Stiffened and unstiffened fillet-welded tube-to-transverse plate connection details are widely used for mast-arm and base-plate connections for highway sign ***,due to repetitive wind loads,cyclic fatigue stresses are...
Stiffened and unstiffened fillet-welded tube-to-transverse plate connection details are widely used for mast-arm and base-plate connections for highway sign ***,due to repetitive wind loads,cyclic fatigue stresses are induced and they are the primary source of failure in welded connections at these *** resistance of fatigue critical details has been an on-going research topic because of limited experimental results and the variability in existing fatigue testing *** main objective of this study is to evaluate fatigue resistance of fillet-welded tube connection details by utilizing the advanced fatigue tool in ANSYS Workbench *** Element(FE)models development and model validation using existing test data was *** resulting fatigue resistance from FE analysis was expressed in terms of fatigue life,fatigue damage,and fatigue safety factor to determine the fatigue performance of fillet-welded *** fatigue test data was grouped to perform a synthetic analysis and then analysis results were provided to determine input data and fatigue limit for the fatigue *** local stress level at fatigue critical locations was evaluated using a static FE model for different number of stiffeners and boundary *** results of this investigation provides fatigue resistance of fillet-welded connection details in the form of fatigue life,fatigue damage and safety factor for various connection parameters and structural conditions.
Thermodynamic properties of Cd0.25Zn0.75Se alloy are studied using quasi harmonic model for pressure range of 0 GPa-10 GPa and temperature range 0 K-1000 K. The structural optimization is obtained by self-consistent f...
Thermodynamic properties of Cd0.25Zn0.75Se alloy are studied using quasi harmonic model for pressure range of 0 GPa-10 GPa and temperature range 0 K-1000 K. The structural optimization is obtained by self-consistent field calculations and full-potential linearized muffin-tin orbital method with GGA+U as an exchange correlation functional where U=2.3427 eV is Hubbard potential. The effects of temperature and pressure on bulk modulus, Helmholtz free energy, internal energy, entropy, Debye temperature, Grüneisen parameter, thermal expansion coefficient, and heat capacities of the material are observed and discussed. The bulk modulus, Helmholtz free energy, and Debye temperature are found to be decreased on increasing temperature while there is an increasing behavior with rise of the pressure. Whereas the internal energy has increasing trend with the rise in temperature and it almost remains insensitive to pressure. The entropy of the system increases (decreases) with rise of pressure (temperature).
The thermodynamic properties of Zn Se are obtained by using quasi-harmonic Debye model embedded in Gibbscode for pressure range 0–10 GPa and for temperature range 0–1000 K. Helmholtz free energy, internal energy, en...
The thermodynamic properties of Zn Se are obtained by using quasi-harmonic Debye model embedded in Gibbscode for pressure range 0–10 GPa and for temperature range 0–1000 K. Helmholtz free energy, internal energy, entropy,Debye temperature, and specific heat are calculated. The thermal expansion coefficient along with Gruneisen parameter are also calculated at room temperature for the pressure range. It is found that internal energy is pressure dependent at low temperature, whereas entropy and Helmholtz free energy are pressure sensitive at high temperature. At ambient conditions,the obtained results are found to be in close agreement to available theoretical and experimental data.
This paper reports a detailed study of generalized Chaplygin gas(GCG)with power law form of scale factor and truncated form of the scale factor using binomial expansion in both interacting and non-interacting scenario...
