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检索条件"作者=Marianne R Fernandes"
71014 条 记 录,以下是101-110 订阅
Are urbanization, biotic and social factors associated with the song frequency and song entropy attributes of three urban syntopic passerines?
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Avian research 2025年 第01期 96-109页
作者: Xhareni Díaz-Lezama Alejandro Ariel ríos-Chelén Jorge Castellanos-Albores Paula L.Enríquez Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias en recursos Naturales y Desarrollo rural El Colegio de la Frontera Sur.Carr.Panamericana y Periférico Sur s/n Barrio Ma.Auxiliadora Centro Tlaxcala de Biología de la Conducta Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala Departamento Conservación de la Biodiversidad El Colegio de la Frontera Sur Carr.Panamericana y Periférico Sur s/n Barrio Ma.Auxiliadora
Urban environments have challenging characteristics for bird acoustic communication. High levels of anthropogenic noise, as well as vegetation structure(e.g., in urban parks), can potentially affect the song frequency...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Health anxiety and work loss in patients diagnosed with serrated polyposis syndrome:A cross sectional study
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World Journal of Clinical Oncology 2025年 第2期16卷 52-62页
作者: Angus Thompson Natalie r Dierick Louise Heiniger Stuart N Kostalas School of Clinical Medicine University of New South WalesPort Macquarie 2444New South WalesAustralia Department of Gastroenterology Port Macquarie GastroenterologyPort Macquarie 2444New South WalesAustralia
BACKGrOUND Serrated polyposis syndrome(SPS)is a polyposis condition with neoplastic potential,but its psychological impact is not well *** To assess health anxiety prevalence in a regional Australian cohort of SPS pat... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells versus adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells for peripheral nerve regeneration
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Neural regeneration research 2018年 第1期13卷 100-104页
作者: Marcela fernandes Sandra Gomes Valente rodrigo Guerra Sabongi Joao Baptista Gomes dos Santos Vilnei Mattioli Leite Henning Ulrich Arthur Andrade Nery Maria José da Silva fernandes Division of Hand and Upper Limb Surgery Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil Department of Biochemistry Institute of Chemistry Universidade de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil Division of Neurosciences Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil
Studies have confirmed that bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be used for treatment of several nervous system diseases. However, isolation of bone marrow-derived MSCs (BMSCs) is an invasive and... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Occurrence and Distribution of Antifouling Biocide Diuron along the Coastal Areas of Zanzibar Island
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Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 2025年 第1期13卷 1-17页
作者: Hassan r. Ali Fatma Kh. Ali Miza A. Kombo School of Natural and Social Sciences The State University of Zanzibar Zanzibar Tanzania Tropical research Centre for Oceanography Environment and Natural Resources The State University of Zanzibar Zanzibar Tanzania Karume Institute of Science and Technology Mbweni Zanzibar Tanzania
Diuron (N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N,N-dimethylurea) is one among the booster biocides substituted tributyltin as an antifouling agent. It has continued to be used ever since, though little is known about their levels in ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
In vitro biological activities of aqueous extracts of Tetrapleura tetraptera(Schumach. & Thonn.) taub. and Aframomum citratum(C. Pereira) *** from three Agroecologic Zones in Cameroon
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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2020年 第2期13卷 71-80页
作者: Eyenga Manga Marie Laure Fauconnier Judith Laure Ngondi Akoumou Manga Ngando marianne Sindic Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agro-food Products TERRAGembloux AgroBio-TechUniversity of LiegePassage des Déportés25030 Gembloux-Belgium Laboratory of chemistry of natural molecules Gembloux Agro-Bio TechUnivervity of LiegePassage des Déportés25030 Gembloux-Belgium Laboratory of Nutrition and Nutritional Biochemistry Department of BiochemistryFaculty of SciencesYaounde I universityPO.Box:812YaoundeCameroon National Institut of Cartography Ministry of Scientific Research and InnovationsPO.Box:157YaoundéCameroon
