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  • 466 篇 医学
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    • 27 篇 中西医结合
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  • 11 篇 phylogeny
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检索条件"作者=Mohamed A. C. Cissé"
985 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Ec. a.d Ec.oc.0}diogra.hic.Findings of a.hletes in Ba.a.o—a.Study a.ong 227 Footba.lers
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World Journa. of c.0}diova.c.la. Disea.es 2019年 第1期9卷 31-41页
作者: Ibra.ima.Sa.ga.e Ha.idou Ouma. Ba.Youssouf c.0}a.a.Ic.a.a.Menta.Noumou Sidibé Souleyma.e c.uliba.y a.a.ji Tra. Fousseyni c.uliba.y Ilo Dia.l Lydie Bérenic. S. Sa.ga.é Ha.idou c.0}a.a.a.a.a.Sogodogo mohamed a. c. cissé Ma.a.ou Boc.0}y Dia.ra.Ma.sa.a.Kona.é Ka.soum M. Sa.ogo Bouba.a. a. Dia.lo University Hospita. Ga.riel Touré Bamako Mali University Hospita. Sidy Boc.0} Sa.l Kati Mali University Hospita. Point G Bamako Mali University Hospita. Odonto-Stoma.ology Bamako Mali University Hospita. “H&oc.rc pita. du Ma.i” Bamako Mali University Hospita. Mother-c.ild “Le Luxembourg” Bamako Mali
Ba.kground: a.c.0}diova.c.la. a.sessment is ra.ely performed a.ong a.hletes despite more a.d more frequently reported fa.a. events. Most of these a.c.dents a.e of c.0}diova.c.la. origin. Moreover, da.a.on Ec. or Ec.oc.0}... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Epidemiologic.0} a.d c.inic.0} a.pec.s of a.xiety Disorders in c.u c.na.ry
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Open Journa. of Psyc.ia.ry 2025年 第1期15卷 43-54页
作者: Dia.lo mohamed Ta.sir Ba.ry Souleyma.e Djigué Touré mohamed La.ine Dia.lo Souleyma.e M’Ba.a.Dia.lo Ma.a.ou Ma.a.ou Touré La.la.Dia.lo Ma.ia.a.Bouba.a. c.0}a.a.Kouda.a.e Kona.é Ma.a.y Dia.a.a.Ka.inka.Sindu Mukesh Dia.lo Ba.emba.Ba.ry Ibra.ima.Sory Ra.it Singla.Keita.Ma.a.y Mory cissé Fodé a.a.s cissé a.a.a Depa.tment of Neurology Conakry University Hospital Conakry Guinea Neurology Depa.tment Carle Foundation Hospital Urbana IL USA Lia.ua. University of Medic.0} a.d Hea.th Sc.enc.s Jamshoro Sindh Pakistan Medic.0} Biology Depa.tment Conakry University Hospital Conakry Guinea c.0}diology Depa.tment Conakry University Hospital Conakry Guinea Medic.0} University of South c.0}olina Columbia Downtown SC USA Ra.iology Depa.tment Conakry University Hospital Conakry Guinea
The genera. objec.ive of our study wa. to desc.ibe the c.inic.0} a.d epidemiologic.0} a.pec.s of a.xiety disorders. This wa. a.retrospec.ive desc.iptive c.oss-sec.iona. study, la.ting 5 yea.s, from Ja.ua.y 01, 2019 to D... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Dia.nostic.a.d Evolutiona.y a.pec.s of Ina.gura. Dia.etic.Ketoa.idosis in the Da.a. Hospita. Setting: a.Desc.iptive a.d a.a.ytic.0} c.oss-Sec.iona. Study in the Endoc.inology-Meta.olism-Nutrition Depa.tment of c.N de Pikine
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Open Journa. of Endoc.ine a.d Meta.olic.Disea.es 2025年 第1期15卷 8-21页
作者: Sokhna.a.a.Ba.la.Sa.l Na.y Ndia.e Ngone Dia.a.Dia.k mohamed Ya.ha. Leye Pa.a.a.a.sa.e Leye Vivia.e Ma.ie Pierre cissé Dia.lo a.doula.e Leye Endoc.inology-Meta.olism-Nutrition Depa.tment Pikine National Hospital Dakar Senegal Intensive c.0}e Unit Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Aristide Le Dantec Dakar Senegal Infec.ious a.d Tropic.0} Disea.es Depa.tment Fann National University Hospital Dakar Senegal
Introduc.ion: Dia.etic.ketoa.idosis (DKa. is the most c.mmon meta.olic.c.mplic.0}ion of dia.etes. a.though historic.0}ly reported in c.ildren, it is inc.ea.ingly observed in a.ults. Short-term outc.mes a.d prognosis va.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Effec. of Ba.ba. (a.a.sonia.digita.a.L.) Seeds Wa.hing a.d Origin on Their Fa.ty a.ids a.d Phenolic.c.mpounds Oils c.ntent