This paper reports a detailed study of generalized Chaplygin gas(GCG)with power law form of scale factor and truncated form of the scale factor using binomial expansion in both interacting and non-interacting scenarios along with its cosmological consequences,studied in terms of equation of state(EoS)*** the non-interacting scenario,the EoS parameter behaves as quintessence in both forms of the scale *** the interacting scenario,the EoS parameter behaves as phantom and for the truncated form of the scale factor,it violates the constraints of the positive parameterα.The cosmological implementation of GCG interacting with pressureless dark matter is investigated in the framework of f(T)modified gravity,where T is the torsion scalar in *** interaction term is directly proportional to the GCG density with positive coupling *** f(T)gravity,the EoS is behaving like *** stability of the reconstructed model is investigated and it is found to be stable against small gravitational perturbations,i.e.,the squared speed of sound is non-negative and an increasing function of cosmic time *** have observed that our reconstructed f(T)model satisfies one of the sufficient conditions of a realistic reconstructed model and it is consistent with the CMB constraints and primordial *** of primordial perturbations has also been analyzed and the self-interacting potential has been found to be an increasing function of cosmic time t.
The dynamic behavior of a microhollow cathode sustained discharge with split third electrodes is experimentally investigated. The sustained discharge swells isotropically in the presence of a small amount of argon gas...
The dynamic behavior of a microhollow cathode sustained discharge with split third electrodes is experimentally investigated. The sustained discharge swells isotropically in the presence of a small amount of argon gas flow that is not clearly detectable with a conventional single third electrode. At high flow rates, the sustained discharge transitions to a fast-moving constricted discharge with an are shape. The modified discharge structure causes a shift in current distribution over the third electrodes, and the current peak location varies linearly with the flow rate over a certain flow range. Such linear behavior may be applied to in situ flow velocity measurement.
The precise prediction of the fundamental vibrational period for reinforced concrete(RC)buildings with infilled walls is essential for structural design,especially earthquake-resistant *** learning models from previou...
The precise prediction of the fundamental vibrational period for reinforced concrete(RC)buildings with infilled walls is essential for structural design,especially earthquake-resistant *** learning models from previous studies,while boasting commendable accuracy in predicting the fundamental period,exhibit vulnerabilities due to lengthy training times and inherent dependence on pre-trained models,especially when engaging with continually evolving data *** predicament emphasizes the necessity for a model that adeptly balances predictive accuracy with robust adaptability and swift data *** latter should include consistent re-training ability as demanded by realtime,continuously updated data *** research implements an optimized Light Gradient Boosting Machine(LightGBM)model,highlighting its augmented predictive capabilities,realized through the astute use of Bayesian Optimization for hyperparameter tuning on the FP4026 research data set,and illuminating its adaptability and efficiency in predictive *** results show that the R^(2) score of LightGBM model is 0.9995 and RMSE is 0.0178,while training speed is 23.2 times faster than that offered by XGBoost and 45.5 times faster than for Gradient ***,this study introduces a practical application through a streamlit-powered,web-based dashboard,enabling engineers to effortlessly utilize and augment the model,contributing data and ensuring precise fundamental period predictions,effectively bridging scholarly research and practical applications.
Lentil, one of the oldest legumes was investigated for diversity based on botanical descriptors, total seed proteins, isozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. About one fourth of accessions were...
Lentil, one of the oldest legumes was investigated for diversity based on botanical descriptors, total seed proteins, isozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. About one fourth of accessions were heterogeneous for botanical descriptors and a seed protein profile. The germplasm collected from the province of Baluchiatan revealed the prevalence of indigenous landraces as high diversity was observed for all of the techniques. Diversity explored through various techniques revealed validity irrespective of the sample size or geographic pattem, RAPD being the best choice for investigating both inter- and intra-acceaaion variation in lentil. Although all of the techniques were able to resolve genetic diversity in lentil, isozymea and seed proteins gave low levels of genetic diversity, suggesting that more investigation into isozymea of specific proteins is required. RAPD is the best option for determining inter- and intra-acceaaion variation, and will be required to extend germplaama and primers to continue the study of botanical descriptors.
Numerical algorithms for stiff stochastic differential equations are developed using lin-ear approximations of the fast diffusion processes,under the assumption of decoupling between fast and slow *** numerical scheme...