Objective:To investigate some phytochemical constituents and biological activities of twelve samples of Tetrapleura tetraptera(Schumach&Thonn.)*** nine samples of Aframomum citratum(***)*** fruits collected in the bim... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 2 andinflammatory bowel disease
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2016年 第3期22卷 1034-1044页
作者: marianne r Spalinger Declan F McCole Gerhard rogler Michael Scharl Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University Hospital Zurich8091 ZurichSwitzerland Division of Biomedical Sciences University of CaliforniaRiverside(UCR)RiversideCA 92521United States Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology University of Zurich8091 ZurichSwitzerland
Genome wide association studies have associated single nucleotide polymorphisms within the gene locus encoding protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 2(PTPN2) with the onset of inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Mapping of quantitative trait loci using the skew-normal distribution
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Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology) 2007年 第11期8卷 792-801页
作者: fernandes Elisabete PACHECO António PENHA-GONALVES Carlos Centre for Mathematics and Its Applications IST-Technical University of Lisbon1049-001 LisboaPortugal Department of Statistics and Operational ResearchFaculty of SciencesUniversity of Lisbon1749-016 LisboaPortugal Gulbenkian Institute of ScienceP-2781-901 OeirasPortugal Department of Mathematics and Centre for Mathematics and Its Applications IST-Technical University of Lisbon1049-001 LisboaPortugal Gulbenkian Institute of Science P-2781-901 OeirasPortugal
In standard interval mapping (IM) of quantitative trait loci (QTL), the QTL effect is described by a normal mixture model. When this assumption of normality is violated, the most commonly adopted strategy is to use th... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Acromyrmex ameliae sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): A new social parasite of leaf-cutting ants in Brazil
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Insect Science 2007年 第3期14卷 251-257页
作者: DANIVAL JOSE DE SOUZA ILKA MArIA fernandes SOArES TErEZINHA MArIA CASTrO DELLA LUCIA Institut de recherche sur la Biologie de 1'Insecte Université Francois Rabelais Tours France Departamento de Biologia Animal Laboratório de Ecologia de Comunidades Departamento de Biologia Geral Universidade Federal de Vicosa MG 36570-000 Brazil
The fungus-growing ants (Tribe Attini) are a New World group of〉 200 species, all obligate symbionts with a fungus they use for food. Four attine taxa are known to be social parasites of other attines. Acromyrmex ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Integrating geochemical(surface waters, stream sediments)and biological(diatoms) approaches to assess AMD environmental impact in a pyritic mining area: Aljustrel(Alentejo, Portugal)
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Journal of Environmental Sciences 2016年 第4期28卷 215-226页
作者: Ana Teresa Luís Nuno Duraes Saloméfernandes Pinheiro de Almeida Eduardo Ferreira da Silva University of Aveiro Department of GeosciencesGeoBioTec--GeobiosciencesGeotechnologies and Geoengineering Research CenterCampus de Santiago3810-193 AveiroPortugal University of Aveiro Department of BiologyGeoBioTec--GeobiosciencesGeotechnologies and Geoengineering Research CenterCampus de Santiago3810-193 AveiroPortugal Centro de Ciencias do Mar CCMARUniversidade do AlgarveCampus de Gambelas8005-139 FaroPortugal
Aljustrel mines were classified as having high environmental hazard due to their large tailings volume and high metal concentrations in waters and *** assess acid mine drainage impacted systems whose environmental con... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
From deception to frankness: Benefits of ontogenetic shift in the anti-predator strategy of alder moth Acronicta alni larvae
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Current Zoology 2014年 第1期60卷 114-122页
作者: Janne K VALKONEN Ossi NOKELAINEN marianne JOKIMAKI Elviira KUUSINEN Mirva PALOrANTA Maiju PEUrA Johanna MAPPES Centre of Excellence in Biological Interactions Department of Biological and Environmental Science University of Jyv/iskyl/iFinland
Animals can avoid predation by masquerading as objects that are not food to their predators. Alder moth Acronicta alni larvae go through an impressive ontogenetic change from masquerade to highly conspicuous appearanc... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论