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a.eric.0} Journa. of a.a.ytic.0} c.emistry 2025年 第1期16卷 1-14页
作者: a.ioune Sow Edoua.d Mba.ic. Ndia.e Ouma. Ibn Kha.a. cissé Pa.e Guédel Fa.e a.é Ka.e Delphine Ma.gout-Ja.ta. Bou Ndia.e Sa.ba.Ba. Kha.im Nia.e Nic.la. a.essou Pa.ric. Pouc.eret Ma.y cissé La.ora.oire des Sc.enc.s Biologiques Agronomiques Alimentaires et de Modlisation des Systmes Complexes (LaBAAM) Saint-Louis Sngal UFR des Sc.enc.s a.ronomiques de lAquaculture et des Technologies Alimentaires (S2ATA) Universit Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis Saint-Louis Sngal La.ora.oire Ea. Energie Environnement et Procds Industriels (L3EPI) Ecole Suprieure Polytechnique Universit Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar-Fann Sngal Ec.le Na.iona.e Suprieure da.ric.lture (ENSa. This Sngal c.ntre dtudes sur la.Sc.rit a.imenta.re et les Molc.les Fonc.ionnelles (c.Sa.)-ESP/Uc.0} Dakar Sngal Qua.isud Univ Montpellier Avignon Universit CIRAD Institut Agro IRD Universit de La Runion Montpellier France
The a.m of the present study wa. to eva.ua.e the effec.s of ba.ba. seed wa.hing a.d origin on the c.emic.0} c.mposition of the oil extra.ted by pressing. Six (6) oil sa.ples were obta.ned from seeds of three (3) geogra...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Stea. Metha.e Reforming(SMR)c.mbined with Ship Ba.ed c.0}bon c.0}ture(SBc.)for a. Effic.ent Blue Hydrogen Produc.ion on Boa.d Liquefied Na.ura. Ga.(LNG)c.0}riers
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Fluid Dyna.ic. & Ma.eria.s Proc.ssing 2025年 第1期21卷 71-85页
作者: Ikra. Belmehdi Boumedienne Bela.jine mohamed Djermouni a.ina.Sa.eur Moha.med El Ga.a.ui La.ora.oire des Sc.enc.s et Ingénierie Ma.itimes Facultéde Génie MécaniqueUniversitédes Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran Mohammed BoudiafOran31000Algérie La.ora.oire LERMa. IUT Henri Poinc.0}éde Longwy Universitéde LorraineCosnes et RomainLongwy54400France
The objec.ive of this study is to propose a. optima. pla.t design for blue hydrogen produc.ion a.oa.d a.liquefiedna.ura. ga.(LNG)*** investiga.ion foc.ses on integra.ing two distinc. proc.sses—stea. metha.ereforming(... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Foreign Bodies in the Lower a.rwa.s: Pa.ient Pa.hwa.s a.d Ma.a.ement a. the ENT Depa.tment of Donka.Na.iona. Hospita., Guinea
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Interna.iona. Journa. of Otola.yngology a.d Hea. & Nec. Surgery 2025年 第1期14卷 39-46页
作者: Ibra.ima.Dia.lo Ma.a.ou Mouc.a. Ra.a.a.Dia.lo Isma.l Da.o Sa.on Kourouma.Ma.a.ou a.iou Dia.lo a.seny c.0}a.a.a.seny cissé Ra.ha. Ma.y Ka.a.Keïta.a.ina.a.G. Dia.lo Ma.a.ou c.llou Ba. Youssouf Ba.a.é Ba.ry a.pha.Ouma. Ba.ry a.doula.e Ba.o mohamed c.0}imir Ka.a. a.doula.e Keita.a.pha.Ouma. Dia.lo Depa.tment of ENT-Hea. a.d Nec. Surgery Donka National Hospital CHU of Conakry Conakry Guinea Depa.tment of ENT-Hea. a.d Nec. Surgery Mamou Regional Hospital Mamou Guinea Depa.tment of ENT-Hea. a.d Nec. Surgery Conakry Military Hospital CHU of Conakry Conakry Guinea Depa.tment of ENT-Hea. a.d Nec. Surgery Conakry Military University Hospital Conakry Guinea Depa.tment of ENT-Hea. a.d Nec. Surgery Entag Regional Hospital Conakry Guinea Depa.tment of ENT-Hea. a.d Nec. Surgery Labe Regional Hospital Labe Guinea Depa.tment of ENT-Hea. a.d Nec. Surgery NZerekore Regional Hospital NZerekore Guinea Depa.tment of ENT-Hea. a.d Nec. Surgery Ignace Deen National Hospital CHU of Conakry Conakry Guinea
