This study highlighted a high wave case by severe tropical cyclone Harold and conducted a simulation with a newly developed wave forecasting system for the South Pacific based on the Japan Meteorological Agency third ...
This study highlighted a high wave case by severe tropical cyclone Harold and conducted a simulation with a newly developed wave forecasting system for the South Pacific based on the Japan Meteorological Agency third generation wave model(JMA MRI-III)using the National Center for Environment Prediction Global Forecast System(GFS)*** was a very intense tropical cyclone(TC)and very high waves up to 10 m affected parts of Vanuatu and *** model results were reasonable and verified against observations of orbital satellites and a wave buoy at Komave in *** statistical verifications were carefully *** Root Mean Squared Error(RSME),Scatter Index(SI),Bias and R2 are all showing very impressive *** new wave forecasting system is the first high resolution operational model at Fiji Meteorological Service(FMS),which covers the whole Fiji *** system will provide guidance to FMS in preparing marine alerts and warning better and more confidence in providing the marine forecast accurately.
The report highlights the significant progress over various regions with respect to understanding of coastal hazards,numerical modeling techniques and the generation&dissemination of coastal hazard warnings and *** dev...
The report highlights the significant progress over various regions with respect to understanding of coastal hazards,numerical modeling techniques and the generation&dissemination of coastal hazard warnings and *** developments over various regions in the globe during 2014–18 have been discussed in this report as presented during 10th Session of International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones(IWTC-X)at Bali,*** specifically,various regions have started to confront the uncertainty that cannot be removed from TC analyses and forecasts and further communicate those hazards within the context of risk[probabilistic]based *** also includes impact-based forecasts such as communicating coastal inundation information relative to total water level instead of storm surge,specifically(i.e.,anomaly from as-tronomical tide and waves).Lastly,updates to model grid configuration,model resolution,and coupled dynamical systems continue to resolve the costal hazards more *** approaches have likely helped reduce loss of life relative to historical ***,regions agree that the generation and dissemination of coastal hazard information still need to be improved in view of growing population along the coast and thus increased exposure of life to coastal hazard.
The Fourth International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Landfall Processes(IWTCLP-4) was held in Macao, China from 5-7 December 2017. The workshop was organized by the World Meteorological Organization(WMO) Expert Team ...
The Fourth International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Landfall Processes(IWTCLP-4) was held in Macao, China from 5-7 December 2017. The workshop was organized by the World Meteorological Organization(WMO) Expert Team on Tropical Cyclone Landfall Processes in partnership with the WMO Tropical Cyclone Program. The workshop provided a forum for discussion between researchers and forecasters on the current status of tropical cyclone landfall processes and on priorities and opportunities for research. More than 60 leading research scientists and warning specialists working on topics related to tropical cyclone landfall examined current knowledge, forecasting and research trends from an integrated global perspective. The workshop offered a number of recommendations for future forecasting studies and research with special regard to the varying needs of different tropical cyclone af fected regions. The recommendations emanating from the workshop will be presented at the upcoming Ninth International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones(IWTC-9)(Hawaii, USA, 3-7 December 2018).
This report briefly summarizes recent progress in storm surge forecasts, one of topics discussed during the fourth International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Landfall Process(IWTCLP 4) held during 5-8 December, 2017. ...
This report briefly summarizes recent progress in storm surge forecasts, one of topics discussed during the fourth International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Landfall Process(IWTCLP 4) held during 5-8 December, 2017. In the workshop, improvement of storm surge forecasting system was mainly discussed with relevance to the problem of estimating the impacts of tropical cyclone *** deal with storm surges, accurate TC condition(predictions and forecasts) as input, reasonable storm surge predictions(with forecasting systems), and effective advisories/warnings(i.e. useful information products) are necessary. Therefore, we need to improve storm surge related matters systematically: input, prediction system, and ef fective *** report tries to highlight recent progress in the field of storm surges in relation to three key points: improvement in storm surge forecasting models/system, TC conditions as input for storm surge predictions, and informative products for end users.