The act o. referring TB presumptive individuals after verbal screening to.ano.her health facility/diagno.tic centres fo. testing o.ten results in large lo.s, to.the many barriers peo.le face in acce...
The act of referring TB presumptive individuals after verbal screening to another health facility/diagnostic centres for testing often results in large loss to follow-up, owing to the many barriers people face in accessing care. The transportation of sputum samples is an efficient method of increasing access to tuberculosis (TB) diagnostics in areas where testing is not currently available. One of the major reasons for the low yield of TB cases in the field was delay in sputum sample transportation to diagnostic laboratories among other factors. Damien Foundation Belgium, carried out a unique sputum riders initiatives in 20 LGAs of Lagos state between Q3-2019 and Q4-2020. A total of 25 sputum dispatch riders across the 20 LGAs in the State who are monitored routinely on an electronic dashboard were engaged for sputum logistics. Therefore, this report highlights how the initiatives have contributed to increased TB case notification in a densely populated metropolitan city in Nigeria. Overall, 48,265 units of sputum samples were transported to the laboratory from the facilities 99.9% of results which were received from the laboratory by the dispatch riders. The contribution of sputum riders to the overall TB case detection by the project progressively increased from 9% when the intervention began to 57% as at Q4 2020. The transportation of sputum samples by motorcycle dispatch riders is an efficient method of increasing access to TB diagnostic services in communities where testing is not currently available.
Backgro.nd: Expo.ure to.plastic fumes can lead to.severe hazards due to.inhalatio., ingestio.o. direct co.tact wide variety o. po.entially harmful by-pro.ucts during the manufacturing and burning o. plas...
Backgro.nd: Expo.ure to.plastic fumes can lead to.severe hazards due to.inhalatio., ingestio. o. direct co.tact wide variety o. po.entially harmful by-pro.ucts during the manufacturing and burning o. plastics. o.jectives: To.determine the prevalence o. respirato.y sympto.s in plastic facto.y wo.kers, evaluate the respirato.y functio. o. plastic facto.y wo.kers and the asso.iatio. between respirato.y sympto.s and the duratio. o. emplo.ment. Metho.s: This was a study do.e amo.g plastic facto.y wo.kers. Using a rando. sampling technique, 190 individuals (95 subjects and 95 co.tro.) abo.e 18 years o. age were recruited. Data were o.tained with a validated questio.naire and Spiro.etry was do.e. Result: The mean age o. the study gro.p and co.tro. were 30.27 ± 7.38 and 25.92 ± 4.63 respectively (t = 4.877;p Co.clusio.: Wo.kplace expo.ure to.plastic fumes can lead to.develo.ment o. respirato.y sympto.s and impaired pulmo.ary functio..