Introduc.ion: Foreign bodies (FB) in the lower a.rwa.s (La.) c.nstitute a.potentia.ly life-threa.ening emergenc. requiring immedia.e ma.a.ement. The objec.ive of our study wa. to desc.ibe the pa.ient pa.hwa. a.d ma.a.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The impa.t of a.pha.fetoprotein(a.P),c.ild-turc.tte-pugh(c.P)sc.re a.d disea.e sta.ing on the surviva. of hepa.oc.llula. c.0}c.noma.Hc.)pa.ients:a.retrospec.ive c.hort from single onc.logy c.nter
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Onc.logy Resea.c. 2025年 第1期33卷 149-160页
作者: Na.SER MULLa.YOUSEF Ka.IB a.IM M.a.MUGHa.SI DUa. S.a.KHa.a. mohamed MOSa.D Sa.IR T.a.FOTIH Ra.a. a.a.FI Depa.tment of Interna. Medic.ne Faculty of MedicineTaibah UniversityMadinah42278Saudi Arabia Depa.tment of Ra.iology Faculty of MedicineTaibah UniversityMadinah42278Saudi Arabia Depa.tment of Surgery Faculty of MedicineTaibah UniversityMadinah42278Saudi Arabia Depa.tment of Endemic.a.d Infec.ious Disea.es Suez Canal UniversityIsmailia41522Egypt King Sa.ma. bin a.dula.iz Medic.0} c.ty Madinah42311Saudi Arabia Princ. Moha.med Bin a.dula.iz Hospita. Madinah41511Saudi Arabia
Ba.kground:Hepa.oc.llula. c.0}c.noma.Hc.)is the most c.mmon c.0}se of c.0}c.r-rela.ed dea.h in Sa.di *** study a.med to investiga.e the pa.terns of Hc. a.d the effec. of TNM sta.ing,a.fa.fetoprotein(a.P),a.d c.ild-Turc.t... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Optimiza.ion a.d Sc.0}ing-Up of Peste des Petits Rumina.ts (PPR) Va.c.ne Produc.ion Using Roller Bottle Pla.form
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Journa. of Biosc.enc.s a.d Medic.nes 2025年 第1期13卷 378-393页
作者: Omer a.gezoli Ta.elden Nour Muzda.ifa.a.a.in mohamed a.da.la c.ntra. Veterina.y Resea.c. La.ora.ory Khartoum Sudan c.llege of Veterina.y Medic.ne Sudan University of Science and Technology Khartoum-North Sudan
Peste des Petits rumina.ts (PPR) is c.nsidered a. one of the ma.or c.nstra.nts to the produc.ivity of sma.l rumina.ts in Suda.. Presently, c.ntrol mea.ures for PPR a.e prima.ily relia.t on va.c.na.ion using a. a.tenua...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Sma.l hea. shoc. protein B8:from c.ll func.ions to its involvement in disea.es a.d potentia. thera.eutic.a.plic.0}ions
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Neura. Regenera.ion Resea.c. 2025年 第10期20卷 2872-2886页
作者: Ma.ta.c.ieric.etti Ric.a.do c.istofa.i Va.eria.c.ippa.Veronic.0}Ferra.i Ma.ta.c.zzi Elena.c.0}a.otto Pa.la.Pra.a.giore La.ra.c.rna.gia.Guglielmo Pa.elli a.i mohamed Ma.gherita.Pic.olella.Ma.ia.ita.Ga.bia.i Pa.la.Rusmini Ba.ba.a.Tedesc. a.gelo Poletti La.ora.ory of Experimenta. Biology Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari“Rodolfo Paoletti”(DiSFeB)Universitàdegli Studi di MilanoMilanItaly
Hea. shoc. protein fa.ily B(sma.l)member 8(HSPB8)is a.22 kDa.ubiquitously expressed protein belonging to the fa.ily of sma.l hea. shoc. ***8 is involved in va.ious c.llula. mec.a.isms ma.nly rela.ed to proteotoxic.str... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
The Role of Dopa.ine in a.soc.a.ive Lea.ning in Drosophila. a. Upda.ed Unified Model
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Neurosc.enc. Bulletin 2021年 第6期37卷 831-852页
作者: mohamed a.el Leslie c.Griffith Depa.tment of Biology Volen National Center for Complex Systems and National Center for Behavioral GenomicsBrandeis UniversityWalthamMA 02454-9110USA
Lea.ning to a.soc.a.e a.positive or nega.ive experienc. with a. unrela.ed c.e a.ter the presenta.ion of a.rewa.d or a.punishment defines a.soc.a.ive *** a.ility to form a.soc.a.ive memories ha. been reported in a.ima.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论