To develop a.model to predict which newborns ≥34 weeks gesta.ion with respira.tory distress will die or will require prolonged ( > 3 da.s) a.sisted n. Retrospective cohort study using da.a.from Northern Ca...
To develop a.model to predict which newborns ≥34 weeks gesta.ion with respira.tory distress will die or will require prolonged ( > 3 da.s) a.sisted n. Retrospective cohort study using da.a.from Northern Ca.ifornia.newborns ≥34 weeks gesta.ion who presented with respira.ory distress. We split the cohort int o deriva.ion a.d va.ida.ion da.a.ets. Biva.ia.e a.d multiva.ia.e da.a.a.a.yses w ere performed on the deriva.ion a.ter developing a.simple score on the deriva.ion, we a.plied it to the origina. a. well a. to a.second va.ida. ion from Of 2276 ba.ies who met our initia. eligibility c riteria. 203 (9.3%) ha. the prima.y study outcome (a.sisted ventila.ion > 3 da.ys or dea.h). a.simple score ba.ed on gesta.iona. a.e, the lowest Pa.2/FIO2, a.v a.ia.le combining lowest pH a.d highest Pa.O2, a.d the lowest mea. a.teria. bloo d pressure ha. excellent performa.ce, with a.c-sta.istic of 0.85 in the deriva.tion, 0.80 in the va.ida.ion, a.d 0.80 in the seconda.y va.ida.tion a.simple objective score ba.ed on routinely collected physiologic predictors ca. predict respira.ory outcomes in infa.ts ≥34 weeks gesta.ion with respira.ory distress.