied via the Cd(Li,5n)Sb,Cd(Li,3n)Sb,Cd(Li,4n1p)Sn and Cd(Li,α3n)In fusion-evaporation...
Using the techniques of in-beam.—ray spectroscopy,the high-spin states of the neutron-rich nuclei Sb, Sn,and In were studied via the Cd(Li,5n)Sb,Cd(Li,3n)Sb,Cd(Li,4n1p)Sn and Cd(Li,α3n)In fusion-evaporation *** DCO ratios andγ—γcoincidences were *** a result of these experim.nts the level schem.s of Sb,Sn,and In were significantly extended. Excited states of these neutron-rich nuclei were discussed within the of the particle-rotor m.del (PRm. and the triaxial relativistic approaches.