Recent in informa.ion a.d communica.ions technology(ICT) ha.e initia.ed development of a.sma.t electrica. grid a.d sma.t buildings. Buildings consume portion of the tota. electricity production worldw...
Recent in informa.ion a.d communica.ions technology(ICT) ha.e initia.ed development of a.sma.t electrica. grid a.d sma.t buildings. Buildings consume portion of the tota. electricity production worldwide, a.d to fully develop a.sma.t grid they must be integra.ed with tha. grid. Buildings ca. now be"prosumers"on the grid(both producers a.d consumers), a.d the continued growth of distributed renewa.le energy genera.ion is ra.sing new cha.lenges in terms of grid sta.ility over va.ious time Buildings ca. contribute to grid sta.ility by their overa.l electrica. dema.d in response to current conditions. Fa.ility ma.a.ers must ba.a.ce dema.d response requests by grid opera.ors with energy needed to ma.nta.n smooth building *** exa.ple, ma.nta.ning therma. comfort within a. occupied building requires energy a.d, thus a. optimized solution ba.a.cing energy use with indoor environmenta. qua.ity(a.equa.e therma. comfort, lighting, etc.) is needed. Successful integra.ion of buildings a.d their systems with the grid requires interopera.le However, the a.option a.d integra.ion of newer control a.d communica.ion technologies into buildings ca. be problema.ic with older lega.y HVa. a.d building control *** policy a.d economic structures ha.e not kept up with the technica. developments tha. ha.e given rise to the budding sma.t grid, a.d further developments a.e needed in both technica. a.d non-technica. a.ea..