Background: cyclooxygenase (cOX)- 2 expression and tumour-induced angiogen esis appear to be increased in squamous cell carcinoma (Scc) of the skin. In oth er cancers, cOX- 2 is a pro-angiogenic factor. The associatio...
Background: cyclooxygenase (cOX)- 2 expression and tumour-induced angiogen esis appear to be increased in squamous cell carcinoma (Scc) of the skin. In oth er cancers, cOX- 2 is a pro-angiogenic factor. The association between angiog enesis and cOX- 2 has not been studied in skin cancer. Objectives: To assess th e onset of increased cOX- 2 expression and angiogenesis in the multistage carcinogenesis of Scc as well as the correlation between those two parameters. Patients/methods: We performed a retrospective paired immunohistoch emical analysis of normal skin, actinic keratosis (AK), Bowen’s disease (BD) a nd Scc among 35 individuals. Specimens were considered cOX- 2 immunopositive wh en 5% or more of the tumour cells showed clear evidence of immunostaining. To quantify active angiogenesis, we used a Ki- 67- cD34 double-labelling immuno histochemical stain and calculated the fraction of proliferating endothelial cel ls. The chalkley method was used to determine the microvessel density. To detect hypoxia, a carboanhydrase IX immunostain was used. Results: compared with norma l epidermis (0% ), AK (31% ), BD (22% ) and Scc (40% )- were significantly more likely to be cOX- 2 immunopositive (P ction of proliferat ing endothelial cells and the chalkley scores paralleled multistage carcinogenes is (P cOX- 2 immunopositivity was fairly co rrelatedwith hypoxia and higher proliferating endothelial cell fractions but not with chalkley counts. conclusions: Induction of cOX- 2 expression and angiogen esis are both early events in the development of Scc. In addition to ultraviolet light,hypoxia and cOX- 2 may be involved in skin tumour angiogenesis.
currently the most widely accepted study for the detection of significant esop hageal reflux disease is the 24-hr pH study. It is a problematic study, however . The data obtained from that study have to be analyzed by...
currently the most widely accepted study for the detection of significant esop hageal reflux disease is the 24-hr pH study. It is a problematic study, however . The data obtained from that study have to be analyzed by comparison to a norma l tested population,revalued through a weighted scale, then judged against recor ded symptoms in order to obtain a valid interpretation. Dynamic position acid re flux testing has recently been described as a better alternative. In this compar ative study between dynamicposition and 24-hr pH testing in 64 patients, the dy namic position study was found to be more definitive, more informative,and more efficient in the detection of significant esophage- al acid reflux disease.
The authors present three cases of severely restricted motility and large angl e strabismus acquired rapidly during the first months of life in otherwise norma l children who had normal eye alignment and movements at ...
The authors present three cases of severely restricted motility and large angl e strabismus acquired rapidly during the first months of life in otherwise norma l children who had normal eye alignment and movements at birth. Surgical treatme nt of these cases is difficult and outcomes are variable. Myositis causing extra ocular muscles fibrosis is a possible cause of the strabismus in these cases.
Background/aims: conjunctivochalasis, a secondary cause of the watery eye, is frequently seen in the older age group as an elevation of the bulbar conjunctiva lying along the lateral or central lower lid margin. A pro...
Background/aims: conjunctivochalasis, a secondary cause of the watery eye, is frequently seen in the older age group as an elevation of the bulbar conjunctiva lying along the lateral or central lower lid margin. A prospective, interventio nal, casecontrolled clinical and histopathological study was conducted. The rele vant features of 18 patients (29 eyes) who had their conjunctivochalasis resecte d as part of the surgical management of their watery eye syndrome were examined. In the control group, tissue was obtained from an age matched series of 24 norm al subjects undergoing routine cataract surgery. Methods: 24 controls (24 specim ens) and 18 patients (29 specimens) had conjunctival strip biopsies, taken from the usual lid margin level bulbar conjunctiva in line with the inferior limbus ( controls), and the clinically apparent conjunctivochalasis (patients). These wer e submitted for histological study. Resolfs: 23 of 24 control sections demonstra ted normal conjunctival variation. Four of 29 patient specimens demonstrated a c hronic non-granulomatous conjunctivitis, while three eyes of the patient group (two patients) demonstrated features of elastosis. Of the four patients who had the inflammatory infiltrates, three had functional nasolacrimal duct obstruction s (FNLDOs) and one had a primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction (PANDO). Of the two patients who had elastosis, one had an FNLDO and the other had norma l lacrimal drainage and was Jones 1 positive. conclusion: Six of 18 patients-th at is, seven of 29 specimens of conjunctivochalasis demonstrated signs of elasto sis or of chronic non-granulomatous inflammation. clinically, patients had a sp ectrum of aetiologies of their watery eye syndrome.