Numerical algorithms for stiff stochastic differential equations are developed using lin-ear approximations of the fast diffusion processes,under the assumption of decoupling between fast and slow *** numerical schemes are proposed,all of which are based on the linearized formulation albeit with different degrees of *** schemes are of comparable complexity to the classical explicit Euler-Maruyama scheme but can achieve better accuracy at larger time steps in stiff *** analysis is conducted for one of the schemes,that shows it to have a strong convergence order of 1/2 and a weak convergence order of *** arriving at the other two schemes are *** experiments are carried out to examine the convergence of the schemes proposed on model problems.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of anthropogenic pollution on DNA damage and the fatty acid profile of the bottom dweller fish (Cirrhinus mr^gala), collected from the River Chenab, in order to...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of anthropogenic pollution on DNA damage and the fatty acid profile of the bottom dweller fish (Cirrhinus mr^gala), collected from the River Chenab, in order to assess the effect of the toxicants on the quality of the fish meat. The levels ofCd, Hg, Cu, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cr and Sn and of phenols from this river were significantly higher than the permissible limits set by the USEPA. Comet assays showed DNA damage in Cirrhinus mr^gala collected from three different sampling sites in the polluted area of the river. Significant differences were observed for DNA damage through comet assay in fish collected from polluted compared to control sites. No significant differences were observed for DNA damage between farmed and fish collected from upstream. The micronucleus assay showed similar trends. Fish from the highly polluted sites showed less number of fatty acids and more saturated fatty acids in their meat compared to fish from less polluted areas. Several fatty acids were missing in fish with higher levels of DNA in comet tail and micronucleus induction. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) was found missing in the fish from polluted environment while it was found in considerable amount in farmed fish 7.8±0.4%. Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) also showed significant differences as 0.1±0.0 and 7.0±0.1% respectively, in wild polluted and fanned fishes.
PARVEEN sultanaKOHGUCHI TestuyukiBISWAS MoloyNAKAGOSHI NobukazuGraduate School for International Development and Cooperation(IDEC)
Hiroshima University Kagamiyama 1-5-1 Higashi Hiroshima 739-8529JapanHiroshima Prefecture Agriculture Research CenterHaraHachihonmatuHigashi Hiroshima 739-0151 JapanGraduate School for International Development and Cooperation(IDEC) Hiroshima University Kagamiyama 1-5-1 Higashi Hiroshima 739-8529JapanDepartment of Environmental Studies IDECHiroshima UniversityHigashi HiroshimaJapan 739-8529
This study was conducted to investigate the dissipation pattern and runoff of herbicides to the river basin from the paddy fields. Pesticide paddy field model(PADDY) was applied to predict herbicide concentration in p...
This study was conducted to investigate the dissipation pattern and runoff of herbicides to the river basin from the paddy fields. Pesticide paddy field model(PADDY) was applied to predict herbicide concentration in paddy fields. A field study was conducted in a paddy farm of Higashi Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan in the year of 2003 paddy season. The herbicides were mefenacet, thiobencarb, and bensulfuron methyl. The sample water was analyzed by using gas chromatography and HPLC after solid phase extraction. Predicted dissipation rate of thiobencarb in paddy water was higher(DT_ 50 = 4 36) than that measured, with a lower k value(-0 069). Two weeks after application no thiobencarb was detected in the drainage channel and down stream. In the down stream, thiobencarb was detected until 3 d after application, with a range of 0 02% to 0 08% of applied herbicide. The predicted dissipation rate(k) and half-life(DT_ 50 ) of mefenacet was not significantly different from that of measured. In the drainage channel, upstream and downstream mefenacet was found during the whole study period. In downstream, the maximum concentration of mefenacet was present 0 61% of applied in the paddy field on 3DAH. The dissipation rate(k) of BSM varied from -0 0860 to -0 1059 to with half-life(DT_ 50 ) 3 5 and 2 84 d. In upstream water, no BSM was detected except trace amounts(0 01 μg/L) at 3 d after application. However, in the drainage channel 8%, 6% and 1 58% of applied BSM was present at 0, 1 and 3 d after application respectively. In the down stream, the highest concentration was 1 06%, shortly after application.